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The biggest change in humanity since 2020?

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+13 more 
posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 10:32 PM
I was recently struck by what has changed with myself since the beginning of the covid calamity; it's how I stopped dreaming and making plans. As I spoke with others I found they too quit thinking in terms of long range planning. This means that many of our higher ambitions may have been seriously delayed if not derailed entirely. We are not the optimists we were and perhaps by means of social contagion have become more pessimistic and critical as well as less positively oriented.

No doubt the fear epidemic was led by the MSM covid cheerleaders, "experts" and government mouthpieces pushing their fear porn and the economic hit experienced by the vast majority has had it's effect too.
Is this your experience? Have you spoken with others about the overall mood changes since 2020?
I'd be curious to know.

Eta: We certainly can only improve our lot by staying positive and striving towards our dreams. The greater the obstacles the greater the victory. We were born for this time and this challenge. It is the great work of our time to retain our faith in life itself and hold closer those things we find real value in. For me it's family, friends, community and nature. If everyone acts responsibly with those the larger things beyond our reach take care of themselves. The world is still a good place and we all have a meaningful place in it. Best of luck in finding your own.
edit on 29-7-2023 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

+4 more 
posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 10:45 PM
Personally I feel we're witnessing the last gasp of western civilization......I'm just happy to have lived through the best part.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 10:48 PM
I have been working on something big since 2010. It was finally coming together when COVID flatlined it. I have sacrificed a lot to try and get it going again after a complete collapse. Thankfully it seems to finally be happening. I am under an NDA to not discuss its details for the time being. It is 10,000 miracles that I'm still alive and able to take another shot.

a reply to: Asktheanimals

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 10:51 PM
Sigh. Yeah. Bro-Hug (---O---) Thanks I needed that.

As long as we don't grow cold personally--because collectively we're screwed in that dept lol---it'll be alright.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Spot on! After a long weekend of work, just an hour ago, I had the same thought.

My life used to seem to have so much purpose in the past. Positive endeavors.

Now, it seems like it’s all about pure day to day survival. The Plandemic put everything into serious perspective. In my personal experience, it’s not financial problems. It’s the decay of common sense and morality among even family and suppposed friends.

People in general are more entitled and disregard anyone but themselves. I guess the toilet paper runs of 2020 never left the masses psyche.

A consciousness shift indeed. Much like 9/11….
edit on 29-7-2023 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

I've seen somewhat of a split in the way folks handle themselves post-covid. And that split is basically consistent with your political affiliation.

The elderly get a pass. However I see a new breed of malleable young idiots who will now blindly trust media and government narratives more steadfast than ever simply to spite them right wingers. And if the conservatives had a inkling of trust in the establishment and 4th branch, its long gone now. It polarized each side.

I see people in nyc that will now wear a mask every day and everywhere they go.

I mean, one of Covid-mania's purposes was to divide the public. They knew it would succeed. They knew how easy it would be to get normies to fight their fellow countrymen rather than fight corrupt big pharma.

I'll say personally that it served as a litmus test for those I affiliate with. Anyone that jumped on that vaccine is someone that I know I cannot depend on or fully respect.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 11:18 PM
The traffic really dropped off in 2020, and it never fully came back. I do live on a fairly quiet street, but Ive been noticing lately that it is often almost too quiet outside. Very still. Thats how it was during covid. Im still seeing some people wearing masks in the stores

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

I know this is going to very unpopular.

I have spoken of this on other threads, as well.

Since 2020, my life, my health, my financial situation, and of course, my overall mental state and outlook has dramatically improved, and seems to continue to do so.

I can only say when the pandemic hit, when it seemed like the world was shut down, and the future was in doubt, I had the overwhelming feeling that "I was born for this!"

