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Finding Happiness Even In Darkness..? Trust - Everything Will Work Out Alright In The End.

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posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:21 PM
Hi folks,

As you may know, I am one of those lucky/unlucky people who dreams vividly every single night, without fail, repeatedly through each period of sleep, often having very meaningful dreams with spiritual overtones, often experiencing powerful prophetic information flow which literally predicts the actual future, whether on my own individual scale, or even the national & international scale.

I say 'lucky/unlucky', because although it is a great privilege to receive such insights so frequently, there are times when this constant dreaming becomes overwhelming, all I need do is close my eyes & drift into a light snooze, and straight away I'm dreaming intensively. Unfortunately I am subject to nightmares on some occasions, and they can be severe, with literal severe pain experienced as demons repeatedly stab me with hunting knives, as just one example, or with boiling metal poured over my head, as another. Still, the powerful spiritual dreams are more frequent, meaning I'm blessed with what I do consider to be divine encounters with guiding spirits & ministering angels, even with the voice or presence of the Lord guiding me at times.

In this thread I don't want to bring information regarding any one specific dream which I feel is important - instead, I want to express to you that in many, many of my dreams, particularly those when I drift off into a light snooze during the day or evening, perhaps after reading or watching traumatic material regarding the terrible state of the world in these times, when my dreams would be expected to be troubled & confused because of that traumatic material before sleep - in actual fact, I find myself overwhelmed with happiness, and a very strong sense that ultimately, everything will work out okay, all those who are presently suffering will be restored & blessed so much that their former troubles will seem as nothing in comparison. This sense of restoration, fulfilment & sheer joy, comes from the prophetic knowledge/ insight which points out that God is ultimately in control, and He will ultimately right the ship, so to speak, neutralising the suffering that went before, providing joy & contentment beyond what we can imagine. Even those suffering abuse will be so blessed in the hereafter that their former terrible ordeals will fade from memory, as they enter a glorious eternity, the everlasting joy & contentment of the Heavenly realms.

This is not 'natural' happiness or joy - God will miraculously heal the mind, will & emotions of everyone who has suffered trauma at the hands of the evil bastards who rule this world at the current time. God will overwhelm all those victims with grace, mercy & divine love, filling their hearts with joy & peace, the peace that passes understanding. All the evils of this present age will miraculously be forgotten (special grace to the victims so they won't have to constantly remember their former suffering), and the perpetrators will be utterly destroyed, if they have not come to true repentance. Those who suffer in the maelstrom of chaos which affects the poor peoples of all nations, will not necessarily come to faith in Christ - but Christ has faith for them, and will rescue & heal them all the same. A person who suffers may not believe in God, but God observes that suffering & wants to correct the imbalance, the injustice, and yes, He will do so, I have absolute certainty. This world will go through severe travails in the times to come, in the near future - but once it's done with, it's a once for all time deal, and the world will never be broken like this ever again.

The perpetrators had better listen up & listen good, because they don't have that much time left to make a decision as to whether they will repent of their evil & submit to the justice of God in humility, in holy repentance. It's the only way to escape the punishment which will be otherwise entirely justified in light of their crimes against the innocent & trusting peoples of this present world. This includes all those who knowigly participated in the PLANDEMIC, who turned a blind eye or even actively spread the false narrative, pushing the 'vaccines', abusing those who wouldn't go along with their evil plans to jab everyone on the planet..

So in conclusion, don't be emotionally overwhelmed by the evils you see perpetrated at the current time. Of course we must fight against them, raise awareness & support normies to come to an understanding of the deeper truths of this world. But don't despair - I have experienced a foretaste of the joy that awaits us, when the meek inherit the Earth, and it is truly wondrous, a glorious transition out of darkness & into light eternal. Keep your chin up & fight the good fight - God is on our side, and we will win at the final curtain call.



posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:34 PM
I have zero desire to inherit the Earth.

edit on 27-8-2023 by Deplorable because: ETA S&F just the same!!

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I applaud you for your positive outlook.

Unfortunately, I’m inclined to believe it is wishful thinking.

The compounding of negative events on this planet is reaching critical mass. And it’s only going to get worse.

I’d love to believe in the Bible. That somehow God will swoop out of the sky and save us. It just doesn’t seem realistic.

Where has he/she been all this time? And why allow it in the first place? Please don’t tell me because Satan challenged him. What kind of omnipotent God would even think twice about an entity that he created - challenging him/her?

If that’s truly the case, then unfortunately, we are clearly dealing with a demigod, and not the actual creator God.
edit on 27-8-2023 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

So in conclusion, don't be emotionally overwhelmed by the evils you see perpetrated at the current time. Of course we must fight against them, raise awareness & support normies to come to an understanding of the deeper truths of this world. But don't despair - I have experienced a foretaste of the joy that awaits us, when the meek inherit the Earth, and it is truly wondrous, a glorious transition out of darkness & into light eternal. Keep your chin up & fight the good fight - God is on our side, and we will win at the final curtain call.



