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Southerners Are The Most Highly Inclusive Peoples

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posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 09:20 AM
For example we say, "Howdy, Y'all!" Yankees say stuff like, "Hey, youse Guys."

See how inclusive the southern language is? It can even be used singularly. For example if you have a hybrid co-worker the Monday morning chit-chat could be along the lines of, "Y'all have fun this weekend?"

I contend that "Y'all" is one of the friendliest most inclusive and highly useful words extant.

Hope all y'all have a nice day,

edit on 17-8-2023 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 09:28 AM
Shhhh. Be quiet OP. This is a well hidden secret.

Here is the REAL scoop from someone who lives in the South: Southerners are just as portrayed, woke folks stay away, if you must move go to LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland and NYC where you will be embraced with joy.

We don't want those woke folks coming here with their hate and bigotry towards hard working everyday Americans, and demands that everyone think, speak, and vote as they do - or else. We don't want those overly entitled arrogant snobs coming to the South like carpetbaggers trying to change our culture.

Here is a rat I wish had kept his opinion to himself:

The first thing I noticed was that there are a lot of black people in Charleston. In fact, most blacks still live in the South—55 percent of black Americans, which is 10 percent more than the rest of the country combined. And it's a number that has been growing ever since then. And the growth is not just in numbers; it's in political clout, too. Half of black representatives in Congress represent southern states, and black Americans are experiencing a growth in local political power, too, with towns across the South electing black mayors. This is not the result of segregation either, another facet of the South I had expected to find and was pleasantly surprised not to; the opposite, in fact: Data routinely finds northern American cities more segregated than the South. In 2019, only three of the top 10 most segregated American cities were in the South. And a recent study found California and the Northeast were more segregated than the South. As for children, New York—that bastion of liberalism—is the most segregated state for black students,

We don't have homeless lying on the streets of our downtown, or zombie like drug addicts blocking the entrances to stores like in woke areas. We respect our police and they aren't quitting in droves and our police force has more black people on it than is proportional for our town. We have proportional or more than proportional representation of black people in our civil leadership and civil services. We expect ALL citizens to be respectful and well behaved regardless of race.

But please DON"T come down here to check it out if you are a liberal,
because you are the type of person we don't want in our town
trying to tell us how to live, what to think, how to speak,
you aren't welcome or wanted, especially if you are woke.

We are a liberal's worst nightmare,
people who want freedom,
freedom of speech,
and want everyone to be respectful of divergent points of view
without forcing others to change to our point of view.

edit on 8/17/23 by The2Billies because: format

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: The GUT

In the Saint Louis Missouri area if you drive about 40 or so miles south of the city you get into an area that is the "cultural south" as long as it isn't an area with more German heritage than Irish/Scottish heritage. A memory I have is that I took my middle son to a wrestling meet down in that area at their local High School. I went out for a smoke and there was a little boy tugging at his dads shorts and his dad was busy talking to a friend. Even that was comical as the father and his pal ended just about every other sentence with "an sh_t" . Conversation was something like this, "So I was down at the creek an sh_t, and I landed me a catfish that was big as a bathtub an sh_t."

Anyway the whole time the kid is tugging and saying, daddy, daddy, daddy, as small children will do.

Finally the father say, "Damn boy, can you just shut up and finish that fried chicken you got?"

I look and the kid had a fried chicken leg in his other hand. Face covered in grease. Probably was about 7:30 in the morning.

Not sure why, but it cracked me up.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: greendust
a reply to: The GUT

I went out for a smoke and there was a little boy tugging at his dads shorts and his dad was busy talking to a friend. Even that was comical as the father and his pal ended just about every other sentence with "an sh_t" . Conversation was something like this, "So I was down at the creek an sh_t, and I landed me a catfish that was big as a bathtub an sh_t."

I look and the kid had a fried chicken leg in his other hand. Face covered in grease. Probably was about 7:30 in the morning.

Not sure why, but it cracked me up.

Eating fried chicken is low class and Southern. How hysterical. I wouldn't say that to any Japanese person though, KFC is a holiday favorite, if not THE holiday favorite of the Japanese.

I know, it's so funny that they were saying sh*% instead of the approved and repeated every other minute on liberal TV shows and in liberal circles, fu*#.

