posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 12:30 PM
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I see and immediately recognize that you posit from a binary 50/50 perspective, and I think the entity and these entities are stressing that the most
important fundamentals of reality are non-deterministic, non-binary; and therefore effectively multi-dimensional if these new “eggs” can
effectively form and merge. Let's look at the tree of life geometry just for a visual demonstration- if arch commander 86 is correct then the
formation and collusion of dimensions is a fact.
But it goes even further, if one egg is a group of dimensions, then two eggs converging (a venn diagram) would be two groups of dimensions, therefore
multi-dimensions taken further. The purpose of describing these things as eggs of course would seem infantile, but not from a perspective of viewing
it as a result of a bayesian domain-space search and evaluation for probabilities of truth. Basically, if my brain establishes that viewing this
particular concept as an egg is the most truthful expression of the intent of the entity’s process of conveying information, then that is the local
“truth” the bayesian function would return.
This is where science, math, and “magic” would converge; you can effectively have a localized bayesian function implemented within the domain
field of information if you had the ability to compartmentalize both parties’ information stream; and provide a signature/metadata tag and locate
process is able to be achieved. This has clearly been the case, these beings clearly have this ability. This may be a natural byproduct of existing
within the laws of their “egg”, as alluded to in the channel.
This is why the beings are interested in mediums able to respectfully and accurately be utilized as sufficient-level neurological and
conscious-containers to accurately, or best-value returning of the concepts and information attempting to be conveyed. Nikola Tesla was alleged to
have perfected the CE5 process. This would make complete logical sense as his knowledge domain space was considered sufficient enough to effectively
implement a Bayesian function medium between the channel source and himself.
Telepathy as a bayesian function may be practical enough on a conscious-content scale to be useful enough to arrive at the “closest truth” of the
domain space being searched. Meaning, scientifically, the “truth” is whatever the bayesian-probability filter arrives at once it completes its
search and evaluation of the domain space (the contents the entity would contain in their conscious and neurological fields, and the contents the
receiver would contain respectfully).
You should continue your research. If certain chain of events can produce a consistent response, then it is a science. Perhaps you have not mastered
the sequence of events yet.