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FACT - There Was Indeed Wide-Spread Election Fraud in 2020 to Benefit JOE BIDEN.

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posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: SourGrapes

What "cities" were burned down?

Here, in the U.S. we had Antifa and BLM burning down cities, for two years before the election.

The funds stopped, after Biden was "elected ".

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: SourGrapes

Yes, but "burning down cities"? Hyperbole, surely?

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: SourGrapes

Yes, but "burning down cities"? Hyperbole, surely?

Kenosha is about half an hour from me. City blocks were burned. Car dealerships lost their entire inventory , businesses burned down.

If it were my business/dealership, it wouldn't read as "hyperbole " to me.

Tell that to the small business owners that lost everything.

So, yes, they were burning cities. Good thing they weren't successful in destroying entire cities.
edit on 6-8-2023 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: SourGrapes

I see, thanks.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: rickymouse
Democrats also choose those who will keep criminal activities covered up. For that matter, Republicans are now favoring those who will cover-up high ranking crimes too. I don't think Republican leaders were this "dirty" back when Bush was President. Maybe a lot of the Obama/Biden/Pelosi regime rubbed off on every body.

Seems that because of the way society has gone lately with both parents working, the kids are getting more apt to do crimes. Laws have been passed that make it illegal to spank your kids when they are young too, so kids don't get punishment early in life which makes them believe they will not get punished for their crimes later in life.

The thing is that the people in the middle class along with other donors to the political parties have kids that were getting in trouble and because of their parents prestigious jobs they started getting away with things more in school and their local these people in their prestigious positions got the laws changed so their kids would not get charged with things that they were not supposed to do. Along with their own kids not getting stiff penalties, the rest of people had their kids benefit by these laws. So now a lot of the corruption has spread through our society and the numbers of bad people is increasing a lot the farther down the rabbit hole we go. Our society now has a major problem just because kids did not get disiplined properly when they were young and in their teenage years, a lawyer would get a teenager off with no record and the teenager just figured it was their right to not get punishment as long as the parents paid a lawyer and their fines. Lawyers got richer, the jails do not have nearly as many people in them as they should, and fines are paid by the parents of kids that don't want the public to know their kid was in trouble. Both parents are working most times in these cases, the kids are not properly supervised.

I see this happening a lot around here, parents and grandparents keep bailing the kids out of trouble. The courts love it when they get more money, the cops are disgusted because they put a youth in jail and they are out the next day even for more serious crimes now. There are a lot of warrants out here for youth that have not showed up at court, and these youth keep doing bad things, they are not even scared of the police anymore.

It started at the top of society, laws were made more lenient to protect those youth, but laws are made for everyone, not just the rich....plea bargaining is always done around here, even with court appointed lawyers.

This has been increasing for generations, I have seen it happening for at least three generations now with each generation increasing the number of these kids that think they don't have to follow the laws because they can get off with a slap on the wrist.

Conservatives used to be more into letting their kids get punnished because they believed society should work together to keep crime down. Liberals...well just look at their chaotic behavior through the last four generations, they push to ease the laws so their kids don't get the book thrown at them and wind up in jail very long or prison....because they taught them that laws can be changed...liberal is all about overturning present rules. They initiate change, whether bad or good, they like to change things.

So, in a nutshell, this is what I believe is happening to society because I have seen it happening quite a bit over the years and it is much worse now than it was back in the sixties. In the sixties you did not even have to lock your doors or your cars. You did not need security systems on your house around here even into the early seventies. You might find some drunk passed out in your shed because he she could not make it home and it was either buggy outside or it was freezing. Now if you left a chainsaw in the back of your truck, it might disappear, but you could just stick it in the cab and it was ok. It used to be you could leave any tool outside and the people who stole stuff would not bother it because tools made you have to work, but then selling them became the trend, so then you had to put them away.

With the internet, it is easy for someone to sell what they stole. They list it from a different area for sale then they say they will deliver it. So the crooks are getting smarter, people on marketplace do not realize what is being sold there is what was stolen from their house because the location is fifty miles away.

At the rate things are going, I do not want to live for another twenty years, society is getting corrupt, it used to be one or two percent of people were corrupt, now it appears it is about three or four percent. One bad person can cause problems for a lot of people. The strange thing is people don't even realize they are corrupt, they have been taught what they can get away with and they stretched it and their kids stretch it. They feel they are justified in their action because now they believe it is considered socially acceptable. They cannot properly comprehend what honest means, before you were obligated by a handshake, now you need a legal contract and legal contracts often have corruption written into them.
Ok, enough of a rant, I am just old and have seen too much change in society over the last fifty five years or so since I became a teanager.

When parents were afraid to whip their kids, then it began the fall of the United States Empire.
Soon, there will be no place to run to.
I've said this many times, people are rushing into Japan to live here permantly, but they are brings their ways with them.
So far, it is easy to deport foreigners that break the law. But since they feel they can do what they want ( which many do ), society here is also breaking down. Schools in the larger cities are finding it difficult to teach ruddy children from broken families.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

ruddy children

Damn those kids and their rosy cheeks!
edit on 6-8-2023 by Threadbare because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: rickymouse
Democrats also choose those who will keep criminal activities covered up. For that matter, Republicans are now favoring those who will cover-up high ranking crimes too. I don't think Republican leaders were this "dirty" back when Bush was President. Maybe a lot of the Obama/Biden/Pelosi regime rubbed off on every body.

