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Friendly or Hostile?

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posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 11:43 AM
In this world there are two kinds of people, to oversimplify it a bit: those who believe in aliens, and those who do not. For those who do not, the matter is settled, but for those who do, there is even more division; a question one must frequently ask themselves:

Are aliens friendly or hostile?

There is much evidence to support either side of the story, so consider a few things first.

If aliens are hostile, then that's that. All we need to worry about is how to fend them off (good luck with that one). But if aliens are friendly, then we have to ask ourselves whether they are being truthful. No matter how friendly and helpful we might believe they are in the future, that is a question that will always be in the back of our minds. Are we being fed lies? Are those who believe aliens are friendly simply the controlled products of alien propoganda? Even those who claim to have had encounters with friendly aliens... Is it all for show?

If they are indeed friendly then they should openly introduce themselves to the public. Humans are not the primative, armpit scratching, club-womping, snarling, hairy brutes that some would make us out to be. Remember the H.G. Wells radio program we all freaked out about? That's what happened when told we were being invaded... Isn't it a little biased to assume we would react the same way if told we were being greeted in a friendly manner as apposed to "Run for your lives, we're all going to die!"?

Personally, I believe that they are hostile and that their intentions are less than honorable. Better safe than sorry, I say. However, I must say it would be a great relief to be proved wrong.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 12:16 PM
I would think the degree of hostility or friendliness would depend upon the philosophical teachings that have been instilled in them from birth.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 01:26 PM
My feeling is non of the above, or neither. I agree it is better to be safe than sorry. But if they were hostile, they would have invaded by now. They would not wait before we were more advanced. If freindly, again I think they would have made contact by now. They are definitely visiting, and doing things some would consider hostile, but this is with the premise that they think like we do. IMHO, I don't think they care what we think, and they consider us inferior. Much like the regard we hold for animals.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 04:29 PM
I don't think there will be a race that is hostile, like the movies. I think any race will be like we are. Friendly, inquisitive, curious, genuinely good, with some bad spots, and a knack for blowing things up. I have faith that any expedition we send would be the same as any expedition they send. A probe or three, followed by a manned/aliened mission, for the purposes of exploration, with sufficient escorting to ensure some safety but not enough to threaten, followed by scientific and diplomatic envoys.

I hope.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 04:36 PM
I've always thought that we "gauge" the unknown by our own standards. If that's the case then we would think they are hostile.

Side note, I sure hope we don't become interplanetary anytime in the near future or those movies will come true. Only we will be the EVIL aliens.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Side note, I sure hope we don't become interplanetary anytime in the near future or those movies will come true. Only we will be the EVIL aliens.

I have also thought that. Unless we grow up, we will continue to conquer and take advantage of other races. But I think we will, before we boldly go where no man has gone before.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 06:54 PM
I think they will be inquisitive like us.

Wouldn't it be funny if you were walking down the street when suddenly a huge bundle of balls fell from the sky, bounced around a bit, then deflated and a little RC car came riding out with a drill and a camera on it?

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 07:18 AM
It's an interesting question, and a tough one. The thing is, as stated above, that they could easily have invaded us with almost no resistance a hundred or even fifty years ago, and most likely with little resistance even now. But for some reason they seem to want to be kept secret/hidden and the US government seem to want the same thing. Also the case of abductions, in which some state that they have been given implants etc, that doesn't seem to friendly. Maybe they just see us as labrats?

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 07:30 AM

Friendly or Hostile?

Somewhere in between it seems...

Look at the evidence....

1. Initial sightings occurred largely near the most advanced defense installations. Even the most famous case is near (at the time) the world's only nuclear bomber wing.

2. This escalated into cat and mouse games with intercepting fighters, and even interference with the defenses of such installations.

3. Soon after, abductions occur frequently.

4. However, despite all of this, there is evidence they've been watching us long before this, and yet during all of this time, they've never invaded, so at least overt hostility doesn't seem to be their aim.

Beyond this, anything else is mere speculation (and getting away from evidence, and moving to "what if?"). In any case, being friends doesn't seem to be the agenda....

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