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Absolute "Must Watch" - China's New Silk Road

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posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 11:49 AM
Hardly a day goes by when we don't hear something about China's designs of World domination. Often these claims are met with rolling eyes and pointing to people's sheltered environs citing no Chinese influence. How many times do we hear..."Yeah, yeah,'ll never happen!! response?

Well, in case you never heard of it, there was a documentary produced in 2019 by a team of French journalists who did a deep dive on how it all works. And, it is probably one of the most fantastic, and chilling, and shocking, and unbelieveable, and riveting, (and about 40 other things) documentaries I have ever seen! Why? Because it doesn't waste your time with a bunch of theory about what 'will' happen, it shows you in full HD what IS happening...and it does it with an insider's look like never before! ...all in REAL-TIME!

The documentary is entitled - "China's New Silk Road". It is available on Amazon (for free if you're a Prime member) and numerous other outlets for rental for a couple bucks. This video is an absolute "MUST WATCH". I don't often promote stuff like this, but I about fell off my chair with this one! Holy COW!

My wife asked what I was watching because I kept uttering things like..."This is f'ing un-believe-able!! Just UNREAL!! I can't even believe what I'm watching!".

Everyone needs to see this video...every single person on planet Earth needs to see this! It is the best 53 minutes you will ever spend on a video.

I am just shocked almost beyond words.

edit on 8/27/2023 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 11:52 AM
The documentary starts with a simple single electric car, and goes on to get bigger, and bigger, and bigger, to the point of just mind-blowing proportions!

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Will check this out. Thanks.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 12:19 PM
Where they talk about labor costs in China being too high is just a...jaw-dropper! They talk about and quantify differential labor rates by comparing number of workers in Ethiopia vs Chinese doing the same task. They have taken labor down from a ratio of 4:2 to 3:2, BUT at the same time, the cost of this labor is 1/10th of that in China...(and 1/1000th that in the West)!!!

And it just keeps going, and going...and going like that!

And, if Djibouti wasn't shocking enough, by the time they work their way around to Gwadar, Pakistan I was just sitting there aghast at the reality of it all. This isn't something which is going to happen in some distant's happening right in front of us, and right NOW!

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 12:30 PM
Some reference and background on "China's Belt and Road Initiative" (yes, it is a Wikipedia link, but a relatively unbiased one (somewhat surprisingly)).

And some more background on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

Wikipedia's numbers are low on that last link; the Chinese investment now stands at close to $70 BILLION! (yep...BILLION).

This is REAL, folks! And it's terrifying!
edit on 8/27/2023 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 12:43 PM
China is also running out of the labor force too that's one of the biggest problems that is faced in China and the fact of it is if there's no purchasing power in China are reduced purchasing power in China then China can and probably most likely will collapse like all empires.
It is true China is on the move both military and economically.
I don't think or at least I don't feel China has the ambition to be a world dominant player, but what people may not understand is that the Chinese government is trying and doing its best to influence all government agencies around the world with their belief of total control over its people and this is what is shocking that I read here on ATS about the influence of Chinese making enrolled in the American government system and also the school system and society in general and people are just oh well so what.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

'Running out of labor force'...because their standard of living is improving exponentially. The people are no longer starving and willing to do anything to eat. So indeed, you are correct, but not because their population is declining (quite the opposite), but rather because their population is becoming more wealthy. Equally, I suspect the Chinese people's purchasing power is indeed decreasing, as you suggest, just look at the prices of real estate all across China; it's skyrocketing.

You make an interesting point, and a very ironic one...China is steadily pricing themselves out of the one resource they had an abundance of...the Chinese!

ETA - I'm not so sure I'd go as far as saying China will collapse economically. If the documentary in the OP is any indicator of the future (which I think it very much is), then I'd say we can expect to see a pretty significant shift in the balance of power and the structure of governments towards a more Chinese style rule as the balance of wealth continues to flood into Asia and China in particular. They may not live in China anymore, but the Chinese will be running the show from wherever they live. Remember, the Chinese have completely exploited mainland China of every possible resource except people. They will just cast mainland China aside like refuse along the road and move to other more desirable locations (displacing those who are indigenous to the region).

