posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 10:34 PM
She bound the tulips from the park as dusk arose from her breath. Her-surrounded island was tampered with wide awake feelings all day and night. The
city of love surrounds heaven from dusk till the dawn of time. As we arrived on her corner in time, she sent us the energy to love to forget all her
ways around the great bend. The bend from time, a time to tell, a time to listen.
Our lives have changed without her words. Her words have changed our minds. She has taught us that there is a time to cry, a time to learn and a time
to die! The mouths of the fed will forever scream in silence. Her voice will forever be embedded in to your minds eye. All the crime that occurs is
nothing but magic.
Her souls of wind surround the plush buildings that lay upon the earth. Never shall they rest in peace. We can hear the hollowing sound of ghosts
moving below our feet. Like shoes in a draft, a draft of time. As she removed her mask away from her face we could hear her chant about “The call of
the wild”.
I am happy for the time she spent healing us…
edit on 10-8-2023 by JJproductions because: (no reason given)