Im a conservative liberal who is upset with Biden & his son’s bad behaviors .
Im not so keen on Trump cause of his problematic narcissists ways.
I will also say I believe the DOJ & alphabet agencies are in need of some sprucing up .
At this point it seems suspicious that only Trump is under attack for doing what or less than Hillary did as well Biden had boxes of classified crap.. who really cares at this point because they all do it , but then why is only Trump being rung up for it ?
Well it would appear there is a possible bias within our government against conservatives ?
So if Trump wins in 2024 it is likely that he would fire a bunch of DOJ & FBI people & then install his brand of agencies to hunt down the corruption & them Im sure Trump himself would start weaponizing his DOJ & FBI against his rivals .
All political groups & their voters should demand fair & transparent operations from the Federal agencies with public audits.
The US is really losing it’s integrity by allowing the country to be ran by the likes of today’s politicians
America has had times in history when the conservatives controlled the DOJ & FBI that targeted liberal peoples & politicians, so can’t we all agree that if the courts are one sided for your team then hurray, until the courts switch teams & they do and your team suffers.
We can’t have a yo yo DOJ . Our entire government is consumed by infighting & special counsel.
All Americans of all views need to demand blind justice or there is chaos.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

but then why is only Trump being rung up for it

Because instead of turning over the documents when asked, he tried to cover up the fact he had them and lied to investigators.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: Threadbare

Missed my point, I see.

Do you really think Hawking was diddling underage girls on the Island.

Or how about Naomi Campbell?

Did everyone that visited the island parking in felonies?

You seem to believe they did.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: Threadbare
a reply to: psychotrail

but then why is only Trump being rung up for it

Because instead of turning over the documents when asked, he tried to cover up the fact he had them and lied to investigators.

That’s the narrative we are being fed.
Were you there when Trump allegedly did this?

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Gothar

Yeah, this seems to be the theme now that Biden is being exposed. All politicians are crooked so I don't participate. But Trump is worst.

I see you.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: Threadbare
a reply to: carewemust

Trump's legal team is a revolving door. Case in point, the lawyer that defended Trump for the Russia accusations, Ty Cobb, says Trump is toast with the current charges.

Yeah here is what Cobb said…..

“He knew. He is toast. DC jury: He is done. Until he wins the election and the fun begins all over,"

Bittersweet for you I bet, he loses the case but wins the election.
Which is all that matters, 4 more years of salty Liberal tears.


DNC wins the prosecution but loses the election, which is all that matters

Biden doesn't secure his office for the next 4 years, some gop candidate replaces him and lays the foundation for the next red wave to flush out the parasites and vermin with or without the guidance of trump

Now it makes sense

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: Threadbare

Well, he mentions a DC jury. So maybe he knows Trump wont get a fair trial?

It can be read into either way. Of course, you spin it as 'even his own lawyer says he's guilty'.

But if he lawyer says 'he knew', that lawyer is full of crap, and I wouldn't hire him. There were some saying he lost, some saying it was a cheat. There are many millions that believe in the cheat, even today. How could he 'know'. Nobody knows someone else's mind. I don't care who they are.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: Threadbare
a reply to: psychotrail

but then why is only Trump being rung up for it

Because instead of turning over the documents when asked, he tried to cover up the fact he had them and lied to investigators.
I agree with you and he seems guilty of that . I think what Hillary did with her phones & server innher private home is the worst , yet she is free ?
Trump is not my type of leader , but it is very lopsided in the persecution he gets .
Trump is definitely guilty of all manners of nastiness but the document charges are silly in comparison

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: Threadbare

Im sure he had a parking ticket at least once in his life.

But guilty of any of these, uh pardon the obvious pun, Trumped up charges, not so much.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: Threadbare
a reply to: psychotrail

but then why is only Trump being rung up for it

Because instead of turning over the documents when asked, he tried to cover up the fact he had them and lied to investigators.
I agree with you and he seems guilty of that . I think what Hillary did with her phones & server innher private home is the worst , yet she is free ?
Trump is not my type of leader , but it is very lopsided in the persecution he gets .
Trump is definitely guilty of all manners of nastiness but the document charges are silly in comparison

That’s the thing, Trump is an asshole.
There is a certain group of weak people that can’t handle a leader of his type.

I belong to the group that can look past his minor character flaws to see that he did good for this country despite being obstructed by the Democrats at every turn.
They are offended by everything and on the other hand, there isn’t much that offends us.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: Threadbare

Well, I do stand corrected.

This here link says Clinton flew on that plane 26 times.

And I've also heard that the famous physics prof in the wheelchair - Hawking... he was on the Island for a party or two also. Lots of famous people. It was his stock in trade.

The women were too old for Joe Biden, I believe.


posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Gothar

Biden is a crook, a plagiarizer, a liar, a cheat.

He has opened our borders, raised taxes, increased inflation and ruined foreign relations.

The democrat party is trying to be the only party, they are full of Marxists, leftists who hate the Constitution, hate individuality, hate freedom.

The DNC cheated in 2020 to defeat Trump. That's the only way they can stay in power because no sane rational person would want less freedoms, less money.

Don’t forget they cheated in 2016 as well… just not good enough… in 2012 and 2008 they ran a literal illegal alien and placed him in office (which makes every single appointment and law null and void and should have all of his co-conspirators currently ruining this country hung)… and back in 2000 did the exact same crap with ManBearPig that they’re accusing Trump of… the Democratic Party is the worst thing to happen to this country since Operation Paper Clip and before that the 1913 overthrow…

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: SwissMarked

the Democratic Party is the worst thing to happen to this country since Operation Paper Clip and before that the 1913 overthrow…

That’s a bold statement but one that I 100% agree with.

The Liberals are a scourge on our society.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: SwissMarked

Illegal alien?

Says the type that rages against the Russian collusion nonsense yet pushes this bs?

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