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The biggest change in humanity since 2020?

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posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 07:38 AM
They are trying to manufacture their own version of revelations. I say wtf people are not supposed to die and they're like shut up

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: tgidkp

Ironic… your belief rests on your “refusal to believe”. It’s an odd system but whatever works for you

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: OneAboveAll

The only thing dying is the false reality we created in Genesis. Revelation is the death of death to reveal Life, thus the word “revelation”. It’s the script we’re following, not the language of the script. By script I mean the underlying pattern your intuition sees, not the words your intellect sees.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: AgarthaSeed
a reply to: Asktheanimals

I've seen somewhat of a split in the way folks handle themselves post-covid. And that split is basically consistent with your political affiliation.

The elderly get a pass. However I see a new breed of malleable young idiots who will now blindly trust media and government narratives more steadfast than ever simply to spite them right wingers. And if the conservatives had a inkling of trust in the establishment and 4th branch, its long gone now. It polarized each side.

I see people in nyc that will now wear a mask every day and everywhere they go.

I mean, one of Covid-mania's purposes was to divide the public. They knew it would succeed. They knew how easy it would be to get normies to fight their fellow countrymen rather than fight corrupt big pharma.

I'll say personally that it served as a litmus test for those I affiliate with. Anyone that jumped on that vaccine is someone that I know I cannot depend on or fully respect.

You realize that in about half of the civilized world, it is common place to wear a mask when one does not feel well. Just common sense to not want to get everyone around you sick. Does not have to be covid, the common cold etc...

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. I see the signs of what's going on but probably 90% do not. I'm wearing the sunglasses. I'm not going on the alien ship since I know its a cook book. I took the red pill. Yet every day I see sanity being chipped away and the insane and evil get bolder and bolder and reveal themselves more and more. Yet people seem oblivious and live to be on their cell phones to listen to music that's programming them and to watch ever #tier and #tier TV and movies. We get BS about Covid. BS about global warming. BS about elections. BS about Ukraine. Our government is selling us out and we have a traitor pretending to be POTUS. And now they're hemming and hawwing about maybe coming clean about aliens being here.
Pray. I mean PRAY. If we're t get through this it will take a higher power and even then we'll have to fight for our lives.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

My plans have remained unchanged despite the pandemic.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: DoubleDNH

You realize that in about half of the civilized world, it is common place to wear a mask when one does not feel well. Just common sense to not want to get everyone around you sick. Does not have to be covid, the common cold etc...

1) The first part requires links to countries and numbers.
2) Instead of even trying to not infect other people , if one is not feeling well , why not just stay home ? That's what common sense would tell .Less risk to a greater number of people , mask or not . Besides , what is one doing out when not feeling well ?

I don't follow the folly of the masses . I use this thing called "common sense"

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
I was recently struck by what has changed with myself since the beginning of the covid calamity; it's how I stopped dreaming and making plans. As I spoke with others I found they too quit thinking in terms of long range planning. This means that many of our higher ambitions may have been seriously delayed if not derailed entirely. We are not the optimists we were and perhaps by means of social contagion have become more pessimistic and critical as well as less positively oriented.

Some of it was lost in the Y2K doom porn era. The "Left Behind" books were extremely popular and people started preparing for the End Times.

We lost our optimism back during 9/11, and perhaps before that. America quit being so expansive and started focusing on nationalism ("America First") and there was an increase in paranoia about immigrants and "people who don't look like they came from Northern Europe" about that time -- a xenophobia that's never gone away.

I remember the optimism of movies and tv shows in the 50's-80's. Nowadays we've fallen in love with "end times" scenarios and antiheroes and even villains. Science and scientists aren't seen as problem solvers and there's a low interest in things that much of the rest of the world is interested in (like robots, for instance, or education.) Overall education seems to be much poorer these days (at least in some areas.)

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: AsktheanimalsLate to the thread Ask, but here is a short bit on my take on this.

I don't think it was the pandemic shutdown that depressed people, rather it was the opening of peoples eyes that occurred due to the existential questions it pushed in peoples faces. How many people had never heard of the Spanish Flue, let alone knew it wasn't just a brief sickness in Spain?

These existential and eschatological issues that most people avoided because they were to much to think about before, suddenly became a lot more pertinent to people. Once people began to look around at not only that pandemic but all the other dramatic issues that were pressed each day in the media and on Ancient Aliens and other shows that constantly call into question the nature of reality and over all prognosis of doom was and still is a smoldering blanket on our psyches.

Your words in your last paragraph are if nothing else, words to hold dear. Really, what is our choice.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

May be unpopular, but who cares. I'm right there with you. My life has improved for the better ever since COVID. I will admit it was rocky. Massive anxiety and a new heart condition. (not jabbed, think I've had the heart issue most of my life too) but I have a new found desire to take better care of my body, fight for what I believe in, and question everything.

