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Some Questions for the Experts

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posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 12:12 PM
Hi there,

I have been surfing around this website for awhile now and I notice that there are lots of scary threads about "the end of the world", "aliens invading", etc, etc. A lot of the stuff sounds plausible, very plausible and very easy to beleive with the evidence that is given. It is quote confusing for me as there are so many different theories and such and I would like some expert opinions as to what might be worth researching / following.

Now what's the reason for this post you might be wondering? Well during my time here I have found that the MODERATORS on this site seem to be a very wise and skeptical (in a good way) bunch of folks and I believe that what they believe in may well be worth myself believing in so I ask these questions of the MODERATORS:

1. Do you believe that the world will end shortly. If yes please give your theory as to why (by shortly I mean withing the next 100 years or so).

2. Do you believe in aliens? If so what kind (eg grey, reptillians, etc) and what agenda do you feel they have for earth and humankind.

3. Do you believe that the 9/11 destruction of the world trade center was orchestrated by the US Government? Just a simple yes / no will suffice (give reasoning if you wish).

Please only answer the questions if you are a moderator (I can't stop you if you aren't a moderator, but I would ask that you respect my wishes).

Anyone may ask the moderators questons about their answers.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my questions.

- KiwiDave

[edit on 11-4-2005 by KiwiDave]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 07:22 PM
1. No. End of the world is not soon. This type of paranoia has been around for centuries, doom mongers have said how we are going to overpopulate the earth, run out of food, polute ourselves to death, etc, etc, hans't happened, and when the crunch comes humanity jumps the gap to carry on.

From the religious angle the end of the world is no where soon eaither. The events that have to happen in the bible speak of a society that is signifigently different from our present one.

2. Not really, I have run the gamut from belief to totally against, I am now on the against viewpoint. There are two many inconsistancies, too many impossabiities to believe in Aliens. They are the creations of a society, just like medieval man believed in witches, monsters, and werewolves. They are our cultural myths. Its no suprising that they seem to be so like ourselves in technology etc, they are our mythical reflections.

However I do wonder if there may be a relationship between the mythical beings of the middle ages, of ancient greece, etc and the mythical beings of today. Are the beings back then the same beings now, but in adifferent guise? do they have an objective reality that takes on the cultural guise for each time?

3. No that's just bull#. - a society that could kill its own people like that does not deserve to continue, that is why I cannot believe America has become so debased.


Don't forget that we have a large group of excitable teenagers on ATS to whom TV is just as real as the outside world. don't judge their posts as an indication of the people who run the place.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 08:58 PM
1. Do you believe that the world will end shortly. If yes please give your theory as to why (by shortly I mean withing the next 100 years or so).

No. The world will not blow up. Humanity will not go extinct. As far as Nuclear War, which could, say, reduce the west into a collection of third world countries, who knows what will happen over the course of a hundred years. But for the foreseable future, no. And for the foreseable future, the US will not become 'less dominant', I beleive.

2. Do you believe in aliens? If so what kind (eg grey, reptillians, etc) and what agenda do you feel they have for earth and humankind.

I'm certain that there is life, of some sort, on planets besides earth. As for ufos and what not...insufficient data does not compute.

3. Do you believe that the 9/11 destruction of the world trade center was orchestrated by the US Government?

Absolutely not.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my questions.

Your welcome.

Please only answer the questions if you are a moderator

My opinions are meaningless, or at least they are my own. My having been tapped for modship is irrelevant. I can understand being curious about what mods think. However, with the amount of participation on this board, I suspect that one can get most of these answers without even asking. But I don't think you are going to even get an 'idea of what the board officially thinks', because there is no, as far as I know, official policy about anything like that. I am sure that most moderators and administrators disagree with my answers. They did before modship, they'll continue to do so long afterwards.

As far as experts, some of us mods have no clue about the subject matter of our forums. We're just there to make sure glitches are noted, and that a happy posting atmosphere is maintained. The FSME's are the subject matter experts.

But thanks for taking an interest!

[edit on 12-4-2005 by Nygdan]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 09:08 PM
1. The world has to end some day, and eventually if we make enough predictions, one of them is bound to come true. But seriously there are some recent events that are a bit troubling. Let's just focus on one minor problem. Oil. Even if production stays the same, the demand for this finite natural resource is increasing more and more. It's only a matter of about 10 years at the most before serious war breaks out over this. Ask yourself if the US would have invaded Iraq if the whole region wasn't packed with oil.

