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A nascar driver suspended indefintely for liking a George Floyed meme white genocide ignored

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posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

I added an edit to my previous post. I won't repeat it here.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 01:04 AM
a reply to: pthena

This is not about free speech vs free speech.
It's free speech vs white genocide.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

I don't think white genocide is legal in South Africa. Maybe I'm wrong.

I have spent most of my life in favor of unlimited free speech, in regards to politics and religion. I'm about to accept the notion of categories of non-protected hate speech. Which means a bit of trust in courts and judges and juries when it comes to where the line is drawn.

I personally don't think the driver should have been permanently kicked out of NASCAR, but I'm not on the policy board of NASCAR.

I personally think that the prior court ruling on the song should be upheld in SA Supreme Court. But I'm not on the Supreme Court and I'm not a South African.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 02:46 AM
Found this Interesting video while looking up info on the South Africa 'Kill the Boer' Song

Black Preacher Tells Truths That Would Make Liberal's Head Explode - Video Link

This black preacher spits some hard truths about the sad history of Africa before white people arrived there. The preacher even proclaims the worst thing to happen to South Africa was to turn it over to Nelson Mandella and black people

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: TarantulaBite

He doesn't know history.

The Swahili were trading all around the African continent way before white man had a go at it, in vessels called Mtepe, as far afield as China... So he's wrong about black people's inability to build boats capable of ocean voyage.

Even if he discounts Egypt as "Not African" there's examples of other civilizations that built with stone in Africa, mostly north of the sub Saharan region but not exclusively. Tichitt culture for instance...

Not that ancient civilizations have any bearing on modern humans of any skin colour when it comes to what we do. Wtf is he expecting? Black south Africans to start building carracks and pyramids to prove they're... Ya know? Civilized?

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 04:24 AM
In the first scenario, the government didn't intervene, so the 1st amendment isn't relevant. When you're a public figure such as a Nascar driver, you represent the company whether you're driving or not. Making fun of dead people isn't a good look. I know I can't make racist jokes at work.

In the second scenario, the government DID intervene, and it's still in court. It appears there will be legal repercussions.

I'm still kind of confused what one has to do with the other though.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Making fun of dead people isn't a good look.

True, but folks have recently been making fun of millionaires who died in the sub explosion and no one complains.

I know I can't make racist jokes at work.

Devil's Advocate : If Floyd was white, would it matter as much?

Most people don't care that Floyd was black, the media and the BLM movement capitalized (literally) on that fact.

The fact that he was a violent drug addicted criminal seems to be consistantly overlooked by those who profess his Sainthood.

edit on 8/8/23 by GENERAL EYES because: clarity

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 05:02 AM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: TarantulaBite

He doesn't know history.

The Swahili were trading all around the African continent way before white man had a go at it, in vessels called Mtepe, as far afield as China... So he's wrong about black people's inability to build boats capable of ocean voyage.

Even if he discounts Egypt as "Not African" there's examples of other civilizations that built with stone in Africa, mostly north of the sub Saharan region but not exclusively. Tichitt culture for instance...

Not that ancient civilizations have any bearing on modern humans of any skin colour when it comes to what we do. Wtf is he expecting? Black south Africans to start building carracks and pyramids to prove they're... Ya know? Civilized?

Lets say all of this is true. Does that justify killing white farmers who had nothing to do with it?
Also are we now justified ro kill black people, because we hada looting, burning and stealing free life before black people lived amongst us?
Are the Japanese justified to kill Americans because of being hit by two nuclear bombs?

Your logic needs an overhaul.

White farmer's land was stolen under the guise of justice and given to black farmers, who just didn't use it. Couldn't be arsed. This equals less food.

That's what the priest meant.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

Lets say all of this is true. Does that justify killing white farmers who had nothing to do with it?

I guess so?

In the video he paints all Africans with a brush irregardless of culture or century, they can only build dinghy's and grass huts apparently.

Also are we now justified ro kill black people, because we hada looting, burning and stealing free life before black people lived amongst us?

Are you saying looting, burning and stealing are attributes assigned to black people and nobody else? I mean the video speaks for itself and says that black people are incapable of running a civilization. Should I assume that you assume similar things when it comes to history and the present? Idk. I like learning history and it seems to me if the Romans weren't doing the same things it was happening to Rome itself.

