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It's happening, the fall of the American cities

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posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: nickyw

that these things trc=ack back to social media informs us of the trouble we are in..

in my mind it started with the arab spring 2010 then the uks blackberry riots 2011, where it was north american social media its now chinese social media.. it inferes there is a bigger game afoot.

Close, we push it to 2012 with the over-the-top progressive agendas that Obama and the left started to push and the huge increase in social media.

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Most of the business' are less than 5 years old. In fact, the Costco opened up in 2020 I believe. I don't know if the shutdowns have anything to do with it but the sheer number of big box type stores and massive quantity of stores in a such a small area is a little mind numbing. In fact, as I was driving around looking at completely empty parking lots at 11:30ish a.m. and the business' were open was surreal and all I could think of was the thread here on the '15 minute' cities. And quite frankly when I read the threads and comments it was difficult for me to imagine but seeing that in real life it became profoundly real.

Some of the facilities have just opened in the last year. There are also lots of apartments nearby. But it doesn't seem to be enough to justify the quantity of shops in the area. Short of major surgery or medical treatment, everything was there.

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux

Some of the facilities have just opened in the last year. There are also lots of apartments nearby. But it doesn't seem to be enough to justify the quantity of shops in the area. Short of major surgery or medical treatment, everything was there.

I wonder what the reason is... It's 2 hours to Chicago so not like people moving out of Chicago looking for a place to live outside the big city but still close enough to work there.

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