It was just me, nothing else, infinite me and infinte nothingness. I was bored because time didn't seem to exist, so I decided to do a little thought
I knew I was, but what was I?
Things were always the same I couldn't move beyond that, until at least I decided to take notes....
Little did I know, this will be the beginning of everything.
What am I?
I'm everything, and everything is in me, infinitely small compared to the infinite wastness of nothing.
I'm a point on a blank...
Upon looking at my self-portrait, I realized we now are two, and our exchange of what we are is beautifully limited.
I always only see myself from the same angle, I can never tell myself how I look from the back at the same time as he tells me.
You're a black point ... NO you're a wite point.
A back and forth until I realize I'm black and white. A connection is created, a line is drawn. But behold, that perfectly balanced line, is balancing
on a point.
A new me emerges, another point not black, not white, but both and more.
Why can he communicate faster than me?
He tells me, we're both wrong. That in fact, I am a triangle, and we'd have to set foot into the unknown.
I don't thrust him, but I want to know what I am.
The first step off that line is threatening.
Once the fear of the unknown is mastered, I search for that triangle all around my newfound center.
The revolutions start evolving the angles.
I almost got dizzy from all the perspectives, going round and round.
ultimately, I found the most effective exchange amongst all points.
And behold, there was something more, the triangle I became in perfect balance, balances on a point.
Is that point also me?
Why can he exchange information quicker than me?
He tells me about up, down and that he is just me from another dimension.
I don't belive him and seek back and forth for that dimension, but nothing to be found.
There is no known unknown left to look for,
the tensions grow until a big relieving bang creates space.
My triangle suddenly wasn't such anymore.
I knew what to do and the next stable me was a tetrahedron.
When I started to explore the possibilities of my newfound space, I came across the option to observe my changes in their ordered succession.
Moving points around other points will ultimately lead to circles and waves in one dimension and helices in another.
So I discovered another me, one that would never need a structure to exchange information, but has all the information flowing all the time.
Ultimately I needed a structure to be experienced. It was only by creating this structured equilibrium of myself, all my other forms became
One day a helix hit the center of a tetrahedron and from there on out everything was up to your imagination.
The (beginning of a new) End
edit on 28-8-2023 by Terpene because: I suck at punctuation