People used to fight for natural resources with sticks, spears, even guns. Now we have the capability to truly wipe ourselves out when we fight. The clock is ticking, and 100 years is a long time in this century.

Let's no even get into natural disasters that we can't predict or change even if we knew about them.

2. I don't believe that there are aliens in spaceships watching the world. Most of this nonsense is probably government propaganda to scare other countries into thinking that we have some super intelligent technology from downed spaceships. There are some things that we can't explain, but we haven't seen enough evidence to make the claim that these beings exist.

3. No. But the government figured out how to use it to their advantage as quickly as possible.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 10:13 PM
sorry to upset you as im not a moderator

but my question is

why are moderators "experts"
and any opinion i may have is "not acceptable for this thread"

plus you said "2. Do you believe in aliens? If so what kind (eg grey, reptillians, etc) and what agenda do you feel they have for earth and humankind"

ok i realize the reality of aliens but
I have no clue to what race they are(never saw one in person)
i have no clue to what agenda they have for earth (as no other human has any clue obviously; and if they did have a clue they arent talking)

so basically anyone who says "its lizard aliens and they want to eat humans" or "its grey aliens and they are friendly"
is just speculating
no one really knows; its all a mystery right now
anyone who does know; as ive said; isnt talking

sorry to jump into a thread im not allowed in,
but i had to point out that just because some realize the reality of aliens; it doesnt mean that they know Anything about them...

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 10:25 PM
Hey there.

Originally posted by KiwiDave
1. Do you believe that the world will end shortly. If yes please give your theory as to why (by shortly I mean withing the next 100 years or so).

Nope. Nor are we going to spontaneously implode and go back to the Stone Age. I don't believe in WWIII, either (though I grant that there is a small but real chance that this will happen.)

2. Do you believe in aliens? If so what kind (eg grey, reptillians, etc) and what agenda do you feel they have for earth and humankind.


No, I don't believe in the ones that all the UFOlogists and other alien buffs claim are real. Frankly, there's not much reason for them to come visit here -- there's no elements in our solar system that a spacefaring race couldn't either manufacture or find elsewhere in the galaxy, and with all the other possible galactic civilizations around, I doubt we'd be of much interest to anyone other than, say, their anthropologist-equivalents.

No agenda. They don't give a hoot. They're dealing with more important matters such as their own colonies, their neighbors, and any enemies they might have.

3. Do you believe that the 9/11 destruction of the world trade center was orchestrated by the US Government? Just a simple yes / no will suffice (give reasoning if you wish).

No. It accomplished nothing. Other government plots/coups run against other countries always result in something concrete (leader overthrown, weaponry targets destroyed, land claimed.)

It's completely consistant with Osama bin Ladin, though.

[edit on 12-4-2005 by Byrd]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 11:44 PM

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 08:33 AM

1. Do you believe that the world will end shortly. If yes please give your theory as to why (by shortly I mean withing the next 100 years or so).


2. Do you believe in aliens? If so what kind (eg grey, reptillians, etc) and what agenda do you feel they have for earth and humankind.

Yes. The "Grays" have the most supporting evidence. Others may exist, such as the Nordics, etc., but there is a mountain of evidence for the Grays. They don't seem to want to invade, or they could have done so ages ago with little resistance. Yet they want to remain secretive (obviously), so they don't seem too friendly. They invade our airspace, monitor our defenses, and abduct our citizens. So far, the evidence seems to be more for scientific interest than conquest or friends.

3. Do you believe that the 9/11 destruction of the world trade center was orchestrated by the US Government? Just a simple yes / no will suffice (give reasoning if you wish).

No. For the simple reason that such an objective could have easily been accomplished with another target of symbolism without the disastrous side effect to the airline industry and the US economy. A terrorist blowing up the Washington monument for example, or the Statue of Liberty, with a ground bomb, would have had the same galvanizing effect to institute the War on Terror without crippling the airlines (one of the backbones of our economy), and triggering virtual economic recession.

