posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 12:06 PM
Not sure how many of you have played with AI but there is definitely a frightening element to it.
Some are saying AI/filter know where past injuries are/were and other weird things like that.
I’ll share my experience.
I’m Asian American but to most I would say I look full Asian. I don’t look like my mom or my dad. I have some features of both but if you saw us
in a crowd you’d probably never know we are related. When I was younger we found a photo of my maternal grandmother (Asian) in the 1920’s and
there it was. We are spitting images of each other. It shocked me because I didn’t look like a relative, it looked like a photo of me, as in
spitting image. For the woo woo folks, it’s not reincarnation or such as she was well and alive after I was born, but at least I know what I’ll
look like when I’m older!
Well the other day I was messing around with AI and filters. There is a filter to make you look like you’re in the 1950’s era…..
Holy cow Batman…..what was I seeing……AI turned me into my American grandma..100% white, I just looked at it in shock. How did it turn me into my
grandma? My features aren’t Western but it had a way to tweak them just so, and there she was, or I was. Either way I was freaked out.
It is as if AI took all the ethnicity out of me and stripped me if that makes sense…
Back to social issues….It makes me wonder if there is a deeper more complex database of billions of faces, maybe from photographs and how are those
being use. Some thing social scores or more, maybe something more sinister. Desirable features, defects… Maybe the study of eugenics on a massive