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Dr. Jordan Peterson launching online university to counter left-wing bias

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posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: Annee

The sciences need more diverse scientists so newer types of studies or rather freer thinking methodologies within studies can be had and who knows actually find some people's truths.


It’s really shocking to me, at almost 77, to personally (in real time) experience that there are still such ignorant and closed minded STUCK people.

It is shocking to me sometimes that we haven't progressed much further along. If we are alien hybrids then the good DNA must not have taken.

One word: religion.

And I do believe there are alien hybrid among us.

The woke has indeed become a religion.

Don’t project your perspective on to others.

It's an understanding most of us have.
The only people who don't get it or don't think wokeness is now a religion are those who are woke themselves.

What a world.... multiple religions including

Q anon, woke and maga...pathetic

Whataboutism and avoidance as expected.

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 04:35 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: AlienBorg

I doubt his online university will ever be accredited because he will be leaving out sectors of society and historical truths that don't fit his narrative. As a business model I think it won't get off the ground.

Educational and historical truths can't be ignored.

You mean how, like, people became “woke” in the past to fight against things like, umm….slavery, the right to vote while being of color/woman, being oppressed by another nation, work place safety…I mean, idk…every civilization or society has had its wike moments. The world will always change….people will change. Thoughts change, beliefs change…presidents change! LoL instead of fighting about all the differences and imposing, or attempting to, our beliefs on others…why can’t we all just get along?!

Can you imagine how boring life would be if we all thought and believes the same thing?! How would we grow and learn the boundaries of our world? I don’t agree with a lot of things, but that I keep to myself. I am as kind as I am allowed to be. I donate money to ALL the causes that come across my plate, even if I don’t necessarily understand it. It ain’t hard, man.

If we don’t stop squabbling, we’re all gonna end up screwed.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: AlienBorg
a reply to: Turquosie
It's true, not every professor and every course is corrupted with the ridiculous woke ideology.

I submit to you that this is only true in Universities that are not subject to government polices through the government teat.

I also submit to you that any Professor who works at any University that has or is in the process of incorporating this nonsense is absolutely self-censoring, because if they don't, they will be subject to cancellation via the woke mob.

Sciences, engineering, and mathematics are probably the courses where the woke culture has a minimal effect.

To an extent, but that is also changing rapidly.

Humanities, social sciences, psychology, arts, and the so on, where the main problem is.

No, those are just where they get started and achieve a strong foothold. Once they are dug in like ticks, they start spreading everywhere else.
edit on 31-8-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:10 PM
Everyone see this news?

An Ontario court ruled against psychologist and media personality Jordan Peterson Wednesday, and upheld a regulatory body's order that he take social media training in the wake of complaints about his controversial online posts and statements.

Last November, Peterson, a professor emeritus with the University of Toronto psychology department who is also an author and media commentator, was ordered by the College of Psychologists of Ontario to undergo a coaching program on professionalism in public statements.

That followed numerous complaints to the governing body of Ontario psychologists, of which Peterson is a member, regarding his online commentary directed at politicians, a plus-sized model, and transgender actor Elliot Page, among other issues. You can read more about those social media posts here.

The college's complaints committee concluded his controversial public statements could amount to professional misconduct and ordered Peterson to pay for a media coaching program — noting failure to comply could mean the loss of his licence to practice psychology in the province.

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