I get glimpses too, and I hope this transition occurs in our lifetime. I expect it to honestly. The evils of this world are like a drop of hot sauce compared to the ensuing perpetuity of consciousness with the Creator of our soul. This world is like a womb where we first go through birthing pains before being born again into the new realm of God's kingdom. I feel we are on the cusp, and our actions can make immense impact. When we give testimony of Christ we are empowered, and so are the people listening. It is ok online, but even better in person so you may experience the joy with them.

originally posted by: KKLOCO
Where has he/she been all this time? And why allow it in the first place?

A seed germinates in the darkness of the soil first before ascending into the light

I applaud you for your positive outlook.

Unfortunately, I’m inclined to believe it is wishful thinking.

The compounding of negative events on this planet is reaching critical mass. And it’s only going to get worse.

Even if the whole world is destroyed, we know this realm is only temporary, and we look forward towards the eternal that we were all invited to.
edit on 27-8-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-8-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 03:14 PM
Lets assume that there are places more evolved than humanity where you can experience higher awareness and not have to deal with people with insane ego tendencies. Where deep thinkers exist that can see what ego insanity do to others. Why would those soul devolve into humans. It is like a soul capable of being in a human level awareness choosing to experience the awareness of a rat.

The reason earth is a hellhole is that souls who can create a divine plane (oneness plane) do not deserve to have to deal with the souls who # everything up. And caring for humans more that their potential is like a human caring about how ants behave towards each other.

If the chosen cared they would have shifted who was allowed to reincarnate here. The testing of souls would have stopped then since with increased awareness, the capability of being predatory gets destroyed. When you feel your body being bitten into when you bite into another person you will stop biting. Ursury would have ended. Power pyramids would have been dismantled because nobody would have been so insane to want to be in a power pyramid if they get direct feedback.
edit on 27-8-2023 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 04:52 PM

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content

Philippians 4:11

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 06:00 PM
I too have dreams nightly. Some good, some bad, some scare the hell out of me and I wake up swinging and shouting! After some dreams I have a new or better sense of how to go forward or deal with things in my life. I have to think some supreme being, force, karma, or what ever is trying to reach me and possibly guide. Cool post! reply to: FlyInTheOintment

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

I understand your point regarding "Where has God been all this time?" and the follow-up "Why would He save us now, after all the previous times He did not?" Those questions have caused me to reflect on occasion, with some worry initially - but I've come to the conclusion that we are currently facing a level of pernicious evil on this world that is so coordinated, so tangible & so directed at delivering the maximum possible suffering & death to innocent citizens who are not beligerant, who are not openly rebelling against the moral norms of society - and yet they have been made into the enemy by these evil overlords, who want to depopulate & take over all resources for their own class.

I believe we're rapidly approaching therefore not only a 'moral evil' singularity, which is what I would infer from the above points - but we're headed to a technological singularity also, which means that our technologies will basically run away from us, making us obsolete in many respects, overwhelming our ability to live free & make our own life choices. Yet another reason the globalists want to eliminate as many of us as they possibly can, and enslave the rest.

In the scripture, in the Book of Daniel, it is said that the Archangel Michael will 'rise' at a time of trouble worse than anything the world has ever seen before, worse than anything that will occur ever again, and essentially, this situation presages the End of Days, when the Apocalypse unfolds, when the world is addressed by God, who poses a question, essentially: "What are your dreams, your goals, your beliefs about what is right for the world, for the interpersonal relationships between all peoples - are you anti-human/antichrist, as the globalists, or are you pro-freedom/ pro-Christ, as the truth movement..?" I believe that these final times in which we most definitely live now, are a period of testing & refinement. Not one of us will get out of this alive, basically. We all shall be tested, and ultimately, the world will be destroyed by fire, and we all will be translated through the ending of time into the Last Judgment - where the results of our personal testing will be revealed. Will we prevail, and inherit the Earth, or the Crown of Life, as is promised to believers who "overcome the world"..?

Although people say God has been absent through two world wars, etc, He actually hasn't. God has always been present, and anyone who turns to Him with an honest, humble & trusting heart will always find that He responds to them in some noticeable manner, that He pours out His grace, with peace that passes all understanding, radiating that peace into the troubles of our lives, ensuring we have the strength to overcome the specific challenges that we face. During the End of Days, He will become present in a much more overt manner, manifesting Himself in the world for all to see with their eyes. But that will come just before the destruction of all things. After that, there is a promise of a new Earth & a new Heaven, and the meek (those who are humble, honest & trusting, who do no harm to others, who love their neighbour as themselves) will inherit the kingdoms of the Earth, just as was promised by the Lord Himself, two thousand years ago.