But you are right, hard working lower class Americans are hysterical and you should go back to the north where no one eats fried chicken and they say the approved FU instead of the low class SH.

Glad you got a good education and won't be returning.

People in the North appreciate a good arrogant bigoted joke when it comes to people who aren't raging liberals. That's why we don't want liberals moving here with their condescension and arrogance toward literally everyone who doesn't think, speak, and act like liberals tell them they must - or else.

edit on 8/17/23 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: The GUT

I’ve lived all over the US.

I will share my observations and generalizations. Again, these are my experiences and thoughts on these areas.

The South is racist but they don’t hide it and everyone kinda just accepts it and at least tries to make peace with it 99% of the time, until they don’t, like the recent Montgomery incident. Their racist background goes back a long time but in a weird way they still have respect for each other if that makes sense.

New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey (I lived in all of those places) are some of the most racist areas I’ve been to. Some of it is downright ridiculous. There is a lot of stereotyping and self segregation happening. When areas get overcrowded and people mix is when there are problems. There is lack of respect between races. There were places that refused to serve me based on how I look. I am just an Asian girl, I can’t even imagine what a black or Hispanic, or GASP a Puerto Rican has to go through…..

The Midwest…. Lord have Mercy…..This is such a mix. You have some of the most accepting people and some of the most racist people living here. People don’t believe it, but there are a lot of racists in the Midwest and they all aren’t white either. Some areas are exceptionally self segregating. I think areas of Milwaukee are considered the most segregated in the US. I’ve had some of the most scary racist incidents in the Midwest.

Pacific NW….Racism??? How can they have racism when they hate themselves. Racism here is in pockets, some parts of Oregon… Funny story my brother and his wife were out minding their own business and a group started harassing them and yelling at them to go back to Mexico…. We all still laugh about that. Appears that some of us Asians look Mexican to some. Must be why the Chinese are slipping through the border.

The West and Mountain regions…(Colorado specifically) I can’t say as an adult, but as a child it was torture going to school there as an ethnic person. I was harassed and taunted. My mother was harassed. Our friends received death threats for being Asian…. It was a nightmare and to this day an area I still don’t want to visit.

So after all that……..I have to say I agree with the OP, the South IS the least racist of all and most inclusive!!!!!!! 🥰

edit on 17-8-2023 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: The2Billies

originally posted by: greendust
a reply to: The GUT

I went out for a smoke and there was a little boy tugging at his dads shorts and his dad was busy talking to a friend. Even that was comical as the father and his pal ended just about every other sentence with "an sh_t" . Conversation was something like this, "So I was down at the creek an sh_t, and I landed me a catfish that was big as a bathtub an sh_t."

I look and the kid had a fried chicken leg in his other hand. Face covered in grease. Probably was about 7:30 in the morning.

Not sure why, but it cracked me up.

Eating fried chicken is low class and Southern. How hysterical. I wouldn't say that to any Japanese person though, KFC is a holiday favorite, if not THE holiday favorite of the Japanese.

I know, it's so funny that they were saying sh*% instead of the approved and repeated every other minute on liberal TV shows and in liberal circles, fu*#.

But you are right, hard working lower class Americans are hysterical and you should go back to the north where no one eats fried chicken and they say the approved FU instead of the low class SH.

Glad you got a good education and won't be returning.

People in the North appreciate a good arrogant bigoted joke when it comes to people who aren't raging liberals. That's why we don't want liberals moving here with their condescension and arrogance toward literally everyone who doesn't think, speak, and act like liberals tell them they must - or else.

Jesus, I dont think its hysterical in like, aw look at those cute dumb hillbllies. I looked at it more as like, I wish I could hang out with those guys and have a beer or two and hear their tales. My apologies that you took it that way. I would bet that they could teach me far more than I could teach them. I bet they have a #ing kick ass garden and land and many other things of that nature that I do not have and wish I did. My mother and father were both raised on farms so I am jealous of it, not in fear of it or disdainful of it, I wish my parents would have stayed where they were and never moved into the city.


posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: The GUT

I can tell you are a true southerner, you used "
Hope all y'all have a nice day".

edit on 17-8-2023 by Stopstealingmycountry because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: The GUT

I’ve lived all over the US.

I will share my observations and generalizations. Again, these are my experiences and thoughts on these areas.

