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Aliens and the Rapture

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posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 01:51 PM
Give me a second before the trolls come screaming.... Those that know me, know I do not answer troll posts or those spewing hate.

Many months ago I decided to no longer post on ATS due to its slow painful soon to be death however I am doing this because I was told to.

I have two messages is the first one.

So here it is.....

Do you find it strange that all over the world the UFO sightings are almost daily? ATS, internet and media has almost daily threads concerning UFO and aliens. This topic is on fire around the world.

Years ago ....UFO/Aliens topics were not that frequent.....somewhat quite on the UFO front......until recently...

Now....more and more there appears to be the "build up" "Frenzy" with UFO/alien disclosure.

USA space force....... for what? Who is the threat? When do the aliens attack?

Can USA stop an alien attack with its space force while the rest of the world looks on?

Who else has a space force similiar to USA? Who else has stated they too have a space force? Please provide link.

So what do aliiens have to do with the pre-trib rapture? Simple.....governments around the world will explain to the world that aliens have kidnapped people around the world in the millions....when actually it was the rapture...!

Dont think so, huh? 75% to 80% of the world population believed COVID19 (severe flu) as what the media told you, a trumped up lie, as the planet raced to the doctor to get their COVID shot due to fear. Every year people die of the flu yet not exploited like COVID19. Meaning people believe what they hear on TV, radio and internet.

So.....its easy to BS the world population if the media, politicians, governments (a sicker politician) join together (NWO) and repeat the same lie.

These evil demonic governments know God is soon to return so they have devised a plan with evil entities to fool the world when the rapture occurs.
Lets think about this for a minute.....perfect plan .... explaining the millions of missing people over a 24 hour period.

It is genius and guaranteed to work......seen in dreams and visions....many times after fasting with prayer.

And the rapture? It will be pre-trib.

You don't agree?

OK, then how will the world logically explain this event?

Let me guess? You are going to simply brush it away with, "There will be no rapture." I will not debate the rapture. I am speaking of what is to come when it happens.

What do you think?

edit on 14-8-2023 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Well think of it this way - based on the reports, purported docs submitted as evidence, and testimony by Grusch, we have the technology to thwart this stuff.... Kind of. Well, we've been working on it for quite some time.

Couple that with the information supposedly uncovered by that one lovely gentleman that hacked NASA's computers a few years back and found out that we essentially have an active space presence with ships and bases.....

... If there was an ACTUAL alien invasion, we might have a shot.

Here's a question though: In my opinion, most old texts are ways of deciphering modern technology and science with limited understanding. Who's to say that current day aliens weren't misconstrued as angels and/or demons back in the day?

What if the Rapture is the beings that have performed genetic experiments over millennia coming back to pluck their favorites from the herd?


Off topic, sarcastic, but still a valid question: What if Steve Carell actually IS the head of the secret Space Force? (I personally loved that show on Netflix)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 02:11 PM

Thanks for your posts. Not sure if you have read any of my previous threads.

I am a Vatican trained demonlogist who specializes in spiritual deliverance and I can tell you, angels and demons do exist. Many people have met Satan Mel Gibson, many people and so have I. And demons are scarier than Lucifer.

Lucifer does not reside in Hell. He resides in Geneva, Switzerland... His 5 kings in hell are running hell.

Here's a question though: In my opinion, most old texts are ways of deciphering modern technology and science with limited understanding. Who's to say that current day aliens weren't misconstrued as angels and/or demons back in the day? What if the Rapture is the beings that have performed genetic experiments over millennia coming back to pluck their favorites from the herd?

This demonic plan was made and known as far back as the Sumarians, and Vishnu, etc....

Lucifer has been planning this for milleniums...... he is not stupid. Dont forget he is a Cherub, not your everday fallen angel.. He helped in creation and is more intelligent than the smartest man ever (excluding Christ)

P.S. 20 years ago when Steven Greer was basically unknown, I used to conduct background investigations for him. I will leave it at that.

a reply to: dothedew

edit on 14-8-2023 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-8-2023 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

For what it's worth:

List of space forces, units, and formations

China, Russia, Iran, France to name a few.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

It's an interesting premise that crossed my mind too, me however I'm assuming aliens to be real and religion being their invention to have some looking forward to be taken much easier and everyone else isn't the wiser either...

Doesn't it mentions 144000 somewhere? Hardly in the millions, and if done right, i think no one will notice...

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

These evil demonic governments know God is soon to return so they have devised a plan with evil entities to fool the world when the rapture occurs.

Perhaps TPTB know the rapture is not about to occur and are just capitalizing on the UFO phenomenon to further their agenda of population reduction, transfer of wealth/power to fewer people and public enslavement.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Thanks for the info and with this new information (for me) even proves my point!

