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‘This Is a National Crisis’: Japan Orders Investigation Into ... Jabs ..

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posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 03:29 AM
I did not make Iron Crosses while working for the DOD. 🥷🏽🥷🏽🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🀄️🀄️♣️♣️

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 04:02 AM
the need to find the issues and fix then was always going to become more acute for some countries than others the likes of the uk and us can bury any stats by increasing migration flows to swamp the data, for others its harder, so the issues become more acute but the data is cleaner.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle thought this was an interesting essay, and maybe explains why not everyone that got a shot will experience the same things, check it out
Dang, bad it is

The Targeted Kill Shot
by Miles Mathis
First published June 29, 2023
Reports that the vaccines were designed to kill people in large numbers have been coming out for a
couple of years, but at first they were mainly guesses or deductions. I was one of the first to say this,
though I had no “clinical” proof of it. It was just a logical conclusion based on collating huge amounts
of circumstantial and historical evidence. All the wind was blowing in that direction, so the weather
report was easy.
But even I didn't claim the kills were fully targeted. I didn't see how they could be. I thought the
Phoenicians just needed to jettison a percentage of the world's population, and this was how they chose
to do it this decade. Targeting countries would be easy—since they would just make the vaccine more
deadly there and force more people to take it—as in China. But targeting individuals? Never crossed
my mind.
It finally crossed my mind after looking at recent clinical studies from Europe. More of these studies
are being done every month, and they are now starting to stack up, especially in Europe. Adverse
events like death can be matched to specific vaccine batches (though they aren't always are), and it is
being confirmed again and again that some batches are far more deadly than others. Denmark, being a
very small country both in size and population, was more easy to analyze, so some of the tightest data
comes from there. It was found that about 5% of batches were highly lethal, while about 1/3rd of all
batches were not lethal at all. The data from Germany roughly confirmed that breakdown, and the
same splits have been found worldwide. The worst batches were so lethal, the researchers found as
many as 1 in 6 leading to almost immediate adverse events, many of them death. But it is even worse,
since research would not expect to uncover all adverse events or deaths, even in the best of
circumstances. We would assume many people died without making the connection, or—if they did
make the connection—they may not have reported it. Their families had other things to worry about
than more government paperwork. So these things are very underreported. The one in six number is so
high it tells us that almost everyone in that group may have had an adverse event of some kind. If
reactions are underreported by 90%, say (as has been found in other studies), and they are finding one
in six reporting adverse events from those batches, the math tells us all vaccines may be causing
adverse events. The multiplier is greater than the fraction, you see. Divide by six, multiply by nine,
and you are over 100%.
These studies confirm targeting in a second way. It was found that authorities in Germany tested all
the bad batches and passed them, but tested only one of the good batches. Which indicates they knew
the good batches were placebos and that testing them was a waste of time. It also indicates they knew
the bad batches were especially bad, but that they had been instructed to confirm that after delivery.
That tells us it was very important to keep tabs on the worst batches to the point of release. These
authorities weren't testing them before they were shipped from the labs or factories, they were testing
them after they had arrived in certain cities. Which confirms my theory of targeting thus far: this
wasn't a general release of poison, like dropping arsenic indiscriminately from a plane. This was
targeted, at least to the level of the city or town.

But if it is targeted that far, how much harder is it to target down to the individual? Not very. Just
think about it. If the batches are marked at the city level, they will still be marked as they are
distributed throughout the city, to pharmacies, hospitals, and other locations. Does your pharmacy and
hospital know who you are, or are you anonymous? No, they know who you are, don't they? They
have full records on you, and it is easy for the government to match those records to fuller files they
have on you elsewhere.
What about the vaccination itself? Is that anonymous? No, of course not. They give you a vaccination
card with your name on it, so they know who you are. You have a card and they keep a copy, so they
have a record of it. You will say that is after-the-fact: it is just for the records, it isn't indication they
had a batch waiting for you. Right. Wake up. No, they didn't have a specific syringe marked with
your name, since they (probably) didn't know where you would show up to be vaccinated. At least in
places like the US, you could choose. But in many places in the world you did have a scheduled
vaccination location, so it would be even easier. Even in the US, it wouldn't be difficult, since we are
seeing they just needed to pull your dose from one of three slots: placebo, normal vax, death vax. So
they didn't need a specific syringe with your name on it. All they needed to know is who you are, so
they could choose your dose.
This means there was probably nothing accidental about what happened to you. Yes, in a few cases we
can imagine things got switched. Mistakes were made. They always are. But in the vast majority of
cases, people got the vaccine they were supposed to get. You were targeted. The only way the target
could fail is if you refused to show up at all. This is how the Amish dodged that bullet, as is now
coming out. The Amish declined to show up for all that, and declined to push the vaccine on their own
people. Which is why they were almost 100 times less likely to have an adverse effect than you were.
Same for Africa, which also declined to show up for this party. They too dodged almost all adverse
events, not only of the vaccines, but of Covid itself.
So what else does this tell us? Well, it tells us the Phoenicians had hoped to wipe out about five
percent of us immediately. About a third were to be spared, including we assume the Phoenicians
themselves, as well as all their allies, toadies, lackeys, and footmen. As for the other 60%, they
couldn't die immediately, since that would look suspicious. Two-thirds of the world dropping dead in a
matter of weeks might raise some eyebrows. Five percent could be swept under the rug by non-
reportage, stalling, denials, and statistical fudging, but 65% would might be difficult to spin.
Doing the math, that means the Phoenicians targeted around 300 million people for immediate death,
over 10 million of those in the US alone. Does that match what we are seeing? Yep. Even if their
targeted to killed rate is only 1/3rd, they would kill around 100 million, and around three million in the
US. Which is what we are seeing. It also explains why the whole Covid/vaccine response came out of
the Department of Defense: this was an act of war.
So how many of that 60% who took the less lethal doses are doomed? I don't know. Even the
Phoenicians probably don't know. But I would guess around a tenth of them will drop dead by 2030, in
a planned delayed reaction. If 5 billion took the vax and 6% of them are doomed, that means another
300 million may die from this genocide by 2030. Despite the slow burn, I think that is going to be
pretty hard to cover up. (That's mostly the whole piece....Tomkat....thought it was interesting)
edit on 18-8-2023 by Tomkat because: One more thing

