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Climate change due to burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas?

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posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 08:24 PM
I feel a big portion of the population don't have any knowledge about the technology we have and have had for many years in regard to weather manipulation. Here is a list of links/documents that I think everyone should understand before taking a stance in regard to this topic:

WEF Global Risks 2013 Eighth Edition
Page 57, Rogue Deployment of Geoengineering

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025


Quantifying expert consensus against the existence of a secret, large-scale atmospheric spraying program

Stratospheric aerosol injection

Cloud seeding

Project Stormfury

Project Cumulus

Operation Popeye

Royal Rainmaking Project

Jordan to attempt artificial rainmaking this spring

Abu Dhabi weather project 'creates man-made rainstorms'

List of 100 US Patents Related to Weather Modification

U.S. Military Wants to Own the Weather

17 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Seeding

Extra Area Effects of Cloud Seeding - An Updated Assessment

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)

Scientists produce densest artificial ionospheric plasma clouds

Artificial ionospheric modification: The Metal Oxide Space Cloud experiment

HAARP Creates Densest Artificial Plasma Cloud

"Sunshade" to fight climate change costed at $5 bln a year

Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 09:10 PM
Dane Wigington covers some good stuff as well



The purpose of this channel is to allow the continued growth of our group that we might be ever more effective in the fight against global climate engineering. With this channel we will continue the effort to make critical and credible data available, data that keeps us all on solid ground and moving forward toward our goal. Time is not on our side, so all of us need to engage in this critical cause in order to bring geoengineering to light and to a halt. This is the battle that must be won or all is lost

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 09:55 PM
If the science is there for the world's most formidable weapon--and it is--you can rest assured that it has been pursued by the world's various M.I.Cs.

Weather warfare is a thang.
edit on 19-8-2023 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: Crowdpsychology

As though I ain't already got too much stuff to read.

Thanks. I'm going to peruse these then put the links in a text file - if you don't mind - to send to anyone who calls me a crazy conspiracy theorist when I mention weather manipulation.

edit on 2023 8 20 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 05:40 AM
Then there is this of course 0the%20galaxy%2C%20it,the%20last%2010%20billion%20years%2C%20wrote%20the%20researchers.
Thing is no politician understands it and they cant tax it

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Crowdpsychology

The agenda is well and truly underway.

I remember many years ago on ATS, I and many others said that there were people trying to change the weather... some people just brushed it off as silliness and paranoia but I still believe they are changing the weather to fit their purpose... whether its Aliens needing to chnage it, so they can breathe on this planet or its humans changing it so they can bring in this 'Climate change' and say its us... blaming it on the rest of us...

If its neither of the above... then the changes in weather has been caused over the years due to bombings in various countries... Also drilling the Earth of its natural resources is having an effect but oil barons dont care about that... they'll just bame it on the rest of us...

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:42 AM
The ego and hubris of mankind to think we have the wisdom and morality to use the knowledge of weather modification responsibility. If we really believe we have the knowledge and means to change the climate of the whole planet, why stop there? Our mighty government and its science are so great and powerful, why don't we monkey around with the entire solar system? Let's start out small like messing with the moon's orbit or stopping the greenhouse effect on Venus, we're that good and know everything so no need to be concerned. Just to be certain, we'll have AI work it all out beforehand.

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 04:47 AM

originally posted by: Crowdpsychology
I feel a big portion of the population don't have any knowledge about the technology we have and have had for many years in regard to weather manipulation.

Most of our "weather manipulation" is unintentional - for example, just building a city full of skyscrapers affects the weather. Industrial and traffic pollution affects the weather. Deforestation affects the weather. Cloud seeding (which has been common place in the USA for decades) affects the weather (though maybe not as much as some claim).

Stratospheric spraying doesn't affect the weather though because we don't do it - only volcanoes do that (atm).

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: Crowdpsychology

What about the NSF IceCube Neutrino 600 meters by 600 meters

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory (or simply IceCube) is a neutrino observatory constructed at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica.[1] The project is a recognized CERN experiment (RE10).[2][3] Its thousands of sensors are located under the Antarctic ice, distributed over a cubic kilometre.

