posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 10:45 PM
Three light years of distance to her soul, the red moon glowed red harsh light as she approached. Her rocket ship of time danced to the distant beats
from her world. You say that time moves slowly from tune. A tune of love a tune in time. Her lights of steady hands followed her path for all the
roads she knew. This time was different.
Way far beyond science she taught children the ways of other worlds. Her bright memories launched dreams of seas from future worlds. The vastness
scope of her eye color had sight in to the past. All was within the means of time. A time to last and a time to keep. To keep her soul from deep
The power from different worlds brought new meanings to all, our heavens found time to escape. To escape from the times we roamed this galaxy. To roam
is to nomadically wander this universe with love. A love of being. A love of time traveled. As our third light year ended we could see her dancing on
the beautiful planets…