Like I was, finally, waking up from a too long hibernation.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 01:04 AM
A lot of people actually woke up and realized that there goals where based on greed and that living in the moment is what's truly important exchanging all there time for money was to give away time they can't ever get back with loved ones

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 01:17 AM
It's bad , really bad .
And this coming from Georgia in which we never were truly locked down or forced wear masks .
We had to wear masks only in certain stores and we were under curfew a few weeks .
After that , folks just don't seem the same .....

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals
There was a similar effect from the Black Death of the mid-fourteenth century. I was once, as part of a course, obliged to read a book offering the thesis that fifteenth-century Europe was obsessed with thoughts of death, and how important it was to be aware that human life is transitory. On that precedent, we might expect the effect you're describing to last for at least a century.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 01:32 AM
I feel the same. Much of what I do everyday feels more pointless, like the future is very uncertain and then everything I've worked for might be for absolutely nothing. I will never feel the same again as I did before the plandemic that's for sure.
I'm at 100% distrust of the government, big pharma etc , while before it was at maybe 60-70% .

I'm sure it woke up a lot of people too to how low goverments can sink, that's a good thing at least.
I just take it day by day and focus on my son. All I can do for now.

Pendulums do swing back , things might revert to a complete opposite of where they are now

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

See what a tiny virus can do. It has attacked you psychologically too. It has really laid into you on all fronts.

Do you know what it did to me? It did NOTHING. It made no differencce to my life as I am already protecting myself against a virus that nearly all of you have and you do not weven know you have it. God kept me safe from it and my life was so protected the virus made no difference. It just made going out a little easier as I don't like cars and the roads were much quieter cycling for a time. it was BLISS!

The worst of it is that it fractured us and made our leaders and investors so brazenly, monstrously and inhumanely greedy. All this inflation was caused by greed as their response to the virus. it is like they were and still are trying to grab what they can before its too late.

I can explain to you what is happening. I know already, but you may ban me or attack me so I am not going to really open up too much here. I want to feel a little part of you guys so I can continue take an interest in what you are thinking and not be offended at you rejection. At least I care about you enough to do that and I do it every day. I want to care. Will you let me care or will it be like the Neil Young song "Hurricane"?

"I wanna love you, but I get so blown away"

Great guitar solos in that song!

I am not like you guys though. I am not looking to get Rothschild put on a cross. Without him you will not have a clue how to make money internationally. All the other countries will laugh at you and give you a total bum deal of trade if you approached them. You know it and I know it. He knows how to do it because he has been doing it since the days of Babylon. If you attack him I will know that you are the enemy and I will be on his side. I hope you understand that and God Himself would be at war with you as the attackers of Jews.

I want to love you and I want to love Rothschild. I want us to work instead of being dysfunctional. I want Rothschild to care about me and I want to care about him. I want to help him make money for us because he is much better than you and I at that game. God has put him there for a reason you do not know. He did God a favour. That is why.

Who are any of you to challenge what God has done? You are all like a hurricane and I want to love you, but I get so blown away by you both. May be God is now blowing both of you away for blowing Him away? What do you think of that?

edit on 30-7-2023 by Merman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

I share this sentiment. By now, many have answered on the personal and private level, so I focus on something that annoys me: Work ethics or morals got destroyed during COVID.

I was still setting up shop in the middle of 2020 and the one thing I noticed is lack of moral and work ethics due to COVID. It became an excuse for everything. I understood it during the lockdowns that many companies were running in emergency mode. But now it all ended long ago, you still get the excuses.

It's almost like most are having a "burn out" now. Emails are not answered for weeks and if, often, it's all wrong and not what you wanted. Appointments seem to not be valued anymore and the overall consensus is "sorry, COVID related". This is not the professional work environment anymore I was used to. It's very hard to explain, like many don't give a # anymore.

This is frustrating when you're building up a business in hard times, customers storm your door but you have to send them away because you can't get a #ing answer or someone on the phone who is actually able to send the damn shelf product on it's way.