Similar to its predecessor, the Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA), IceCube consists of spherical optical sensors called Digital Optical Modules (DOMs), each with a photomultiplier tube (PMT)[4] and a single-board data acquisition computer which sends digital data to the counting house on the surface above the array.[5] IceCube was completed on 18 December 2010.[6]

DOMs are deployed on strings of 60 modules each at depths between 1,450 and 2,450 meters into holes melted in the ice using a hot water drill. IceCube is designed to look for point sources of neutrinos in the teraelectronvolt (TeV) range to explore the highest-energy astrophysical processes.

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: incoserv

I don't mind at all, copy all of them and send them out. The links that leads to a PDF can also be saved on your computer. Use open in preview and save from there, or print the document, then instead of selecting a printer choose save as PDF. Then you'll have it forever. Cheers

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: Crowdpsychology
I feel a big portion of the population don't have any knowledge about the technology we have and have had for many years in regard to weather manipulation.

Most of our "weather manipulation" is unintentional - for example, just building a city full of skyscrapers affects the weather. Industrial and traffic pollution affects the weather. Deforestation affects the weather. Cloud seeding (which has been common place in the USA for decades) affects the weather (though maybe not as much as some claim).

Stratospheric spraying doesn't affect the weather though because we don't do it - only volcanoes do that (atm).

I wouldn't call building cities full of skyscrapers or industrial and transport emissions "weather manipulation". They do effect the local climate and wildlife. Some for the better and some for the worse, but not on a large scale like artificial weather manipulation like the posted links I address. What does plants need to survive and strive? They need carbon dioxide, the more they get the more they grow. And what do they do with the gas from nearby industrial and transport emissions? They convert it into oxygen. But plants can not use photosynthesis without the help of our sun. The same sun scientists currently are trying to dim out to cool Earth by reflecting back its sunlight. And how are they doing it? With the help of Stratospheric aerosol injection. Something you state isn't happening. Something my links proves is happening.

So could you please elaborate?

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: Crowdpsychology

Awesome thread - thought there was another good vid below dealing with Project Cirrus back in 1947.

Also some pretty remarkable historical research here about 'Dr Harry Wexler'.

Also pretty amazing that 'The Rockefeller's have funded almost everything regarding climate'.

100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle?

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 04:56 PM
CIA and 'stratospheric aerosol injection'.

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Thanks for the shared appreciation of the subject at hand. I will look into the videos you sent me, thank you. I had to do a quick search of Project Cirrus, "First attempt to modify a hurricane" I have actually tried to find an article I found maybe 10-15 years back regarding this. This article from a creditable news site wrote about how a Russian company was hired by China to artificially create a typhoon/hurricane (or similar) in the East China Sea to suck out the smog from Shanghai. But I'm unable to find it. Cheers

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 06:04 PM
But, the majority of scientist agree on the subject!?

The reason behind the numbers/equations contributed to the constant clime change debate, and later prediction of earths future climate and doomsday scenario is due to the biased science that have been and is still being pushed. It started when weather predictions abandoned the consensus of using simplistic models and instead started to use complexity models which included a bulk of new speculative numbers and plausible outcomes collected from the entire globe.

The main stream media and scientist that are allowed to publicly cover this topic and other sensitive topics usually fall back on that there is a scientific consensus regarding the topic discussed. That a big majority have the same scientific conclusion on the matter. Citizens, who have jobs, family and obligations, which limits their free time from digging into what the news stations/state are telling them will rightfully assume that the presented facts are true. And the bigger percentage of the population they can get onboard with that mindset the more real the conclusion get.

There is almost never a scientific consensus on a matter. And thats the beauty of science, it’s always changing and improving when new proven evidence/methods/calculations/theories is being presented and vetted. And even after a new vetted part have been applied to a specific field of science other scientists in the same field will still pursue their different path regarding the endgame question.

The main thing that destroys innovations and bigger scientific breakthroughs are the limitations schools/institutions/people put on themselves and other when implying/stating that the scientific community has come to a consensus regarding a specific topic/question.

A couple of years ago there was a mantra/phrase the MSM were pushing over and over. “97% of climate scientist agree that human-caused climate change is happening” And all the media happily used this apparent scientific proof to further highlight the climate doom while ridiculing all creditable sceptics being invited to talk about this matter. 


Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate Is Warming

It’s important to remember that scientists always focus on the evidence, not on opinions. Scientific evidence continues to show that human activities (primarily the human burning of fossil fuels) have warmed Earth’s surface and its ocean basins, which in turn have continued to impact Earth’s climate. This is based on over a century of scientific evidence forming the structural backbone of today's civilization.


1. Climate scientists agree: climate change is happening here and now. Based on well-established evidence, about 97% of climate scientists have concluded that human-caused climate change is happening. This agreement is documented not just by a single study, but by a converging stream of evidence over the past two decades from surveys of scientists, content analyses of peer-reviewed studies, and public statements issued by virtually every membership organization of experts in this field

It was of course a lie and exaggerated to fit their narrative. The studies and numbers was inaccurate and couldn’t be proven. This is the same kind of lies MSM have been caught pushing many times before, like with Al Gore’s doomsday predictions.

The lesson here is, there’s never a consensus in science. Science is always changing and improving. Scientists are not immune to misconduct, like confirmation bias, hindsight bias or cognitive conservatism to name a few. And they are not immune to ego, pride and the strive for higher status and money.
The last one is important, money. Money/career is probably the most common reason behind why a controversial study or a number of similar studies from different scientist happen to come to the same conclusion. The same conclusion their employer is looking for. You see, these scientist wouldn’t get the funds to pursue the specific topic if they didn’t share the employers expected end result. In other words these scientist shape their evaluation/questions/subjects to later portray the pre determined/preferred conclusion of the study.

Lastly, everyone should understand that a highly complex climate model which is calculated out of vast amounts of parameters can easily show the wrong outcome. If it’s because of; faulty technology from hubs containing the collected readings, bad equation programming, selectively chosen readings, our planets season when readings are collected, human error while collecting and redirecting readings, or human nudging of readings, doesn’t matter. It can be faulty based on many variables!

It’s not wrong to be sceptical when it comes to experts relying on science while stating “This is the truth” Especially not when many collectively share the same conclusion while leaving little to no room for further questioning and debate. It’s actually a sign of a sound mind.

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 06:07 PM
Why Has the Number of Scientific Retractions Increased?

Science is said to be self-correcting, in that the literature can purge itself of articles deemed to be seriously flawed. One of the major mechanisms of self-correction is retraction of flawed work.

Fraud was found to be involved in 94% of the 228 cases of misconduct identified by the U.S. Office of Research Integrity from 1994–2012.

An explanation for the apparent increase in the rate of fraud is not immediately obvious. If the literature truly does self-correct, then research fraud should ultimately be futile. Yet there is reasonable evidence that scientific misconduct is both common and under-reported.

Among 163 professional biostatisticians, 31% had been involved in a fraudulent project and 13% had been requested to “support fraud” during their research career. If these numbers are credible, then there may be many fraudulent papers that have not been retracted.

We show that, while retractions have increased strikingly in recent years, there is reason to expect that this reflects changes in institutional behavior as well as changes in the behavior of authors.


Simple versus complex forecasting: The evidence

This article introduces this JBR Special Issue on simple versus complex methods in forecasting. Simplicity in fore- casting requires that (1) method, (2) representation of cumulative knowledge, (3) relationships in models, and (4) relationships among models, forecasts, and decisions are all sufficiently uncomplicated as to be easily under- stood by decision-makers. Our review of studies comparing simple and complex methods – including those in this special issue – found 97 comparisons in 32 papers. None of the papers provide a balance of evidence that complexity improves forecast accuracy. Complexity increases forecast error by 27 percent on average in the 25 papers with quantitative comparisons. The finding is consistent with prior research to identify valid forecasting methods: all 22 previously identified evidence-based forecasting procedures are simple. Nevertheless, complex- ity remains popular among researchers, forecasters, and clients. Some evidence suggests that the popularity of complexity may be due to incentives: (1) researchers are rewarded for publishing in highly ranked journals, which favor complexity; (2) forecasters can use complex methods to provide forecasts that support decision- makers’ plans; and (3) forecasters’ clients may be reassured by incomprehensibility. Clients who prefer accuracy should accept forecasts only from simple evidence-based procedures.


John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel explain his view of this


Climate ‘Experts’ Are 0-41 with Their Doomsday Predictions *UPDATE 0-53*

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 09:56 AM
Carlo Maria Viganò

Carlo Maria Viganò (Italian pronunciation: [vigaˈnɔ]; born 16 January 1941) is a bishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. He previously served as secretary-general of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 16 July 2009 to 3 September 2011.