My walk with Christ has been so much better, and like you, I feel like I was born for this too. Not sure what I'm supposed to do, but I know I want to try to make the world better, or help people around me to wake up as well.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 11:27 PM
I am not sure if any of you have felt the same way, but I have had a lack of energy from the 2 vaccinations I got. I remember before Covid, I could get things done. Now, it seems I have to literally talk to myself to get things done.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 11:40 PM
The third industrial revolution is at its end. The real economy has been supplanted with a financial one.

The fourth industrial revolution of transhumanism is well upon us. We are told we can live forevor like gods as the infrastracture around us rusts and rots. We are not to trust our hearts and eyes but their science.

A reset is coming. Whether it is by the hands of men or natural order.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 10:09 PM
I think people are generally pretty intuitive. And I think wether we're aware of it or not we know the end is near. Humanity took a major wrong turn somewhere. Probably with the invention of nuclear weapons, or when we came to the realization that wars are only to make the elite richer.

Since then we've been in a downward spiral. We no longer innovate or achieve. We no longer look out for our fellow man. Religion has taken a back seat. We have a generation that has grown up fully immersed in "social media". Kids no longer want to be doctors or lawyers or even the President. They want to be "influencers". Which in turn takes us further from innovation. I think the final nail in the coffin will be when the "influencer" generation gets older and realizes that fame and money is fleeting.

But I personally don't see any future. At least for myself. I've been living in the darkness of clinical depression for a very long time. And over the last 3 years any hope, or joy has completely winked out of my life. My child is now an adult. I've done my job. I'm just waiting to not wake up

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals not me, I’ve got big plans.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain
"My batch of apprentice that just finished is the first batch that does not know the "working world" pre-pandemic. Let that sink in, what it means. It will be interesting for me to see the next years, how it develops. In September, the first batch that finished school in 2020 will make up the new class of 1st apprentice grade."

That thought alone is scarier than waking up Sunday morning next to Carrot Top!!
Silent-Quitting has been around for years. The Kiddo's at our facility aren't even old enough to be familiar with the term.On the other hand they don't get Fraggle Rock jokes, don't realize their fav new song is a cover & not the original, plus I dare you to reference ina goda devida comparing it to Pink Floyd's the wall!!
They have absolutely no clue. None whatsoever.

Like you not working at work kills me. I suk at hiding, I have panic attacks when I realize I'm gona be there all day & did everything yesterday but I have to "look busy". Being tactless I've asked a couple of the kids why not doing much at work is acceptable to them. The response I get is "so what" &" I can get a equal paying job tomorrow with AC" plus all of them have said (being x-gen) "treat me badly & I'm off to HR to file a complaint on the way to my vehicle, see ya!!"
The Kids run to HR at the drop of a hat.

Kudo's on working your kahuna's off!!
The mental toll that takes is mind boggling. The generations behind us are never going to know that accomplishment.

As far as the youngsters wanting to be Influencers?
Hasn't anyone told them as they age their gonna get dropped faster than a speeding bullet? No advertisers are gonna want a old anyone lounging at the beach wearing the hottest swimsuit. Or pimping the newest lipgloss.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 04:22 PM
Even though the pandemic is over now, it seems like people just aren't the same anymore. So many people seem to be stressed out, reclusive, depressed, and drained of energy since the whole thing started, but it's like they didn't recover even when it ended. It's like it permanently left a dent in humanity.

posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 10:48 AM
Reading over the responses a year and a half later I see great cause for optimism. People have awoken to higher ambitions and put them into place as their way of fighting the covid-malaise. Yes! A thousand times yes! This was our test, a chance to grow and reach new heights. Not everyone was able to put a positive spin on things and a few it drowned sadly. Challenges are of that nature, not all will succeed. However life goes on and while we still draw breath hold close those things you find important. Our faith in ourselves and our world in general is being restored. Good will triumph in the end. It can be no other way if you decide it to be so.

posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: CandidCandace

Like many things covid left a scar on us all. Either we grow and mature in response or wither and die because of it. The best things in life often come as a result of something terrible. Our response is what makes the difference. Fix your gaze on the horizon of your dreams then take one step after another until the last crisis is just a faded memory.

posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: DerekJR321

I hope things have improved for you since you posted your response. Life is a gift we should treasure, every moment of it. It is limited and given to us by something greater (God if you will - we certainly didn't create ourselves). Live in gratitude for what you have and even for the things that might seem bad. They cause us to grow and challenge us constantly. I have had the life nearly beaten out of me several times and gone through some serious injuries I never healed from. Those losses have made me value life all the more realizing just how delicate it is. I am less able than ever but feel a joy in my soul that cannot be extinguished so long as I draw breath. I might've found myself or at least gotten my footing on solid ground.


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