posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 10:48 AM
Palestinians as a distinct ethnic group do not exist. They have no unique language, culture, history, etc. They are simply Arabs. The name
'Palestine' is in fact derived from 'Philistine', an Aegean people who were driven from there homeland and settled in what is now Israel. The
Romans created the name 'Palestine' to replace 'Judea' after Jewish revolts against Roman rule. Never was Palestine a political or ethnic
identity; it was a group of provinicial subdivisions created for administrative purposes. Never was there a country of Palestine.
'Palestinians' never demanded a homeland before 1967, when Gaza, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights were controlled by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria;
only after Israel controlled the land did 'Palestinians' demand it.
[edit on 11/4/05 by Biegacz]