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Been saved from destruction before?

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posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 08:10 AM
I dont know what to make of this, seems that Aliens may have saved us before during the biblical great flood or in some other people opinions GOD who im sure aliens would seem like to people of the era.
However they only helped a few humans so sais the bibal and pairs if animals and so on. I dont know i have some problems with this story here it goes
1 -Why create a boat or ship? When they could just fly them to wherever safe at the time.
2 -Why not just stop the cellestial event from uccuring such a race of advanced being could stop an asteroid or commet? Maybe they didnt like the way were turning out (civilisational wise)lol
3 - Apparently this is why they are buzzing around now because another same type event is gonna happeb in what date you you guess it 2012 or maybe 2006.
Welp after looking at it like that i dont think it was Aliens but if my points are flawed youll let me know wont ya.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 01:40 PM
I personally think you should never take an acient text such as the bible literally. Find and read a book called "who wrote the bible". there is a chapter in there that proves the flood story was written by 2 people and made into one, very fascinating stuff. I think before you post any such theory you should really study what your talking about in depth.

However even though I believe the bible is just a mythological book put to the wrong use, i do notice many things regarding aliens in there. first think of the creation story: what if those 7 days the earth was made was on a universal time scale, say it was the creation of not just the earth, but the entire universe in itself. the first day god gave light. what travels the fastest so far? light. light would be the very first thing to come out of the big bang. there are many other simularities that would interpret the creation story a story of the universe and not the earth.

Why in the bible did humans have very long lifespans? and then life expectancy gradually decline throughout the bible? If adam and eve were the first humans? where did their sons wife come from? say adam and eve were actually aliens planted on this earth, but never knew it. it is possible they would have been genetically compatible with a primate species of man. so that could have been cane or abels wife??? and it would make sense that as the alien blood spread throughout our human genome that our life expectancies would gradually decline.

Could the lightning cloud that moses got the 10 commandments from could have actually been a disguised UFO? Could the destruction of sodom
and gomorah heave actually been nuclear bombs used by aliens?

the list goes on if you read it.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 01:48 PM
That's a very fascinating view on the events of the Bible. I'm afraid alot of Religious people would brabd you blasphemous though. Are there any Ebooks out there on this subject?

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 02:03 PM
I used to work for a used book store. so i came a cross many many books on UFOs. I dunno about ebooks. i'm sure you can find something on tho

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 02:28 PM
The whole thing sounds like negative alien propoganda/disinformation to me. Probably an effort to undermine and make humans feel inferior by getting us to believe that our accomplishments are not our own. I think it is, in a nutshell, bull.

The same thing goes for those who believe ETs built the pyramids of Giza and the Americas. We're just being led to think that we're so "inferior" and "stupid" that we could never ever within a million years be able to build something so grand by ourselves.

So maybe there was an alien presence then... But don't let them fool you into thinking they did so many good things for us.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 01:38 PM
Ok first of i believe there are numerous accounts from past civilisations of a great flood so I am not just taking it from the bible, I have to state i believe in a creator but no in the whole relgion deal i think its just control.
As for the story about aliens helping Noah and so on to escape the flood and survive i dont think it happened, for the above reasons.
Another interesting theory i have is that maybe the UFOs we see in concentrated areas like mexico are there because this amongts many other areas are either safe or in danger from an inpending event - long # i know but i myself dont undersdtand why they concentrate on such areas. Anyway off topic lol. I for one cant wait for 2012 it will help us people fiannly get some answers on whats true and whats not.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by Pliskin
I dont know what to make of this, seems that Aliens may have saved us before during the biblical great flood or in some other people opinions GOD who im sure aliens would seem like to people of the era.

100% of all Bibles are misstranslations of the original Bible which was written in Old Hebrew/Hebrew and Aramaic. The King James Version, is the least misstranslated English version. (It still has some misstranslations in it.) In the entire book of Genesis, the word God should instead be Elohim. Elohim litterally means "the Gods". And that's what it says in the original Bibles.
Also Genesis 1:8 and 9:1 origianlly say "REplenish/REfill". And Psalm 83:18 never says "Lord" or "God". (Adonai in Hebrew). Adonai never appears in that verse. God's specific, personal, name is what appears there. Just like it's in the most famous Chirstmas song "Hallelujah". And in many, many, of the names of the good guys in the Bible.