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

An at risk group. Maybe they were damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

In September 2021 I had the 2nd Pfizer 2nd jab. I felt like I was going to die. I contacted my PhD Genetic Engineering and Microbiology brother who is a sitting Department Chair.

Hw was happy for me cause he said my body is making antibodies. I than asked him why the elderly aren't feeling ill from it. He said their immune systems are shot so the jabs are essentially meaningless 50 / 50 crapshoot as no one knows and he said they are:

"damned if they do, damned if they don’t"

Your thought process and deductive reasoning is at the PhD level

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 05:59 AM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: JAGStorm

An at risk group. Maybe they were damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

In September 2021 I had the 2nd Pfizer 2nd jab. I felt like I was going to die. I contacted my PhD Genetic Engineering and Microbiology brother who is a sitting Department Chair.

Hw was happy for me cause he said my body is making antibodies.

So the Pfizer jab works Pretty much like the Virus itself?. By that I mean, You become so ill you think you're going to die then your body makes antibodies and you start to feel better.

Call me paranoid but it sure sounds like they bottled covid and sold it on as the cure. genius. Utter Genius.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

I always wondered if they have different vials for different age groups, race and whatever. Bill Gates is NO fans of Africa. I watched him discuss same in his speeches and his lust for vaccines would lower the birth rates down there,

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

had stroke post 2nd az shot.. the symptoms where similar to an arterial dissection without the dissection and all the bruising from the autoimmune response to the vaccine resulting in low platlets (factor4)

as you say these are auto immune responses attacking the vaccine, i was fit healthy, while in touching distance of being 50 i was proud I had vo2max levels of someone 35, post stroke the levels where of an 80+ year old, only just now reached my own fitness age range again, still with one sided weakness.

the thing is even if the elderly did have the same auto immune response my body aged 30 years in terms if cardio fitness, now add the 30 years to the elderly or even the unfit and it makes them to weak to survive. which is why the mortality of the uks elderly is back to norm and the higher mortality is within the 30-45 age range, this is already impacting births as this is the age range of new parents, its also why the gov is desperate to get the older gen back into the workforce as they are losing skills and knowledge..

this is all knowledge they already know the key part from covid is how like the wars these things deliver specific medical advances ours has increased life expectancy as they can now better treat the things that kill the elderly, now you know what the rich elderly have invested in this.. its treatments to stave off aging..

as a child of the 70s i was told i'd live to 70 so i was almost retired pre covid, but this new knowledge means i'm not just back at the begining from the stroke but also looking at another 70 years here..

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 06:15 AM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: JAGStorm

An at risk group. Maybe they were damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

In September 2021 I had the 2nd Pfizer 2nd jab. I felt like I was going to die. I contacted my PhD Genetic Engineering and Microbiology brother who is a sitting Department Chair.

Hw was happy for me cause he said my body is making antibodies.

So the Pfizer jab works Pretty much like the Virus itself?. By that I mean, You become so ill you think you're going to die then your body makes antibodies and you start to feel better.

