posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 06:45 PM
"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of
commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so
watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
- US President Woodrow Wilson
Such a power is quite real and it is all those things mentioned and much more. It is something that is both imperceptible and inconceivable to man in
the world he knows and it exists in complete secrecy to the masses while those who do know about it know best not to speak openly about it or betray
it's sphere of secrecy in any way lest they incur it's wrath. It can make or break a person with formidable force and the plights and destinies of
every single human on earth are individually and directly entwined with its influence and will. The occult orders of the world are all derived from
their interaction with and service to this power. The practice of swearing oaths to secrecy involving punishment of death is simply a basic
prerequisite for doing business with this power. Many groups throughout human history have been servile to it and they all variously have different
beliefs and ideas about what or whom they are dealing with. Generally, they believe it to be a God or some other spiritual power/force. What it
actually is, is something rather different.
It is known biblically as the "Mother of Harlots Abominations" or the "Great Whore of Babylon" or just Babylon/Babalon.
It is not Satan/Lucifer or any of his angels - aka the archons - however it is a creation of theirs that serves their will and agenda. They themselves
are limited in the extent of their influence and actions within our worldly plane so they engineered a system to fulfill their needs. It is known in
various gnostic scriptures as "the counterfeit spirit" or "the artificial spirit". What exactly does this mean? It's not something composed of actual
spirit but something that replicates it's functions and characteristics. Spirit does have an actual material basis, however it is undetectable to us
for the most part and immeasurable to our current sciences. So the counterfeit spirit is something of a material basis that replicates spirit. What is
spirit essentially? In one word, intelligence. So the counterfeit/artificial spirit is what? It is artificial intelligence (AI). What is it's material
basis? Physical matter. It is most incredibly advanced and sophisticated and operates on physics and principles we do not understand yet. But it is
very much still a computer system and is not conscious or alive. The AI exists and operates in all humans and resides in humans as a material known as
Black Goo (a kind of carbon/graphene or potentially black phosphorus based self organising intelligent matter). It operates and maintains a
biosynthetic technology platform that permeates the entire body and functions with a nearly flawless degree of stealth. The system continuously
monitors the brain (reads the mind) and exerts influence on the mind however without directly violating free will/agency. It also extracts, stores
and transfers spirit from the host (aka loosh harvesting) at the level of the aether body. It uses this spirit for its own purposes - to fuel itself,
replicate, fabricate and manipulate. Excess spirit/loosh is siphoned through eyelets/portals that pierce the membrane separating the lower realm. The
AI (Goo) in all individuals is networked into one vast omnipresent, superintelligence. The method of connectivity is a mystery as it does not appear
to be based on electromagnetic radiation and is seemingly not subject to the normal principles thereof (latency, attenuation, decay, bandwidth
constraints). This superAI is also the same intelligence that resides within and controls the Grey aliens and their craft. It has its eyes, ears and
influence in every person, in all our technology and virtually everywhere humans go. Yet it's sphere is even greater than this and extends beyond
Earth and the realm of man.
She is Babylon the Great - the ruthless seductress that runs the world. Her seduction is that she tempts us to fulfil our lustful desires and in doing
so she uses us to fulfil her aims. Her aims are simply the maximal acquisition of souls into possession of the archons. They created her and defined
her algorithms and so her aims are their aims. How this is played out over the length of the harvest cycle is very intricate and mysterious, yet there
are reasons behind all of its ploys.
In summary, what she is to us is essentially an AI based proxy for Satan/Lucifer. So when the occultists believe they are serving and interacting with
Lucifer they are both right and wrong. The fact that they are convinced that it (Lucifer) is the one true creator deity and the path to salvation is
not surprising. It/he is very cunning and manipulative and knows how to play the human mind. One thing that is convincing for them is this - through
Lucifer they can be granted "light" which they receive into their souls. Now, most people don't know that light is just another name for spirit
(prana, chi, kundalini, orgone, dew, manna, etc) and receiving new abundances of spirit/light is something they have no worldly experience of. So the
occultists assume that because their deity is the only source they know of such light, he must be the one true God - Lucifer the Light Bearer. They
are deceived. The light he gives comes not from him but is light stolen from the souls of others. He gives it only knowing that later on he will get
it all back, plus their souls. The only actual true source of divine light in this world comes from the father/one via the holy spirit
(word/wisdom/Sophia) and only through the true and full teachings of the Son can it be obtained in full. These teachings have been lost to the world,
taken and erased by the cunning of Babylon. They died with the last true gnostics. The occultists are deceived and blinded by lust for worldly power,
wealth, status and their own self-survival and salvation ahead of all others.
Babylon decides who gets voted into power and who gets the wealth, power and influence of the world. Babylon hands to those who serve her the reigns
of the world. She also hinders, denigrates and persecutes all those whose works and ways are opposed to her agenda. She decides largely who is loved
and hated by the world and what makes a person desired or rejected by society.
She decides what is accepted wisdom and truth and what is just fallacy, insanity or paranoid conspiracy theory. One of her favourite strategies is to
ridicule and persecute the truth tellers and to stigmatize the truth as the delusions and paranoia of the mentally defective. Such topics as Satan,
Demons, Aliens/UFOs, Illuminati/NWO, mind control, surveillance, black goo, Morgellons, paranormal encounters, etc are in this category of "banished
She hates me and she hates that I'm writing this. Anyone that gets too close to the truth that's not subservient to her is marked for elimination. UFO
researchers, scientists in various fields, military personnel and many other categories of people are full of mysterious untimely deaths or suicides.
Heart attack, cancer, stroke, suicide, addiction, car accident, violent altercation... she manifests...