BTW if you own a pair of high quality I.R. binoculars from time to time ...... if you look up you can see flashes (short and explosions) as if a war is ongoing right above the strasophere.....

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer Mel Gibson, many people and so have I. And demons are scarier than Lucifer.

Are the ufo's piloted by the demons you mentioned. Perhaps the demons will have a rapture of their own....I'll leave it at that.
edit on 14-8-2023 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 02:36 PM
Aliens are real.......they are demons. This is well known within the church due to many , many demonic taped interrogations between the victim and the alien.

Many will argue who the 144,000 is...... but these individuals will be Israeli grown virgin men .....dedicated slaves to the one true God.

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: DeathSlayer

It's an interesting premise that crossed my mind too, me however I'm assuming aliens to be real and religion being their invention to have some looking forward to be taken much easier and everyone else isn't the wiser either...

Doesn't it mentions 144000 somewhere? Hardly in the millions, and if done right, i think no one will notice...

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: DeathSlayer Mel Gibson, many people and so have I. And demons are scarier than Lucifer.

Are the ufo's piloted by the demons you mentioned. Perhaps the demons will have a rapture of their own....I'll leave it at that.


Lets not forget some of these UFO's have been built and designed by various EARTH government agencies including its civilian counter part, As for the real alien craft that travels between dimensions....yes..

Hell and its demons mock everything that is holy....and they will also have a rapture. You are correct! Christ will rapture them to hell.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer

Thanks for your posts. Not sure if you have read any of my previous threads.

I am a Vatican trained demonlogist who specializes in spiritual deliverance and I can tell you, angels and demons do exist. Many people have met Satan Mel Gibson, many people and so have I. And demons are scarier than Lucifer.

Lucifer does not reside in Hell. He resides in Geneva, Switzerland... His 5 kings in hell are running hell.

Here's a question though: In my opinion, most old texts are ways of deciphering modern technology and science with limited understanding. Who's to say that current day aliens weren't misconstrued as angels and/or demons back in the day? What if the Rapture is the beings that have performed genetic experiments over millennia coming back to pluck their favorites from the herd?

This demonic plan was made and known as far back as the Sumarians, and Vishnu, etc....

Lucifer has been planning this for milleniums...... he is not stupid. Dont forget he is a Cherub, not your everday fallen angel.. He helped in creation and is more intelligent than the smartest man ever (excluding Christ)

P.S. 20 years ago when Steven Greer was basically unknown, I used to conduct background investigations for him. I will leave it at that.

a reply to: dothedew

Hi. Do you have any hard evidence or links to back up your claims? I would like to look into it, thanks 👍🏼
(Welcome to PM me)
edit on 14-8-2023 by Albert999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Perhaps TPTB know the rapture is not about to occur and are just capitalizing on the UFO phenomenon to further their agenda of population reduction, transfer of wealth/power to fewer people and public enslavement.


posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

I am in full agreement that space aliens are nothing more that demonic entities playing their silly games in order to delude people.

However, I worry about the emphasis placed on the pre-trib rapture by so many, obviously sincere and devout, Christians. I am no great theologian and I no longer subscribe to the health/wealth brigade, whome I regard as just as dangerous as the new age movement.

My two desires are that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will grant me wisdom and discernment in all things and a closer relationship with my Saviour.

I hope that the rapture (pre, mid or post tribulation) is indeed part of God's plan. But cannot help feeling that the biblical evidence is somewhat tenuous and has been seized upon by some as a sort of 'get out of jail free card'. My reason for this is what Jesus himself said about the last days in that '...for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened, least noone would survive'.

It makes me wonder what effect the lack of a rapture (pre or mid tribulation) would have on those people who were expecting it. Would they lose their faith? Would they blame God? Would they then buy the lie that aliens are real (not just demons) and abandon their faith completely?

Sounds to me like the sort of deception the enemy would use to lure the faithful into a false sense of security.

I enjoy your posts and please be assured that this reply is in no way a refutaion of what you have said. I have felt for some time that the subject of the rature is something that needs to be considered with great care and a great deal of prayer and guidance.

Bless you in the name Jesus.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Aliens are real.......they are demons. This is well known within the church due to many , many demonic taped interrogations between the victim and the alien.

Many will argue who the 144,000 is...... but these individuals will be Israeli grown virgin men .....dedicated slaves to the one true God.

And there you have answered your own question.

If those that suddenly go missing are not All "...Isreal grown virgin men...", then it cannot be the so-called "Rapture", right?

If any of the taken are from some other country, some other religion, some other sex or gender, or are not virgins!, it must be that the"Aliens" are to blame.


Why would a supernatural entity, such as a demon, require a spacecraft?

