a reply to:
I understand your point regarding "Where has God been all this time?" and the follow-up "Why would He save us now, after all the previous times He did
not?" Those questions have caused me to reflect on occasion, with some worry initially - but I've come to the conclusion that we are currently facing
a level of pernicious evil on this world that is so coordinated, so tangible & so directed at delivering the maximum possible suffering & death to
innocent citizens who are not beligerant, who are not openly rebelling against the moral norms of society - and yet they have been made into the enemy
by these evil overlords, who want to depopulate & take over all resources for their own class.
I believe we're rapidly approaching therefore not only a 'moral evil' singularity, which is what I would infer from the above points - but we're
headed to a technological singularity also, which means that our technologies will basically run away from us, making us obsolete in many respects,
overwhelming our ability to live free & make our own life choices. Yet another reason the globalists want to eliminate as many of us as they
possibly can, and enslave the rest.
In the scripture, in the Book of Daniel, it is said that the Archangel Michael will 'rise' at a time of trouble worse than anything the world has ever
seen before, worse than anything that will occur ever again, and essentially, this situation presages the End of Days, when the Apocalypse unfolds,
when the world is addressed by God, who poses a question, essentially: "What are your dreams, your goals, your beliefs about what is right for the
world, for the interpersonal relationships between all peoples - are you anti-human/antichrist, as the globalists, or are you pro-freedom/ pro-Christ,
as the truth movement..?" I believe that these final times in which we most definitely live now, are a period of testing & refinement. Not one of us
will get out of this alive, basically. We all shall be tested, and ultimately, the world will be destroyed by fire, and we all will be translated
through the ending of time into the Last Judgment - where the results of our personal testing will be revealed. Will we prevail, and inherit the
Earth, or the Crown of Life, as is promised to believers who "overcome the world"..?
Although people say God has been absent through two world wars, etc, He actually hasn't. God has always been present, and anyone who turns to Him
with an honest, humble & trusting heart will always find that He responds to them in some noticeable manner, that He pours out His grace, with peace
that passes all understanding, radiating that peace into the troubles of our lives, ensuring we have the strength to overcome the specific challenges
that we face. During the End of Days, He will become present in a much more overt manner, manifesting Himself in the world for all to see with their
eyes. But that will come just before the destruction of all things. After that, there is a promise of a new Earth & a new Heaven, and the meek
(those who are humble, honest & trusting, who do no harm to others, who love their neighbour as themselves) will inherit the kingdoms of the Earth,
just as was promised by the Lord Himself, two thousand years ago.
There's not much hope in a world where God doesn't exist - especially not at the present time, when so much evil is being manifested simultaneously
across the face of the Earth by the globalist elitists - but if you have an understanding that God actually does exist, and that as promised in
scripture, He is "a rewarder of those who seek Him", then no matter what you face, whether the trials of normal life, the perils of warfare, even the
terrifying events of a final Apocalypse when everything is falling apart, then you will have peace in your heart, hope suffusing your spirit, and
resolute faith in your mind that ultimately, God will make all things right once more, with evildoers dealt with & ultimately destroyed, the world
made fresh & clean once again, for the first time since the dawn of Creation.
I can't force anyone to believe in God & thereby bestow all these blessings upon them - but I can give my personal assurance that these things are
true, and there have been innumerable instances in the course of my adult life, since becoming a Christian at the age of 18, in which all these gifts
& blessings, many miraculous events, prophetic dreams, divine encounters, all were made available to me & have helped me to overcome great personal
difficulties, leaving me in no doubt that God is real, and that He has our best interests at heart. He is ready & willing to hold & guide you through
the storms, through the flames & the deep water, and I assure you that if you hand over control of your life to Him in a personal way, believing in
these & all other awesome promises in scripture, then your life will turn out wonderfully in the final analysis. Jesus said: "The thief comes to kill
& steal & destroy; I have come to give you a rich & satisfying life".
Some forms of spiritual persecution can follow the act of giving one's life to God - because there is an apex predator out there who rebelled against
God & hates Mankind, and in some cases he & his legions take an unhealthy interest in screwing with you. That happened in my case, but God led me
through those difficulties, ultimately it was necessary to prepare me for a new phase of my life yet to materialise fully. In most cases, God will
shield new believers from those challenges, because He wants only good for us & won't allow the Enemy to destroy us.
Remember, the crux of this thread is that I am affirming that God has given me repeated instances in which I experienced a literal foretaste of the
joy, happiness & contentment that will result for all people who submit to God's authority in these End Times, that all the evil that has been
perpetrated, all the pain it has caused, all the trauma that has destroyed the lives of so many - all of it will be supernaturally, miraculously
healed by an act of divine grace, healed by God when the New Earth & New Heaven are instituted, at the close of the current Age.
This is a prophetic statement, a promise that He wants me to express openly, so that they know & understand that the present suffering will eventually
fade into absolute insignificance, and it will be utterly forgotten, swept aside, in the new awareness & blessing that God will bestow on all peoples
who reject the evils of this world & place their trust in Him. Even those who don't have an actual relationship with the Lord by the time this all
comes about, will be saved by grace if they have lived under the rule of their own conscience, always trying to do the best they can, even if they
fail at times, as we all do.
This is a message that people need to hear, and it comes on good authority. This is a message not from me, but from the Lord, and I have confidence
in saying that, in light of my experiences with the prophetic gifting over the course of the past twenty three years. Godpseed folks, stay strong &
trust that He will supernaturally heal the damage that the Evil One & his minions have done to all of us & to the world in general.