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Welcome to Lawless Illinois

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posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

or they will flee into milwaukee like they already do. sometimes i worry about my dad getting caught in a driveby when he works (sewer construction) down there

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Wait wait wait, you can't post actual statistics that show how idiotic this idea is. You're going to hurt someone's feelings!!!

But yes, thank you for that! Furthers the point we have been trying to make all along

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: datguy

Here is some perspectives of "lifelong" residence of the state. (I only put quotations on lifelong, as I cannot verify if they truly are or not)

I feel that most citizens, at least the already law abiding ones, are all going to have the same opinion on this matter. And who would know better than those that are living in it every day.

I will keep updating as I see more come in on this matter. (And as I actually remember to...)

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: PorkChop96

There is also a link to another story
SAFE-T Act: Illinois sheriff warns prosecutors not to be ‘overzealous’ targeting victims stopping criminals

"I think you will see instances where civilians take matters into their own hands and use hopefully what's an appropriate level of force to get the people to stop committing the crime that they're doing," Jefferson County Sheriff Jeff Bullard said.

When the sheriffs call it "America's most dangerous law" I would think lawmakers would pay attention

Which makes me ask honestly, how many of these criminals, prior to this law, were actually unable to post bail and got stuck in jail?

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 09:37 AM
you know there's a crime issue when our town of 20k people the sheriff has to escort jurors to their cars and follow them for a few blocks to make sure they aren't assaulted again. Killed 2 a few years ago. Things aren't getting better in Michigan.

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: mikell

Nothing is going to get better until this country has some sort of accountability for the criminals in it.

Plenty of accountability for those of us that follow the law.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: PorkChop96

Here in Los Angeles, folks are being warned not to gather in large crowds again, like in the pandemic days, in some neighborhoods. This time the reason is widespread gang warfare and violence. For the remainder of the year the advisory is.

Of course the focus of Los Angeles and the state are low bails, sanctuary and soft on crime actions. A disease of another kind.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: mikell

Nothing is going to get better until this country has some sort of accountability for the criminals in it.

Plenty of accountability for those of us that follow the law.

especially the criminals in Washington DC
and all the state capitals and legislatures.

the justice system is way broke. should not take months to try a routine case.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 12:38 PM
There was a real problem with people being locked up for low level crimes - like possession and shoplifting.
I forget the number but a large portion in cook county jail were there past the standard sentence, meaning they were locked up longer waiting trial than they would have been being immediately convicted.

Drug addicts, homeless, and the mentally ill didn't need to be locked up.

Instead of easily correcting these problems - they went crazy and just decided to let everyone go. A crack addict shouldn't be treated the same as a murder.

So what's going to happen is within a year, this act will lead to horrific consequences and it will be rolled back. People who never consider this type of law again. The poor drug addict and mentally ill trespasser will go back to being locked up with the murders and rapists.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Daughter2
There was a real problem with people being locked up for low level crimes - like possession and shoplifting.
I forget the number but a large portion in cook county jail were there past the standard sentence, meaning they were locked up longer waiting trial than they would have been being immediately convicted.

Drug addicts, homeless, and the mentally ill didn't need to be locked up.

Instead of easily correcting these problems - they went crazy and just decided to let everyone go. A crack addict shouldn't be treated the same as a murder.

So what's going to happen is within a year, this act will lead to horrific consequences and it will be rolled back. People who never consider this type of law again. The poor drug addict and mentally ill trespasser will go back to being locked up with the murders and rapists.

I wonder how many of those prisons were "for profit", this is another issue that even escaped my focus till now. And this is a growing issue in the states.
I decided to do a quick search on this before I hit send, kinda surprised and not surprised at the same time that 0 are for private prisons in Illinois, but it does make sense as i am sure there would have been more fight to keep the system the same, if they had been.

Private Prisons in the U.S.

Apparently it was banned in 1990
Ban on Privatizing Prisons in Illinois

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 10:46 AM
Not in Illinois, but it highlights the issue with not holding these types of offenders in jail while awaiting their date in court.

If this guy had bene held in jail, until his court date, those officers would not have been shot. AND, he would still, probably, be alive right now.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 07:19 AM
Not in Illinois, but yet another example of how "well" the no bail system does not work.....

But hey, it's Commifornia, should we expect anything less?

If these, brain dead, politicians and lawmakers could get their head out of their asses, this cop would not have had to worry ab out being shot by a CONVICTED FELON.

This man should be behind bars for the rest of his life, or you know, should not have bene back out on the streets in the first place.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 12:26 PM
And another one...

Yet again another lovely state that has given it's people reason to fear due to it's new "bail reform".

If only there was a way to keep people like this away from the general population as to keep them safer..........

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 12:43 PM
Yet again, another lovely citizen(not in Illinois but still pertains to this matter) released without bail for assaulting a police officer. A FELONY I might add.

As officials from the article put it "definition for insanity" and I whole heartedly agree with them.

With a nice, lengthy, rap sheet including 6 felonies and 7 misdemeanors, they decide this thug would be better off back out on the street while awaiting his hearing. Even though, there was clear and concise evidence to prove him as guilty.

What a wonderful world we live in huh? Punch a cop, get out of jail without bail. What a time to be alive

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