edit on 8/27/2023 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I totally agree with you with everything you said.
You see here in Japan and Okinawa we see now that the Chinese are actually really traveling out of the country to see other places around the world which is good because it education that there are different societies and different ways of thinking and they bring those thinking habits back to their home country and this is what is confusing the Chinese government or the people that control the people in China and it's a very dangerous sign actually I feel it is so one of my best friends she's Chinese and she tells me money is everything that's right and family too but money is is the working force of the Chinese society and they work and they work and they work for money but the problem is once they have the wealth they spend it foolishly I see it I really see it because my Chinese friends they spend it like it's water like drinking water here in Japan it's really funny too.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk
I was keen to watch this, but you have to rent it in UK even if you are a prime member. However, I did find 3 on Youtube.
Does it start with a white car and the commentator says "The Chinese dream of selling this car to the Western World"
Thank you

PS Ooops! just seen you comment confirming it's the white car.

edit on pm81America/ChicagoSunday2023-08-27T13:55:29-05:0001America/Chicago08000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

I think you've hit on an important point, and tying this point into your previous reply about China collapsing in the future; mainland China may collapse, but the Chinese philosophy won't collapse. It will just move. Mainland China's natural resources are exploited (used up); they have nothing left. Therefore, the Chinese people have no real use for mainland China other than it being their ancestral homeland. Sure, today it is an exploding economic and production machine, but this won't last forever. Not in mainland China anyway. Eventually, the cost to do business in China will become too great.

The one thing which gives China the economic advantage it has is cheap labor. But, as noted earlier, as the standard of living rises in China so too does the cost of labor there. China already pays a premium to import all the raw materials for what they produce, but they offset these costs with their reduced labor costs. Now, those reduced labor costs are increasing and China is expanding (out of China) into new international markets to reduce this labor cost.

We should view China as an ideology, not as a geographical location. What we now seeing happen is China spreading their ideology outside the borders of mainland China, but not for the benefit of the World at large, rather to the benefit of only the Chinese ideology and those in power. What this does is 'dilutes' the ideology of the cultures they encroach upon. This amounts to effectively a 'peaceful invasion'...and this fits perfectly squarely with the Chinese expansionist philosophy which has been going on for thousands of years.

For the past 80-90 years China has been relatively static in terms of their world dominance and influence. What we are seeing now is a dramatic shift away from this stasis toward aggressive expansion.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Watching now. Just had to take the time to tell you that it reminds me of the Ron Paul campaign video eleven years ago.

Maybe Ron Paul was right.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

There’s a good multi part documentary on YouTube for free about the same topic if someone doesn’t have Amazon.

It’s a good watch.

These documentaries were from precovid though. So it doesn’t take into account countries weening off of Chinese reliance, the Russia Ukrainian war faltering trade relations, Chinas looming real estate collapse, or their population crisis.

I was far more worried about them creating many choke points, but they are now having to put attention on a lot more than just their trade ambitions.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Yes, that is the video! Unfortunately, that version looks to have some commercials/ads, but it is the video.

Highly recommend watching!

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Are we any different?

It it so easy to see how the people in those 3rd world countries are selling their souls for hollow promises and a pittance.

Regardless of the amount, a sold soul, leaves an empty vessel, with little future, and a legacy of eternal servitude.

China is just providing a new form of colonialism. They have a lot of masters of the games to learn from. And this not their first rodeo.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

No doubt covid and Ukraine have impacted some of these dynamics, but just the very existence of the Chongqing–Xinjiang–Europe railway which is pumping goods out of China, into Europe, like a giant pulsating aorta is disturbing enough. Shipments may have slowed slightly during covid, have not only bounced back since 2021 but have increased more than tenfold since the railway opening in 2012. The war in Ukraine has had little to no effect on shipments.

More than just the simple notion of alternate export corridors, it's the routes of these corridors which should be of concern. More specifically, where these routes "don't" go, should be the concern. It is quite obvious that, while there would be easier geographic paths to take, those routes would be far riskier politically. So, there is a very strategic design behind them, and this design is aimed specifically to counter western interference and thereby optimize both Chinese control and profits.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Are we any different?

Well, that's a fair enough question, and I think there are multiple ways to answer it. In a word, "No", not really, but I think we also have to take into consideration the level of development in the world as a whole today vs. when those colonial pursuits were undertaken nearly two centuries ago. The World is a different place now. So, on the one hand, ignoring all else, no the Chinese are just doing the same thing (so 'yay for them'), but on the other hand, the Chinese just like the West had the same opportunities to for expansionism back in the 1600's, 1700's and 1800's just like the rest of the World did. That they didn't seize upon those opportunities isn't an excuse for them to take over the World now. Convenient argument, I know.