The South is racist but they don’t hide it and everyone kinda just accepts it and at least tries to make peace with it 99% of the time, until they don’t, like the recent Montgomery incident. Their racist background goes back a long time but in a weird way they still have respect for each other if that makes sense.

New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey (I lived in all of those places) are some of the most racist areas I’ve been to. Some of it is downright ridiculous. There is a lot of stereotyping and self segregation happening. When areas get overcrowded and people mix is when there are problems. There is lack of respect between races. There were places that refused to serve me based on how I look. I am just an Asian girl, I can’t even imagine what a black or Hispanic, or GASP a Puerto Rican has to go through…..

The Midwest…. Lord have Mercy…..This is such a mix. You have some of the most accepting people and some of the most racist people living here. People don’t believe it, but there are a lot of racists in the Midwest and they all aren’t white either. Some areas are exceptionally self segregating. I think areas of Milwaukee are considered the most segregated in the US. I’ve had some of the most scary racist incidents in the Midwest.

Pacific NW….Racism??? How can they have racism when they hate themselves. Racism here is in pockets, some parts of Oregon… Funny story my brother and his wife were out minding their own business and a group started harassing them and yelling at them to go back to Mexico…. We all still laugh about that. Appears that some of us Asians look Mexican to some. Must be why the Chinese are slipping through the border.

The West and Mountain regions…(Colorado specifically) I can’t say as an adult, but as a child it was torture going to school there as an ethnic person. I was harassed and taunted. My mother was harassed. Our friends received death threats for being Asian…. It was a nightmare and to this day an area I still don’t want to visit.

So after all that……..I have to say I agree with the OP, the South IS the least racist of all!!!!!!!! 🥰

I’ve lived up and down the east coast but have lived most my life outside Philadelphia and the only racism I have seen numerous times have been towards Mexican people.

Also spent about 6 yrs in Charlotte NC and I’ve been called a yankee numerous times to which I responded that I’ve never seen a losing side brag so much. What would that be considered civil warism?

I guess I’m lucky I haven’t experienced much racism in my life. I can thank the people that raised me to be respectful to everyone no matter what your color , creed , lifestyles and beliefs are.

In North Carolina I worked with a bunch of good ole boys and I was talking about a creek I was fishing in except the way I say creek it sounds like crick. The good ole boys told me a crick is what ya get in your neck!
edit on 17-8-2023 by Enduro because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Enduro

I’ve lived up and down the east coast but have lived most my life outside Philadelphia and the only racism I have seen numerous times have been towards Mexican people.

My fathers entire family/roots are from the Pennsylvania area.
Believe it or not the racism started with Italians, or EYE-talians as the locals would say.
My grandfather wouldn’t even allow any EYE-Talian “trash food” in his house. I guess back in the day people saw them similar to how Hispanics are treated. On a funny side note, I find it wildly amusing that many of his grandchildren and great grandchildren are Italian..
Oddly, even though my mother was Asian, he adored her, she was kinda badass so maybe he just overlooked the Asian part.

It’s not just my family either, I know so many people, and some parts of Penna, they have an irrational hate for Puerto Ricans that I just don’t understand. I mean a hate…….

New York, upstate…….one of the most non-inclusive areas.
Normally all small towns sometimes have small minds due to their lack of access to the outside world, but that area in particular..
That is the only place I ever lived that guys wanted to date me but couldn’t tell their families because they weren’t allowed to date non-whites…

edit on 17-8-2023 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-8-2023 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 10:29 AM
While visiting the South many years ago, I saw a sign on a barbecue restaurant that said "Come on in. We ain't mad at nobody." I'll never forget that.

I love it when someone who is addressing a group of people will say "All y'all".

Another favorite: I heard someone describing a man and his wife as being very friendly. They said the couple was "Just full of personableness".

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
While visiting the South many years ago, I saw a sign on a barbecue restaurant that said "Come on in. We ain't mad at nobody." I'll never forget that.

I love it when someone who is addressing a group of people will say "All y'all".

Another favorite: I heard someone describing a man and his wife as being very friendly. They said the couple was "Just full of personableness".

I love the signs outside the Baptist church’s in the south.