Watch this:

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: Crowdpsychology

No worries and there's some important links you provided in this thread.

Like with the Rockefellers funding 'almost everything regarding climate' suppose it's always worthwhile following the money.

Now it turns out there's an emerging field of trading and options in 'weather derivatives' - pretty handy if you've got decades of experience in technology involved in controlling weather.

Sourced by Joseph Farrell

Chicago Mercantile Exchange starts offering rainfall futures and options

PDF File:

A blockchain-based platform for trading weather derivatives (pdf)

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: Crowdpsychology

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: Crowdpsychology
I feel a big portion of the population don't have any knowledge about the technology we have and have had for many years in regard to weather manipulation.

Most of our "weather manipulation" is unintentional - for example, just building a city full of skyscrapers affects the weather. Industrial and traffic pollution affects the weather. Deforestation affects the weather. Cloud seeding (which has been common place in the USA for decades) affects the weather (though maybe not as much as some claim).

Stratospheric spraying doesn't affect the weather though because we don't do it - only volcanoes do that (atm).

I wouldn't call building cities full of skyscrapers or industrial and transport emissions "weather manipulation". They do effect the local climate and wildlife. Some for the better and some for the worse, but not on a large scale like artificial weather manipulation like the posted links I address. What does plants need to survive and strive? They need carbon dioxide, the more they get the more they grow. And what do they do with the gas from nearby industrial and transport emissions? They convert it into oxygen. But plants can not use photosynthesis without the help of our sun. The same sun scientists currently are trying to dim out to cool Earth by reflecting back its sunlight. And how are they doing it? With the help of Stratospheric aerosol injection. Something you state isn't happening. Something my links proves is happening.

So could you please elaborate?

I was referring to real world science rather than tinfoilhattery

And did you know that many of the plants we eat become less nutritious with increased CO2? That's also real world science.

Added to which, what use is increased CO2 aiding plants to grow when we're a) still burning down the forests and b) the climatic effects of that increased CO2 increases the incidence of extreme weather which absolutely does not benefit humans in any way at all.

Unless of course you're supporting a depopulation agenda?

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: WorldxGonexMad
a reply to: Crowdpsychology

The agenda is well and truly underway.

I remember many years ago on ATS, I and many others said that there were people trying to change the weather... some people just brushed it off as silliness and paranoia but I still believe they are changing the weather to fit their purpose... whether its Aliens needing to chnage it, so they can breathe on this planet or its humans changing it so they can bring in this 'Climate change' and say its us... blaming it on the rest of us...

If its neither of the above... then the changes in weather has been caused over the years due to bombings in various countries... Also drilling the Earth of its natural resources is having an effect but oil barons dont care about that... they'll just bame it on the rest of us...

They've been doing it since the 90's. Look no further than 4th of July. Always sunny and hot, then fires became a problem with the fireworks, slide in the adjustment. It started raining every 4th of July. This ruined the day, but they dialed it in. Now it's just enough overcast, and it just barely precipitates, you might get a sun shower for a couple minutes throughout the day and fires went down, and people get to enjoy their slave holiday.

They've damn near perfected this. Hurricane's and storm seasons too. Look no further than Jim Cantori; who used to pretend and act that the storms were so bad, but that's how they did it. They paid Cantori to fear monger the storm seasons. People kind of knew it was fake. They talked about storm surge for 20 years, 19 years in a row there was no real storm surge, hurricane Ian rolls around, and they say all the same stuff, and BOOM big mega storm surge. The problem is people didn't leave because they didn't believe. Something about a boy that cried wolf; but you know -- they want people to die.

They didn't even tell the truth on the news, I have a friend who pulled the emergency bridge to Pine Island; so I helped him pull the new temporary bridge, and they were carrying bodies out in refrigerated morgue trucks by the semi load... The news said something like "14 confirmed dead" when I literally watched hundreds of bodies get loaded on the morgue trucks.

It's all fake. Technology is way more advanced, weather control has been a thing for a while. Cloning has been a thing for hundreds of years minimum, probably thousands of years.

What you don't know can't hurt you, and if you control the information drip, you can make anyone do anything. We're just cattle to the creatures that run the planet.

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