I choose to look at it a little differently though, having some fairly extensive work experience abroad in China myself. You have to look at the Chinese people on two levels, and there's a border zone between these two levels where the boundaries overlap. The first level is the Chinese people; the Chinese people are just looking to make a life for their future generations, in essence to 'put food on the table' (and more if they can). The second group is those in power; they have a different motivation. Xi Jinping and those around him want those economic successes to translate into an expansion of their power and influence. The Chinese people care little about this personally, but where the two boundaries overlap is in the area of ideology. While capitalism is new to the Chinese people, the notion of being subservient to a larger power structure is not (new). So, they will naturally fall in line with the ideological ambitions of their leadership. What this translates into is what we see going on right now...massive and rapid Chinese expansionism (outside the borders of mainland China), with the power structure of China underwriting the debt it takes to do it.

Therein lies the big differences between what might be characterized as 'colonialism' today vs 200 years ago.

edit on 8/27/2023 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I've been aware of this since China began their march across the globe; that's probably why I'm convinced the US is one day soon no longer going to be 'top dog' or even a super power.

Obama was hell bent on destroying American sovereignty, and he's still doing it via Biden. The Bush family, too-preceding the Obama days.

In the end, I think it will come down to Russia v China.....unless China would prefer Iran be the on top.

It just seems there's been an undercurrent for well over a decade to slowly change the guards and bring in a One World all controlling government. They've been saying it with occasional words, but even more-so with the policies they've been rolling out through the years.

Covid shows be just how far along the plan has come, and while I don't think it's as fully developed as TPTB hope for, they could enact it in the very near future if need be.

We have been living under the illusion of 'freedom' ever since the Patriot Act. No amount of resistance will be able to turn back the hands of time now.....and that's not pessimism; that's the reality worlds' future.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: nugget1

So, a couple of comments to your statements...

Biden, Obama, and to a lesser extent the Bush(es)(the Bushes motivations were different), I agree.

Russia vs. China - You're correct, but maybe not for the reasons you think. People talk about war with China, but they'd be surprised to learn Russia and China have more nukes pointed at each other than any other "enemy" on Earth. It's true.

Iran - will never be a player, nor will any Islamic power; it's just not in their cultural make up. Islam doesn't spread through power, it spreads through hardship, poverty and starvation. If you want an example of what an Islamic world would look like, look not at Iran, but rather Indonesia. Indonesia dwarf's Iran in terms of its Islamic population, but militarily and from an expansionist perspective, Indonesia is inert. They just have a whole great big gob of people, but that's it. Iran may incinerate part of Europe or the Middle East, but they'll never rule the World (and Iran will be reduced to the Stone Age, flattened, the second after their first nuke detonates, make no mistake about that!)

China, on the other hand, sees vast resources to their north (in Russia), and Putin knows this full well. Eastern Russia is the motherlode for China, but Putin isn't going to let them in. Putin also knows how China works, but unlike the West, Putin also knows how to apply that same unrelenting pressure right back on the Chinese, the same strategy the Chinese use. So, you're right about China and Russia.

Regarding covid; covid was a test, a test on a global scale. I would say it was largely successful, but in so doing it was also a colossal blunder. The globalists tipped their hand too soon; it won't happen again. Next time they'll have to wipe out half the planet to get any traction with a stunt like that, and the globalists won't do that. Why? because they'd wipe out the one thing they need the most...worker bees.

It's hard for me to gauge the impact of the Patriot act sometimes. I'm not convinced it has had as much impact as people think it has. Don't get me wrong; I think it absolutely "could" have devastating impact, but I'm not so sure it actually has...yet. I think the media has had more impact than the Patriot act has; that, and social media. The source of evil is still the same, the federal government structure, but the mechanism is different.

ETA - Regarding Iran, I wouldn't be surprised to see Russia, China, Europe AND the US ALL nuke Iran into oblivion if they ever make the fatal mistake of making a suicidal move with a nuke. It's be a badge of honor and a foot race to see who could flatten them first!
edit on 8/27/2023 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 03:31 PM
Im crying over here.

I saw 3.5 stars, but I figured I would give it a watch anyway. 20 minutes into it and I am bored to tears. You seem excited about the video. Does it improve as it goes?
edit on 27-8-2023 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Tell you what...go read the negative, one star, comments and then get back to me, okay?

That will demonstrate to you in short order why it's not 5 stars. (i.e. paid agent provocateurs)

Answer: Yeah, I think it gets better the entire 53 minutes, but you do you.

edit on 8/27/2023 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

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