And if they require such devices in order to operate in our universe/realm, doesn't that also make them susceptible to the physics and limitations of our universe?

"If it bleeds, it can be killed", as Arnold declared
edit on 14-8-2023 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-8-2023 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

A 109,000,000,000 humans have lived on planet earth. The rapture will take a 144,000. That's 0.00013211% of the people.

I've met some people who honestly thought they were better than everyone else and thought they were guaranteed to be in the rapture.

I don't talk to those people any more.

edit on 14-8-2023 by Mahogany because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 04:41 PM

The short answer is no. Let me explain.....the church has and owns a monopoly on sensitive information that thex do not share with the piblic.. You will never get an audio or full copy of text from any Vatican exorcism.

Most spirituaĂś deliveries are quiet and not as severe.

Witnessing either event above will make you a believer. Become a deacon in a church where the pastor/priest do deliverance training and ask to hejp out as a prayer warrior.....quickest way I know....

The only other way I know how to prove this would be:

If you are willing to convince your local Bishop to send you to the Vatican University for exorcism training where you will see proof. They not only seek priest but lay people as well. They need priests, demonlogist, prayer warriors and mental health specialist. You will witness super natural events that cannot be explained by lay people.

If denied by Bishop there is plenty of training for Deliverance ministry.

I will be sending you a PM tomorrow.

originally posted by: Albert999

originally posted by: DeathSlayer

Thanks for your posts. Not sure if you have read any of my previous threads.

I am a Vatican trained demonlogist who specializes in spiritual deliverance and I can tell you, angels and demons do exist. Many people have met Satan Mel Gibson, many people and so have I. And demons are scarier than Lucifer.

Lucifer does not reside in Hell. He resides in Geneva, Switzerland... His 5 kings in hell are running hell.

Here's a question though: In my opinion, most old texts are ways of deciphering modern technology and science with limited understanding. Who's to say that current day aliens weren't misconstrued as angels and/or demons back in the day? What if the Rapture is the beings that have performed genetic experiments over millennia coming back to pluck their favorites from the herd?

This demonic plan was made and known as far back as the Sumarians, and Vishnu, etc....

Lucifer has been planning this for milleniums...... he is not stupid. Dont forget he is a Cherub, not your everday fallen angel.. He helped in creation and is more intelligent than the smartest man ever (excluding Christ)

P.S. 20 years ago when Steven Greer was basically unknown, I used to conduct background investigations for him. I will leave it at that.

a reply to: dothedew

Hi. Do you have any hard evidence or links to back up your claims? I would like to look into it, thanks 👍🏼
(Welcome to PM me)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 04:45 PM
The Harpadzo(rapture) has nothing to do with the Jews, who make up the 144,000. The 144,000 are likely post Trib. They are a remnant of Jews left in Israel after it is attacked by the Antichrist. That attack likely occurs after the Christians are gone. That is when the Jews realize that the Antichrist is Satanic, and that their Messiah (Yeshua) has come and gone. The 144,000 take the place of the missing church and evangelize the Earth.

Ive studied this extensively as has my dad (96 yr old genius , retired scientist, close to 90 years a Christian). I do believe in pretrib harpadzo, but I must also mention that there is also evidence for a mid trib (pre wrath trib). At this point, it appears that the whole tribulation will be completed by 2030-2033, which means rapture can occur any day between now and 2029.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 04:45 PM
Doesn't make sense for there are better and faster ways to depopulate etc.....without envolving a Christian belief on an unbeliever like the rapture, right?

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: nugget1

Perhaps TPTB know the rapture is not about to occur and are just capitalizing on the UFO phenomenon to further their agenda of population reduction, transfer of wealth/power to fewer people and public enslavement.


posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: Mahogany
a reply to: DeathSlayer

A 109,000,000,000 humans have lived on planet earth. The rapture will take a 144,000. That's 0.00013211% of the people.

I've met some people who honestly thought they were better than everyone else and thought they were guaranteed to be in the rapture.

I don't talk to those people any more.

who do you think wrote this?

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer
Were you to know UFO history from the early books, which obviously you don't know, you would know that the "rapture" the taking up of souls, was one of the first messages supposedly communicated to earthlings. (Sorry to sound like VP Harris.)
That message was given to contactees and even put into a new age bible, called The Urantia Book. I somewhat recall an earlier book back in the late 1880s called the Osphe, (maybe incorrect spelling) which told of something similar.[.

They were god-like beings in huge ships that periodically came to earth to harvest millions of souls that were stuck here. Perhaps there is a connection to the so-called Akashic Records concepts? (Sorry if I murdered the spelling to it also.)

'Careful who you call demons, ...or angels. Human perceptions are, after all, only human. What another being might convey to us is never necessarily true but certainly will serve its purpose. --Sorta like government, you know?

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