EDIT: By the way, just because we are mods, does not make us experts. We were chosen to be mods because of constantly showing the temperament to be calm and fair. It's a coincidence that some mods happen to be experts in certain fields...but there are plenty of members who are far more qualified in some of these questions than I for example.

[edit on 13-4-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by KiwiDave
1. Do you believe that the world will end shortly. If yes please give your theory as to why (by shortly I mean withing the next 100 years or so).

Yes. But by "shortly" I mean in the next 4.5 to 10 billion years. Relatively speaking, that's nothing.

Here's how.

Originally posted by KiwiDave
2. Do you believe in aliens? If so what kind (eg grey, reptillians, etc) and what agenda do you feel they have for earth and humankind.


Here's why.

What kind? Agenda? Does not compute.

Originally posted by KiwiDave
3. Do you believe that the 9/11 destruction of the world trade center was orchestrated by the US Government? Just a simple yes / no will suffice (give reasoning if you wish).

There's no simple "yes" or "no" that suffices that question.

Did the US Government fly planes into the WTC? No.

Did they train the madman who trained the madmen who did? Yes.

So is the US Government "responsible" for 9/11?


Here's how:

America's fate as a terror target was as good as sealed by Reagan/Bush 41 when the official response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was to promote a terrorist jihad among Afghanis into a global war waged by all of Islam (theoretically against the Soviet Union).
But between the CIA's steady flow of drugs for funds through the Crescent Circle, the sheer tonage of weaponry sent to radical Islamic jihadists, and the stream of CIA specialists sent to recruit and train men like Osama Bin Laden on the finer points of terrorizing super powers, Ronald Reagan might as well have blown up the WTC towers himself.

And by 1985 when he signed National Security Directive 166 which authorized stepped-up covert military aid to the Mujahideen he effectively did, ultimately sending two airliners into the WTC, another into the Pentagon and one into the fields of Pennsylvania along with 3,000 innocent Americans to their graves some 16 years later.

And the US Government's favorite son's track record really hasn't improved since, with the additional unneccessary deaths of over 1,500 US Soldiers, 100,000 Iraqi civilians and ZERO weapons of mass destruction to counter the one the father of the current President helped release on the world 20 years ago.

That weapon of mass destruction? Osama Bin Laden. Our responsibility. Still at large.

Note: RANT doesn't deal well with yes/no questions.

[edit on 13-4-2005 by RANT]

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 10:14 AM

1. Do you believe that the world will end shortly. If yes please give your theory as to why (by shortly I mean withing the next 100 years or so).

No, not if your referencing prophecy.

2. Do you believe in aliens? If so what kind (eg grey, reptillians, etc) and what agenda do you feel they have for earth and humankind.

I believe that there are multiple of life forms. Agenda? I'm not seeing one.

3. Do you believe that the 9/11 destruction of the world trade center was orchestrated by the US Government? Just a simple yes / no will suffice (give reasoning if you wish).


Could it have been thwarted or prevented by the government? No.

Was this a grand scheme of Israel and Mossad? No.

Did the US government have knowledge and warning that something of this magnitude would or could happen? You bet. Talk to Clinton. CIA/FBI warned of this. I mean gee, the US knew that Pearl Harbor would or could be hit by the Japanese, the exact time was the unknown. The US and Britain warned Stalin that Hitler would or could invade Russia via Operation Barbarossa, the exact time was unknown. Other examples can be given.
Many can be blamed for what happened on September 11, 2001, but the government was not involved or did the act.


posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 10:27 AM
1. Do you believe that the world will end shortly. If yes please give your theory as to why (by shortly I mean withing the next 100 years or so).

The world will never end. Humanity on the other hand might come to it's end or at least significantly change as to the percentage of people on the planet within the latter part of the next 100 years.

2. Do you believe in aliens? If so what kind (eg grey, reptillians, etc) and what agenda do you feel they have for earth and humankind.

Yes I believe in the possibility of extra terrestial life, I don't know have clue as to what type, not sure of the existence grey, reptillian type aliens. As for alien agenda, I guess it depends on which kind of alien visits us?

3. Do you believe that the 9/11 destruction of the world trade center was orchestrated by the US Government? Just a simple yes / no will suffice (give reasoning if you wish).

