a reply to:
Eh!, what difference is there a Christian is a Christian as long as you believe in Christ as the only begotten son of God who God gave for us to save
us, that goes for all denominations except some that are arguably NOT Christians and actually flaunt the Lords title as there own name AKA witness's
and even they for all there cult flaws are arguably still Christians albeit.
Catholic's are surprisingly almost identical in there cannon and belief to the OLDEST continuous and unbroken Christian church in the world also
often called the Church of James or Antioch of the East and that is the Syriac Orthodox church which the vile devil's army known as Isis tried to wipe
out when they attacked Maalula in modern Syria, did you know that Syria is actually the nation that was the first in the world to adopt Christianity
as it's state religion? before the Roman empire did in fact.
Due to there persecution they looked around for support due to persecution but due to certain long standing grievances with the Greek Orthodoxy the
persecuted remnants of the Oldest church did not join them due to the fact the Greek Orthodox had in the past always argued with points of
interpretation with them and tried to muscle them into becoming subservient but instead they found the CATHOLIC doctrine although they have there own
leader was almost identical to the point of being identical in fact though they practice there services in ARAMAIC the language that CHRIST himself
spoke day to day in his life although they use the Syriac dialect of Aramaic the difference is a bit like Scot's and English speaking the same
language with with a few differences notably in pronunciation, sadly Aramaic though still spoken in Maalula were there is a great statue of the mother
of Jesus over the town is now a fading language becoming only a scholarly language as it is replaced by Arabic today, did you know also that many of
the STOLEN poetry passages in the Muslim Koran were actually originally about Jesus (Yeshua) and were altered by the Muslim Scholars that stole them
from the Aramaic Christians.
Also as for the Virgin Mary her true title is GEBIRAH look it up, it goes like this in Jewish tradition it is NOT the WIFE of the King that is the
Second most powerful person within the Kingdom (Remember JESUS is the holder of the Throne of David and is the KING) but his MOTHER and Gebirah or
Queen Mother is the title.
When Protestantism was founded though it was partially justified due to the need to put the gospel into the language people spoke it made MANY
errors, even old Martin Luthor despite the bloody wars and death his legacy caused was ranting and raving like a man possessed by a demon on his death
bed, how unchristian but sadly so many seem to think he was some kind of Saint despite his sin, I can't judge him and would never do so but I do
disagree with much that his legacy has caused but God put him there as a catalyst.
I Believe in God and that Jesus is his son and is also God along with the Father and the Holy Spirit in the unity of the holy trinity.
I will not divide my lord's flock like a wolf and all Christians of all denomination are my brothers and sisters, protestants, Anglican's (my Mothers
church - just Catholics that broke away from the Papacy and made allegiances with the Protestants but watered down for all that though you will note
that while understated most Anglican church's have a painting at least of the Virgin Mary (Mariam) in them), Catholic's and Syriac Orthodox, Ethiopian
Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox you name it, I am a bit suspicious of the Mormons but believe that other
than there polygamy which is against Christs own word they mostly have their heart in the right place even to the point of trying to record every
person alive in this world thinking probably wrongly that they are saving people by doing this.
SO? who benefits by attacking and dividing Christians, only the Devil but in fact he does not only his deranged followers do and in fact they too