Call me paranoid but it sure sounds like they bottled covid and sold it on as the cure. genius. Utter Genius.

we already know it is as vaccine escape was the reason for the az strokes, in this instance vaccine escape means it escapes into the blood stream, the body attacks the vaccine and (pf4) jelly like clots are formed.. the key to different the types of clot/stroke a vax induced pf4 clot comes with extensive bruising, i looked like i'd be run over by a lorry..
edit on 18-8-2023 by nickyw because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: nickyw

I had a major stroke in 2009. I was fit but I had my 7th concussion. The prior 6 were from playing football and hockey all sports concussions.

I took the jab in September 2021. I collapsed in front of my wife in November 2021. Post jab in April 2023 my doctor said that my blood test results are that I have the blood of a 20 year old.

I am heading to the county gym to shoot hoops for 60 minutes. The 4th time this week. I also don't need the blue pill as that's another back story. So is the 3+ hour myth in the TV commercials

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

thats good to hear, while i had family in the zipper club and others disabled i never quite understood what being weak as a baby meant, or how unpleasant those who see themselves as good treated the disabled (thast a topic i bitch about) in hospital 4 weeks out of hospital i could only tolerate 1 day in wheel chair, the arrogance of people was far worse than pushing my kids in baby buggies.. so went nordic walking poles.. now i run without any aid.. i generaly do 3-6 miles a day, so great you shoot hoops.

but i now realise how much harder it hits the elderly..

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: nickyw

but i now realise how much harder it hits the elderly.

When I had the stroke I was in 3 hospitals for 32 days. Initially I was blind and could not walk. Because I am athletic three neurosurgeons said that's why I lived as I should have died

My bro said that as we age or accelerate our aging our immune system shuts down to the point that flu shots for them are a crap shoot as no one here on earth can predict as to whether t will help them. Its not a money grab but a so what else can we do for them so its offered.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 06:59 AM

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 08:53 AM
Well if they kill you with the Jab .
at least you did not get Covid19 !
Thats a Win.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: Cwantas
Imagine faking a pandemic to trick people into taking a drug that will last long enough in the system for the next pandemic to kill them.

The Covid pandemic was not faked, it merely was far less deadly than the media and experts in government made it seem.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Tomkat

Here's the actual good link for you...

The Targeted Kill Shot

Cheers - Dave

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: incoserv
I can only go by what I’ve seen in my world, I knew many that died from Covid (especially with Kidney issues)

Actually, the majority of those who died 'from covid', actually died from the lack of appropriate early treatment, and extremely dangerous and damaging post hospitalization treatments - not from covid.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Cwantas
Imagine faking a pandemic to trick people into taking a drug that will last long enough in the system for the next pandemic to kill them.

The Covid pandemic was not faked, it merely was far less deadly than the media and experts in government made it seem.

You do realize that the initial test swabs were 3% infected to get the fear going, right? Covid was hyped all to hell, it was rolled out so people would take the jab out of fear or guilt and self-euthanize. I have neither fear nor guilt to work on me. The government, big pharma, FDA, etc are all trying to walk back that they didn't make you do it. I took no jabs, no PCR tests, nadda and neither did my wife and guess what? We're still here lol.

Of course if she had of gotten the jabs, she'd be dead now, she has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and the jab would have further damaged her heart and she would have had an infarction, stroke, something. I just told her doctors, don't push it on her, because what happens to her, happens to them. It's real simple, she drops my leash and the monster I put away for her sake for 30 years, can come out and play again.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 8/18.2023 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

I just told her doctors, don't push it on her, because what happens to her, happens to them. It's real simple, she drops my leash and the monster I put away for her sake for 30 years, can come out and play again.

Awesome! Your love and passion for your wife and her life along with some common sense.....A+

We need more people like this making their own decisions.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: incoserv

I am offering an alternative explanation.
I am not convinced this is vaccine related until you can show to me in studies what ingredient in the vaccine could be causing all those deaths you claim are happening.
I am just not interested enough I am afraid to research every cause of death, those who may be or may not be "excess deaths", have on their certificate.
If you care so much those are the alleys where you can actually find proof and convince people everything else is just twaddle.

Do you suppose they are killing expensive old people and blaming Covid and vax everywhere? Do you suppose only middle aged people are running it? Young people aren’t faring very well either.

If old people are doing it, how do they control not catching it oneself - unless it’s vax related and they lie about getting it?

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: trusername

all the treatements they've come up with are saving old people, its why some might think the elderly like soros and gates might have a bigger investment in treating the things that cause the elderly do die, it would fit the age old drive of the rich bilionaires to live forever..

from the uk the data suggests the elderly excess deaths have settled to average the excess deaths are now in the 30 to 45 age rage and given how slow the young are to start families this would be when they start families so thats having a secondary impact with births drooping to historic lows.

the tertiary impact is on skills hence the uk govs desperation to get the retired gen x back into the workplace by squeezing them with high interest rates.. they don't need their bodies just their skills as skills vanish from the workplace..

this is fall of Rome stuff as society loses the skills to even do the basics..

its all totally self inflicted..

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