However they only helped a few humans so sais the bibal and pairs if animals and so on. I dont know i have some problems with this story here it goes

Going by the Bible, Yahweh wanted to kill off all the humans. Just like he did to the Humans he made millions, billions, of years before Adam and Eve. But Noah was "perfect in his generations" which means Noah's bloodline, genetics, weren't tainted by the Nephilim and/or the "sons of God who raped all the human females". So Yahweh decided Noah and his family were acceptable to save.

1 -Why create a boat or ship? When they could just fly them to wherever safe at the time.

Fly them to where? All land was covered. Fly them to outter space?
Sorry, only Enoch, and Elijah got reservations on Yahweh's spaceship. (Or was it the Elohim's spaceship?) Got free tickets off this rock we call Earth. Never experiencing death. Staying immortal forever!

Also humans naturally can't take being in God's direct prescence.

Now, if you read Zecharia Sitchin and his books. He puts forth another idea. That some of the gods (Elohim?) wanted to kill off the humans, including the head god Anu. One of Anu's sons Enki had to secretly save the humans who worshipped him.

2 -Why not just stop the cellestial event from uccuring such a race of advanced being could stop an asteroid or commet? Maybe they didnt like the way were turning out (civilisational wise)lol

Going by the Bible, or other versions from other civilizations, the gods, the Elohim, Yahweh, or Anu, all wanted the event to happen.

3 - Apparently this is why they are buzzing around now because another same type event is gonna happeb in what date you you guess it 2012 or maybe 2006.
Welp after looking at it like that i dont think it was Aliens but if my points are flawed youll let me know wont ya.

Relax, the earth won't ever get destroyed. But yes, by the end of the year 2012 all life as we currently know it, will be 100% different. And possibly not for the better. 2/3 of the worlds population is suppose do die and/or get killed off, No matter what country anyone lives in. And that's just one of many things suppose to happen.
The reason why 2012 is "the year" is cuz ancient civilizations all point to that year in their calenders. Their calenders are 3,000 to 6,000 to 150,000 or more years old. Our current calender is the Georgian Calender. It's a few hundred years old. (500 if I remember right.) It was suddently decided Western society would no longer use or go by the ancient calenders they'd been following for 6,000 or more years. Suddently a whole new calender was invented and pushed.

Zecharia Sitchen goes into it in one of his books "Before Time Began". He tells how there's 3 types of time. The time the gods go by long before humans were made, before earth existed. (Why would the gods use earth time? LOL!). Then the time ancient humans go by. Which started when the gods first came to earth. Cuz before then, there was no earth so no humans and no human time.
Then there's another type of time.

The year 2000 is based on the Georgian Calender. Which means and ment absolutly nothing.

Will the gods save us in 2012? Who knows. All I know is whatever dreams, goals, anyone has right now... do them NOW!

Intresting read. But some issues:

The Book of Noah explicitly specifies that "angels" (with extensive metallurgical skills) built the Ark.

No where in the Bible does it ever say angles built the Ark. Yahweh himself instructed Noah how to build it. Noah, his family, his slaves, and paid workers, buit it.

- There's really nothing new, or "striking". Cuz guess what?
Technically the angels, Yahweh, the Son of Dawn, the Elohim, demons, cherubim, and possibly Nephilim, are all aliens, non-human beings, not born on Earth. So what's the issue?

According to the Bible, yes, a non-human being did save humans. A being not born on our planet. Which means this being was an alien, ET, another being, non-human.

- IMHO the real issue is.... people who don't believe in the Bible instead believe in other, different, beings, aliens.

- Then theres some who believe in both the Bible, and in other beings, aliens.

Here's something for ya... how did the Nephilim re-appear on the Earth again after the flood? Hehehh.
Check out Zecharia Sitchin and his books. You can find em at any major bookstore. He goes into graphic hardcore detail on what you're touching.

