So I was at this NA meeting, Narcissists Anonymous, for those not familiar with the acronym.
There were eight of us there, going around the circle, standing up and giving the little spiel.
Before the lady next to me could get up, I jumped up, "Hi. My name is Jim. I am a narcissist."
"Hi Jim" One or two responded rather distractedly.
"It's been two hours since...Oh damnit..." then I sat back down.
Meanwhile, the lady next to me seemed very pissed off. She didn't even stand up, just leaned toward me, "You always do that! Just butt in when
you're not wanted."
She did have a point. I felt very self conscious about that. Secretly, I have that form of narcissism where I'm easily thrown into panic when sensing
the lack of approval. Profuse apologies then ensued from my side.
Slowly, her expression softened, "Well okay. But I get two turns now."
I was born under the sign of the daffodil. The botanists among you will know that flower by another name. Oh yes. So there isn't a whole lot I can do
about that. For every bell curve illustrating psychological normalcy, there are the outliers, the minorities, without which there would be no curve.
Normalcy would not exist.
There are no NA meetings that I am aware of, it's just a matter of what is tolerable in society, and what is not.
I've read the English translations of the ancient case studies on Echo and Narcissus. There isn't total consensus among the experts, but using my
amazing skills I have come to certain conclusions.
Echo was cursed by one goddess for assisting a god. She probably shouldn't have done what she did, but we don't know her reasons, emotional and
cultural. So we shouldn't think that we know.
Narcissus, on the other hand, was a self absorbed ass already, heart breaker and such. Yeah, there was a time when I was doing that too, leading the
ladies along with hints and sly ... Enough of that.
What happened is he led the wrong person along and then spurned (him/her, the experts aren't agreed exactly who) but someone the gods listened to. So
he was cursed by the gods.
Cursed by the gods is not good for psychological health. It's downright pathological. In the end, it worked out that Narcissus suffered his fate
alone, sparing society.
I guess it comes down that healthy self respect is a good and necessary thing. Normal is a curve, a spectrum. People can be slightly on one side or
the other without society being damaged. The people like me just have to be careful to be self conscious of our defect so as not to be so much of an
ass to piss off the wrong people.