There's not much hope in a world where God doesn't exist - especially not at the present time, when so much evil is being manifested simultaneously across the face of the Earth by the globalist elitists - but if you have an understanding that God actually does exist, and that as promised in scripture, He is "a rewarder of those who seek Him", then no matter what you face, whether the trials of normal life, the perils of warfare, even the terrifying events of a final Apocalypse when everything is falling apart, then you will have peace in your heart, hope suffusing your spirit, and resolute faith in your mind that ultimately, God will make all things right once more, with evildoers dealt with & ultimately destroyed, the world made fresh & clean once again, for the first time since the dawn of Creation.

I can't force anyone to believe in God & thereby bestow all these blessings upon them - but I can give my personal assurance that these things are true, and there have been innumerable instances in the course of my adult life, since becoming a Christian at the age of 18, in which all these gifts & blessings, many miraculous events, prophetic dreams, divine encounters, all were made available to me & have helped me to overcome great personal difficulties, leaving me in no doubt that God is real, and that He has our best interests at heart. He is ready & willing to hold & guide you through the storms, through the flames & the deep water, and I assure you that if you hand over control of your life to Him in a personal way, believing in these & all other awesome promises in scripture, then your life will turn out wonderfully in the final analysis. Jesus said: "The thief comes to kill & steal & destroy; I have come to give you a rich & satisfying life".

Some forms of spiritual persecution can follow the act of giving one's life to God - because there is an apex predator out there who rebelled against God & hates Mankind, and in some cases he & his legions take an unhealthy interest in screwing with you. That happened in my case, but God led me through those difficulties, ultimately it was necessary to prepare me for a new phase of my life yet to materialise fully. In most cases, God will shield new believers from those challenges, because He wants only good for us & won't allow the Enemy to destroy us.

Remember, the crux of this thread is that I am affirming that God has given me repeated instances in which I experienced a literal foretaste of the joy, happiness & contentment that will result for all people who submit to God's authority in these End Times, that all the evil that has been perpetrated, all the pain it has caused, all the trauma that has destroyed the lives of so many - all of it will be supernaturally, miraculously healed by an act of divine grace, healed by God when the New Earth & New Heaven are instituted, at the close of the current Age.

This is a prophetic statement, a promise that He wants me to express openly, so that they know & understand that the present suffering will eventually fade into absolute insignificance, and it will be utterly forgotten, swept aside, in the new awareness & blessing that God will bestow on all peoples who reject the evils of this world & place their trust in Him. Even those who don't have an actual relationship with the Lord by the time this all comes about, will be saved by grace if they have lived under the rule of their own conscience, always trying to do the best they can, even if they fail at times, as we all do.

This is a message that people need to hear, and it comes on good authority. This is a message not from me, but from the Lord, and I have confidence in saying that, in light of my experiences with the prophetic gifting over the course of the past twenty three years. Godpseed folks, stay strong & trust that He will supernaturally heal the damage that the Evil One & his minions have done to all of us & to the world in general.


posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Or maybe the suffering is how we grow as individuals, and collectively.

If you introduce the idea of reincarnation, then this reality is merely a VR game. With no serious consequence to our eternal souls. With the intent on transformation, at your own personal speed. Some move faster than others. What else would you do with eternity? Moreover, how do you learn without adversity?

I know it’s a VERY HARD pill to swallow but — maybe Earth was designed to be a fu##ed reality, so that we can grow.

Wisdom comes from experience.
edit on 27-8-2023 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 10:40 PM
we are products of our environment internal/external which is manipulated to control/direct/enslave us while keeping our illusion of "free will", lol pity instead of hate people no matter what they do because they are mislead, always keep a hand out.

Use everything to empower and bless yourself and never let your guard down, cut, break and expose, do not be disarmed spiritually.

Every time I hear someone talk about earth being a test and the bad stuff that happens is good blah blah next dimension ascension, learning, we have all heard it, it makes me laugh or eye roll concerned, usually they are very comfortable with no fire inside, the sword is not sharp or the eyes are closed, self restrained, prisoner of the mind, ignorance is only bliss, you should not be comfortable or seeking it.

You have free will and permission to walk on snakes or whatever? why take # for granted and accept deception?

shoutout to the beings controlling and playing with our reality.

posted on Aug, 28 2023 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I have been trying for years to have abstraction help my mind. Psychodrama routinely fails.

I love the concept. I love that people are able to take their darkness and feel better with the idea of light. Feel protected and secure by the magic or power of ______.

For me though, it's not enough. Not even a taste of what is needed to satiate my discomfort in dark times.

The solution and peace comes through the visceral. Everything directly experienced by the senses. Total Anatta. No permenant unchanging essence in my phoneomenon.

I can't wish and then hope options collapse in a favorable way. It demands real actions, events, and real effects. Even if my initial stupid actions put me in that position. I can't trust it will work out in the end until I see it work out. Until then it's just a waveform of probability requiring real-time input to direct toward a desired outcome.

I will admit I am envious in others ability to synthesize peace of mind through belief alone. It's a competitive advantage to have that faith predisposition.

So here's to those unlike myself, may their path through life be less Lynchian than mine.

edit on 28-8-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 01:37 AM

edit on 6/1/2024 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

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