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Season 4 of Expedition Bigfoot tonight!!!!!!!

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posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: data5091
and I am counting down the minutes. I have seen a few shows about looking for Bigfoot, but this is by far, the best most science based show on the topic I have ever seen. Been waiting and waiting to find out if/when the new season started as when they left off in California last season and kept finding nests......

sneak preview of tonight's season 4 episode 1: off to Akaska:

The look of the woman in this turned me off immediately.
She looks like a Chimpanzee.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

The look of the woman in this turned me off immediately.

And only the look of a bigfoot will suffice right?

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: Saloon
a reply to: psychotrail

The look of the woman in this turned me off immediately.

And only the look of a bigfoot will suffice right?
Yeah lol I apologise but her upper lip area is very simian .
Im on the fence about Bigfoot but want to believe & this show is very scripted.
I wish the Small Town Monsters crew had a cable show .

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

On the fence is always reasonable across the board on all topics
from the paranormal catagories into philosophy and science to
politics and theology. Our world is the result of consciousness.

And consciousness seems to be governed by both the believable
and unbrlievable. The boundry between the two is blurred and is
an area that is often called the teilight zone. I've noticed it holds
reservations only the closed minded. So to say anything doesn't
exist is to be totally unconscious of the fact that you shouldn't say
anything that you can't know is the truth.

Never seen a bigfoot but I believe people are seeing them. And
I believe people of the first nations tell the truth of them. If they
say anything. To say it doesn't exist is call to many cohesive
witnesses crazy or worse liars. But to say they do exist? I can not.

Because I just don't fully know it. What I can say is I think
they do exist.

edit on 2-9-2023 by Saloon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: Saloon
a reply to: psychotrail

On the fence is always reasonable across the board on all topics
from the paranormal catagories into philosophy and science to
politics and theology. Our world is the result of consciousness.

And consciousness seems to be governed by both the believable
and unbrlievable. The boundry between the two is blurred and is
an area that is often called the teilight zone. I've noticed it holds
reservations only the closed minded. So to say anything doesn't
exist is to be totally unconscious of the fact that you shouldn't say
anything that you can't know is the truth.

Never seen a bigfoot but I believe people are seeing them. And
I believe people of the first nations tell the truth of them. If they
say anything. To say it doesn't exist is call to many cohesive
witnesses crazy or worse liars. But to say they do exist? I can not.

Because I just don't fully know it. What I can say is I think
they do exist.
Well put

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 07:01 PM
so stoked for episode 2 Wednesday night.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 05:55 AM
bump, Episode 2 tonight people!!

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 08:00 AM
Tonights episode 2:

Ronny suspects a shapeshifting monster from Alaskan lore may be responsible for the haunting howls he and Mireya heard near a remote lake; Russell chases a bipedal creature on a rampage, and Bryce analyzes potential Yeti hairs with shocking results.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 08:17 AM
I cannot wait for the next episode, got my popcorn ready, I believe it could be a shapeshifter, it is known that bigfoot also have cloaking that is way they are hard to spot and find them.

Also, mythical creatures of nature are not unheard of, especially in pristine areas in forest.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: marg6043

My hunch is that they are alluding to that killer Bigfoot from the town that everybody abandoned, Portnock, because of the sasquatch in Alaska. Will find out tonight.
edit on 06am30am5091 by data5091 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 08:08 AM
halfway into the new episode. This show is as addictive as crack I swear, and I have never done crack, lol. Loving it.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: data5091

I could not watch the episode last night but I recorded it to watch it today, it did have a nice start, can not wait to see it.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 08:45 AM
It exceeded expectations. I was so intrigued by the large upside down trees, and so many. If it was bigfoot that did this, all I can say is WHOA!!! And taking steps with Russell in the boonies, and having not one but TWO trees fall right down in front of them....I give him credit, there is no way I could do what he is doing. I love to watch him trapsing in the woods, but thats where it ends. Was also intrigued by the man who said he heard two bigfoots communicating. I didn't catch if he gave as example of what it sounded like, but yes, this just goes to show you how intelligent these creatures are........and finally the hair sample results. I fully expected the woman to say they were fox or they were bear but come to find she was not able to match them with anything living it sounds like they will attempt to study this further....I was gob smacked when Russell ran into a cave in the middle of no where! Has to have been some type of mining cave, what else could it be? So it looks like next week we get a special high tech robot to go take a peek.....I love this show!
edit on 07am30am5091 by data5091 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: data5091
Still no Bigfoot? I was wondering who they're trying to get to watch these programs. I read through this thread and now I think I understand. They're drawing people who just believe, flat out, nothing concrete necessary. I like listening to the different podcasts on the subject. Very entertaining and easy to fall asleep too. Better than ghost stories for sure. Some people are just hardwired to believe things like this, because life is hard in reality. Some people won't even go camping because of this form of entertainment, that I find sad, very sad. It's beautiful in the wilderness of the world. Can't let boogieman stories stop you, unless you're like 6.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: vance

well there was a flir image of something getting up and standing upright, and then something that went into the lake and disappeared, and the hair that they were not able to classify, but no no face to face with a bigfoot, just yet.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: vance
a reply to: data5091
Still no Bigfoot? I was wondering who they're trying to get to watch these programs. I read through this thread and now I think I understand. They're drawing people who just believe, flat out, nothing concrete necessary. I like listening to the different podcasts on the subject. Very entertaining and easy to fall asleep too. Better than ghost stories for sure. Some people are just hardwired to believe things like this, because life is hard in reality. Some people won't even go camping because of this form of entertainment, that I find sad, very sad. It's beautiful in the wilderness of the world. Can't let boogieman stories stop you, unless you're like 6.

It's easy to be a skeptic and laugh at things you have never experienced yourself.

I've known a few people the same way who went out and ended up having "face to face" encounters and live to ell about it, but the problem is the mental trauma they suffer still to this day. Fully convinced their world view was true and justified before the experience, to then have it ripped away and shoved up their back side. They never get over it.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: data5091

I see that it looked talk, standing in two legs.

Also, the upside-down trees are impressive, who would do that, the trees look old, I mean maybe hundreds of years old, it was not human habitation during that time in the area.

The trees look like a path to somewhere.

The hair sample was found no to belong to any species known to man.

This getting better and better.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 05:07 PM
Gothmog, I hope your ok out there and enjoying this as much as I am.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

I'm certainly not laughing at what a person says they saw, I simply weren't there. I am skeptical because for instance, they tell of a skunk ape here in Florida. I camp in a tent from the Okeechobee to the Ocala national forest, months at a time and I have not seen anything that would lead me to believe in this here. I have been spooked by Reese monkeys in Ocala before, but nothing man size, or better. Man it's really filling up down here with people and the infrastructure to support them in my 60 years here. With this much pressure, everything that lives here has been seen by now. That's just my opinion. I stealth camp btw in the real wilderness, not camp grounds. If I ever do run into something, I will certainly post here. I carry a 4k camera with me all the time and I follow the Lord, so I fear nothing. If he exists and I meet him, he is going to stand for a clear picture wether he wants to or not.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: data5091
I see this is there 4th season. I watched an episode, an old one. At least they're not running around hooping and hollering. Still I don't like their chances.

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