Well yes, but only partially.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 05:38 PM
We are in no way experts about anything except maybe the Terms & Conditions.

1. Do you believe that the world will end shortly. If yes please give your theory as to why (by shortly I mean withing the next 100 years or so).

Rant answered it brilliantly
. So, given your numbers, no. My reason why is due to Astrophysics.

2. Do you believe in aliens? If so what kind (eg grey, reptillians, etc) and what agenda do you feel they have for earth and humankind.

Yes, without a doubt. What kind? Damned if I know, any kind. I don't think they've visited us, but again, as Rant said (Oh he's good) there HAS to be other life. There's no reason to assume anything about them except that they'll have been alive at one point. You can guess some things (humanoid, sexual reproduction, etc.) if you want to, but you're just guessing. As for an agenda, I see no reason to think they'd be any different than mankind in that their agenda is a little bit of both.

3. Do you believe that the 9/11 destruction of the world trade center was orchestrated by the US Government? Just a simple yes / no will suffice (give reasoning if you wish).

Mainly because it wasn't, although I like Rant's response again (Marry me? :lol
I've got three main reasons.

1. They wouldn't do it that way. It was a completely unconventional act of terrorism, and while apparently a good one, it's not something the US government would do. They'd prefer a 'simple' bomb or 40, and would have left less losse links lying (l)around.

2. I read the 9/11 Comission Report, all of it. When you read that thing, especially the first and last sections, it is absurd how many times Clinton and Bush were bluntly told to do something, both vocally and with a very solid paper trail. There are so many details in there that would totally invalidate any theory of this nature.

3. September 11th was my fourth day at Stuyvesant High School, two blocks away from the WTC. I'm not one for feelings, usually, but when we saw those planes fly into the buildings, the people, the smoke, everything, there was simply no doubt whatsoever that it was something so completey hateful and not of this world. I know that doesn't mean much, it sounds nuts to me, but I guess you had to be there.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 11:10 AM
"End"? No. Not until after the 1,000 year reign of Christ and the final blow to Satan and his followers afterward.


I'm sorry, the government failed to send me that particular memo, incompetent boobs that they are. I do suspect several things, though.

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by KiwiDave
Hi there,

I have been surfing around this website for awhile now and I notice that there are lots of scary threads about "the end of the world", "aliens invading", etc, etc. A lot of the stuff sounds plausible, very plausible and very easy to beleive with the evidence that is given. It is quote confusing for me as there are so many different theories and such and I would like some expert opinions as to what might be worth researching / following.

Now what's the reason for this post you might be wondering? Well during my time here I have found that the MODERATORS on this site seem to be a very wise and skeptical (in a good way) bunch of folks and I believe that what they believe in may well be worth myself believing in so I ask these questions of the MODERATORS:

1. Do you believe that the world will end shortly. If yes please give your theory as to why (by shortly I mean withing the next 100 years or so).

2. Do you believe in aliens? If so what kind (eg grey, reptillians, etc) and what agenda do you feel they have for earth and humankind.

3. Do you believe that the 9/11 destruction of the world trade center was orchestrated by the US Government? Just a simple yes / no will suffice (give reasoning if you wish).

Please only answer the questions if you are a moderator (I can't stop you if you aren't a moderator, but I would ask that you respect my wishes).

Anyone may ask the moderators questons about their answers.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my questions.

- KiwiDave

I would hardly qualify as an expert on this forum but I'll tell you what I think in response to your questions:
1. Do I feel the world will end soon? I can say with a good deal of reality that all the signs are almost in order. I'm still waiting to see the outcome of the election of the new Pope. All of the bad stuff the Book of Revelation is coming true. Look at the headlines of the worlds newspapers. Death, famine, earthquakes, floods all the real bad stuff is being fufilled.
2. Do I believe in Alieans?....OOyyeeaa. I feel they are here and our govts. are keeping it close to the chest as to not induce mass chaos. Think of our civilaization if they were to materialize. Just the mere presence would send the Catholic church into a fit. How are they to justify their taking our money's all these years? The Pope would have a coniption.
3. As far as the WTC goes, I'm still on the fence on this one. It is very possible that this could have one big organized play..daring but possible. Also it could equally have been a genuine attack on our country.

[edit on 11-4-2005 by KiwiDave]

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