posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 02:43 PM
As the new moderator of Collaborative Fiction
I would like to thank John Bull 1 for all his hard work on this forum, his inspiration and motivation shows in the many contributions of our very
creative members. From my very first day here I was impressed by the quality of writing that most of members possess when it comes to creating
fiction and poetry. Now that I have the priviledge of working with this forum, I would like to try to inspire and motivate you all into becoming the
best writers you could possibly be by offering frequent writing competitions in various genres to test your skills and abilities
The first contest of 2005 begins today. Entries will be accepted for this contest until Wednesday May 11th. That gives all of you, One whole entire
month to come up with something to impress us. The contest will be judged by an anonymous group of your peers consisting of both moderators and
Anyone can enter. You do not need to have Writer Status to post a story in the short stories forum.
All entries must be connected to the Ancient and Lost Civilization forum subjects on the main index page under the heading Mysterious Subjects.
All entries must be your stories. PLAGIARISM will be NOT be tolerated. You can write a new story or enter one you've already posted on the Members
Short Stories Forum. However previous winning stories are not eligible for this contest.
To designate your story as an entry prefix the story title with (ACSS) standing for Ancient Civilizations Short Story.
If you wish to enter a story you have already written and posted which fits into the subject matter, please edit the title and add (ACSS) as a prefix.
If You are unable to edit, please U2 me.
Prizes will be awarded as follows:
First Place - 5,000 points
Second Place - 3,500 points
Third Place - 1,500 points
Good Luck
[edit on 4-11-2005 by worldwatcher]