The best : You think it’s hot now wait.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: The GUT

"Southerners Are The Most Highly Inclusive Peoples"

You really have been taken in by the mythical "Southern Hospitality". You never see the knife in your back when in and amongst a group of "real" southerners. Their subtlety is profound.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: The GUT

Funny story,
Where I live there aren't a lot of places to go get a beer. I like to say I'm in the buckle of the bible belt. Well, a place opened up less than mile from our house that had pool tables and beer, just off of I95. A friend came to visit and I took him out to get a beer and shoot a few games. As we were playing, a tiny little girl, couldn't have been over 4'9" came over and in the most gruff, manly voice I had ever heard, said "hey, yous guys want to play some pool?", we looked at each other and without speaking to each other knew it was time to go. I told her she could have the table, we had to go.

I don't know what that was, but it still makes me shiver to this day.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Enduro

there are some words that are specific to a small area, like inside 20 square miles specific near here. In a place called "Beaver Dam", super small community south of Roseboro, they call the stack of bricks or rocks that allows the smoke from your indoor fire to exit the house a "Chimley". I have heard a few people use that term, and all of them are from the same area. They are all intelligent people, who can spell "chimney" just fine, but if they say it, that's how it comes out.

My MIL is from White Oak, and when she says the word "shrimp", she says it "srimp". I can't get her to say it with the h, and I cannot get my wife to say it without the h. They grew up in the same house.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: The GUT

You really have been taken in by the mythical "Southern Hospitality".

I don't know about that. I think a feller'd have to get up purty early in the mornin' to put one over on The GUT.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: The GUT

It's a little early in the day. The Yankees are still sleeping and all Y'know, but I'm sure someone will be along later...when they take a tell you how racist Y'all really is.

Y'all have a good day now, Y'hear?

edit on 8/17/2023 by Klassified because: brainfarts

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Enduro

there are some words that are specific to a small area, like inside 20 square miles specific near here. In a place called "Beaver Dam", super small community south of Roseboro, they call the stack of bricks or rocks that allows the smoke from your indoor fire to exit the house a "Chimley". I have heard a few people use that term, and all of them are from the same area. They are all intelligent people, who can spell "chimney" just fine, but if they say it, that's how it comes out.

My MIL is from White Oak, and when she says the word "shrimp", she says it "srimp". I can't get her to say it with the h, and I cannot get my wife to say it without the h. They grew up in the same house.

One , two , tree is big in these parts lol

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: The GUT

It's a little early in the day. The Yankees are still sleeping and all Y'know, but I'm sure someone will be along later...when they take a tell you how racist Y'all really is.

Y'all have a good day now, Y'hear?

about 10 years after I moved here from a suburb of Cleveland, a friend and I were leaving a golf course in the country, and he wanted to stop by his brother's place. He brother was hanging with his bear hunting buddies drinking beer. When I walked up and said hi and told them my name, they all looked at me, and one guy pulled the tooth pick from his mouth and said "you ain't from round here, are ya boy".

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Enduro

In North Carolina I worked with a bunch of good ole boys and I was talking about a creek I was fishing in except the way I say creek it sounds like crick. The good ole boys told me a crick is what ya get in your neck!

Different dialects and pronunciations are a hoot.

Water or Wuuter
Roof or Ruf
Creek or Crick
Bag or Beg
Milk or Muelk

Here’s one I’ve never been able to recreate ask a Wisconsinite to say Opinion…..They say the OOOOO really weird and if you haven’t grown up saying it I don’t think you can. My youngest says it and it makes me giggle every time.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Enduro

there are some words that are specific to a small area, like inside 20 square miles specific near here. In a place called "Beaver Dam", super small community south of Roseboro, they call the stack of bricks or rocks that allows the smoke from your indoor fire to exit the house a "Chimley". I have heard a few people use that term, and all of them are from the same area. They are all intelligent people, who can spell "chimney" just fine, but if they say it, that's how it comes out.

My MIL is from White Oak, and when she says the word "shrimp", she says it "srimp". I can't get her to say it with the h, and I cannot get my wife to say it without the h. They grew up in the same house.

Uh....we may be related. I say "chimley" and "srimp" although I can spell them perfectly well.

Another odd thing, I have a distinct Southern accent, but my kids have none at all. You would think growing up around me, they would at least have a slight one, but nope.

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