[edit on 13-4-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by ranma187
I personally think you should never take an acient text such as the bible literally. Find and read a book called "who wrote the bible". there is a chapter in there that proves the flood story was written by 2 people and made into one, very fascinating stuff. I think before you post any such theory you should really study what your talking about in depth.

I agree there's alotta missinformation, half information, out there. Up to everyone to do their own research if its important to them to personally find out as much truth as possible. Most people are too lazy though. Too bad for them.

Originally posted by ranma187
However even though I believe the bible is just a mythological book put to the wrong use, i do notice many things regarding aliens in there. first think of the creation story:

No it's a real book. Blame Roman Emperor Constantine and his meeting at Nicea. Thats when the original religion of the Bible got infiltrated and paganism, and missinformation took over. The idea of a Pope, Cardinals, Bishop, confession, worshipping statues of Mary, on and on and on. Sending missionaries around the world to force the "heathens" to accept their "peaceful" Christian religion. On and on.

Originally posted by ranma187
what if those 7 days the earth was made was on a universal time scale, say it was the creation of not just the earth, but the entire universe in itself. the first day god gave light. what travels the fastest so far? light. light would be the very first thing to come out of the big bang. there are many other simularities that would interpret the creation story a story of the universe and not the earth.

Congrats! You're onto something! The Bible says time means nothing to Yahweh. 1 day is as 1,000 years and 1,000 years is as 1 day to Him. So the "days" in Genesis could be 1 billion years each. Or 100 trillion years each. The only thing we know is there were 7 equal time periods.

Originally posted by ranma187
Why in the bible did humans have very long lifespans? and then life expectancy gradually decline throughout the bible?

Some say cuz there was much more atmosphere which blocked out more harmful sunrays which is what breaks down our cells. Some say Yahweh himself on purpose shortened human life. The Bible twice says Yahweh decided man no longer deserved to live long. Each time Yahweh shortens man's life.

The first time is at Genesis 6:3

3And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

Originally posted by ranma187
If adam and eve were the first humans?

Sorry but that's one of the biggest missinformation about the Bible. The Bible clearly states Adam and Eve were the 2nd time Humans were made. Go to any major bookstore, and compare the King James Version to the other versions. KJV is the least misstranslated English version.
Genesis 1:28 says the same thing in Genesis 9:1. "REplenish/REfill the earth".

Originally posted by ranma187
where did their sons wife come from?

Cain and Seth marry their own sisters. Throughout the Bible women are relegated to the status of being ignored majority of the time.

Genesis 11:11
11And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad five hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.

Just how it is. Bloodlines are passed through the males. Females aren't as important. Look at the entire chapter of Genesis chapter 5 for obvious proof of this.

Genesis 4:28
17And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

But there's something intresting. Cain went to a land called Nod. How could this land already have a name if he hadn't been to it yet? LOL!

say adam and eve were actually aliens planted on this earth, but never knew it. it is possible they would have been genetically compatible with a primate species of man. so that could have been cane or abels wife???

Umm... you know that it's impossible for Able to have any female... cuz Abel never lived long enough to think about reproducing.
And it blatantly says Cain took a wife. Not some female chimpanzee LOL!
Next, it says Yahweh (or the Elohim) made man from Earth elements. Not put them on Earth from outter space. An "alien" is a being not from our planet.

and it would make sense that as the alien blood spread throughout our human genome that our life expectancies would gradually decline.

Or maybe the gods, or god, Yahweh, or the Elohim, on purpose shortened man's lifespan?
Genesis 6:3

3And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

Could the lightning cloud that moses got the 10 commandments from could have actually been a disguised UFO? Could the destruction of sodom
and gomorah heave actually been nuclear bombs used by aliens?

the list goes on if you read it.

Congrats again! You're onto something. I very, very, strongly suggest you check out Zecharia Sitchin and his books. At any major bookstore like Barnes & Noble. They even let you read any book for free. Or you can pay the $8 bucks and buy em if you can afford em.

There's many more examples of "UFOs" and spaceships in the Bible. There's even a verse that says the angels, and God, come from a far country on the other side of "the heavens". And the story about the "chariot of fire". A non-normal thing appeared. A physical thing. Not made by humans.

[edit on 13-4-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

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