Your logic needs an overhaul.

It does?

All I did was point out that civilizations have risen and fallen in Africa, I also pointed out that black Africans sailed oceans about 400-500 years before white Europeans, even named the vessel. I'm not the one making illogical conclusions that skin colour equals culture.

White farmer's land was stolen under the guise of justice and given to black farmers, who just didn't use it. Couldn't be arsed. This equals less food.

That's what the priest meant.

Seemed to me he waffled on about historical inaccuracies and linked it to a modern day nation and said "hey, this is the existence of black people!" Seemed somewhat self depreciating with a whiff of stereotyped descriptions. That said it was a short clip and I haven't seen the original.

I know Africans who left SA, most of them were white. His opinions on ancient Egyptians says more than enough of what he'd think of them. I'd hazard a guess all those with Arabian or Persian bloodlines ain't African either right? Not to mention the heavy East Asian influences that are historic... Especially in the South and Eastern parts of Africa.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
Devil's Advocate : If Floyd was white, would it matter as much?

To me, yes. He absolutely was not a good person, certainly not a "saint". That doesn't give cops a right to be judge, jury, and executioner. He was resisting, sure, but he never so much a threw a punch at any of them.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: pthena

This is not about free speech vs free speech.
It's free speech vs white genocide.

Free speech does not protect you against repercussions. He was free to like meme, free to say whatever he wanted but any repercussions after that is not protected. The business is NASCAR, the employee is the driver, the driver signs a contract and a business can decide if that contract has been broken.

You say there has been no outrage regarding South Africa but what the hell do you want Americans to do about it? There is no one in America that praises the song and most people would be against it but what can they do, another country cannot dictate to another country on how they must deal with their idiots
edit on 8-8-2023 by FactorFake2023 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Making fun of dead people isn't a good look.

True, but folks have recently been making fun of millionaires who died in the sub explosion and no one complains.

I know I can't make racist jokes at work.

Devil's Advocate : If Floyd was white, would it matter as much?

Most people don't care that Floyd was black, the media and the BLM movement capitalized (literally) on that fact.

The fact that he was a violent drug addicted criminal seems to be consistantly overlooked by those who profess his Sainthood.

Was he violent on that day?

Maybe not you but when a black person is killed, people from the right will search high and low for any dirt they can find on that person and than proclaim "he was bad dude", suggesting that the individual got what he deserved.

When that stupid women was killed during the insurrection,maybe not you but the right defended her and call her a martyr even though she was committing a violent crime.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

This is just garbage

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

So no one should take a knee either because you are representing a company? Right?

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 09:09 AM
When did ATS become overrun with Marxists? So many new commies in the last 6 months.

As to the topic
Nascar is a total joke now and has been since the criminal Floyd died from a Fentanyl OD and the whole Bubba Wallace noose bs.

Apartheid wasn't a great policy and caused lots of resentment among the majority black population...yet the country was a world powerhouse then and now is a third world craphole. Hard to come to terms with those two facts.

Most of Africa is now being colonized by China. It's almost like they invite bad things to happen to them
edit on 8-8-2023 by OdinsPath because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: matafuchs
So no one should take a knee either because you are representing a company? Right?

I suppose that's up to the company and their policies. Whose death is that poking fun at though?

originally posted by: OdinsPath
When did ATS become overrun with Marxists? So many new commies in the last 6 months.


He did not die from a f#cking fentanyl overdose.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: matafuchs
So no one should take a knee either because you are representing a company? Right?

I suppose that's up to the company and their policies. Whose death is that poking fun at though?

originally posted by: OdinsPath
When did ATS become overrun with Marxists? So many new commies in the last 6 months.


He did not die from a f#cking fentanyl overdose.

Yes he fu@@ing did

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

To me, every American who died so that flag can still represent us.

Also, he died from an OD. If he just got in the car he would have lived to OD another day.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: OdinsPath
Yes he fu@@ing did

The coroner and judge disagree with you.

“cardiopulmonary arrest” from “law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.”

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman
Show trial to stop the riots. Show some intelligence

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