I think this is not only lack of material, workforce, it is as if the excuse "COVID" just stuck and an excuse to do a bad job. A friend of mine works in a company that services electrical power plants. He's ruffling his hair because they just can't get people that are worth trusting or have some work ethics. They are drowning in work, the customers need their help, they just have to say "sorry! we can't be everywhere at once!".

I am unsure if it is projection of my own demands to myself. I am refusing to drop the ball like many around me do, but it is also very frustrating. Now... since I work more with people than material (training apprentice) since the beginning of the year, I noticed that "the youth" as well is lacking elan. My employer already picks the creme de la creme from the market and you still get those that are so #ing lazy, they probably never had to do anything at home.

Rant over lol.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 03:40 AM
Pretty much everyone up until covid put their faith in this place, perceived their environment as something good. Then the covid scam came along and woke a lot of people up to the fact that this place is evil, some have concluded this subconsciously without consciously realising it, and that can knock the motivation out of you and give you that sinking feeling.
edit on 30-7-2023 by Cwantas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: Merman
"See what a tiny virus can do. It has attacked you psychologically too. It has really laid into you on all fronts."

That´s where i stopped to read your comment!

It wasn´t the virus, it was the totalitarian, fascist measures and rules and "laws", created by governments which are infiltrated by hostile, fascist and totalitarian WEF agents, blindly followed by exactly the same kind of people who made the Third Reich in Germany possible.

"If you wonder how it could happen then: because they were then as you are now."

Henryk M. Broder

I am quoting this guy not because i like him (for reasons) but because he is a jew, lost family members in concentration camps. And if he says something like this it is way more credible than when i say it. With "then" he means the times of the Third Reich, with now the Plandemic times were meant. And he is so absolutely right.

Again, not the virus was devastating but all the bought "experts" and "scientists", so called "politicians", the MSM in line with the agenda and of course the fascist measures including many people to be forced to take the useless jab, a crime against humanity!

And of course the people who followed blindly, obeyed immediately without questioning anything, who made all this possible across the board.

edit on 30 7 2023 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 04:50 AM
Community has been abandoned in America all together. We have been divided on simply everything and i personally have thrown in the towel. I hate everybody and everything and i walk into every place feeling the same thing. I catch glimpses of humanity every now and again but usually its so old to build on. I have come to believe the phrase, he who builds on people builds on mud.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 07:01 AM
I had some very detailed business plans, registered the assumed name of my home business, designed a website and put it online in early Jan. 2020. Then all the extreme COVID reactions began so I mostly dropped the home business idea in order to organize and rotate my preps. After a few months of the pandemic, I realized that my business plans needed to be revamped or even started over from scratch.

After the first year of the pandemic due to my own panic and all that had been going on, I lost interest in many things and sort of idled through life. I became distracted by my pandemic projects along with the mandates and other assaults on our rights occurring with the cancel culture. It was looking really grim, but I moved along at a snail's pace with my business ideas. I've been growing hops and part of the plans involved doing some home brewing. I had bought a five-gallon brew kit and even malted my own barley, but that got tabled for a year before I attempted to brew my first batch. I finally brewed an IPA and it turned out great! Plus I made wine from the wild raspberries and blackberries that had been taking over around the yard due to neglect. That was really good too and I'm not a wine drinker. In my late 50s I finally had decided what I wanted to do when I grow up, that is to brew beer.

Interestingly enough, everything was coming together at every level. It was spooky what was happening, spiritual is a good word for it. It's complicated all that went on while all these personal interests came together and integrated into a whole. All I can say is I'm getting things done now mostly due to my renewed interest in brewing beer and making wine. I'm even playing music again, something I had given up on during the pandemic. I'm playing with two groups of musicians now in addition to the other projects I'd abandoned.

It is rough getting going again esp. because of some health issues, but I'm healthier than ever, even quit smoking cigarettes. I want to do more and get even better at a full and active life now. It's time to wake up from the COVID days and get moving. Get up, brush off the negative thoughts and get back at living your life, that's what I've been doing.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Personally, I gained a huge amount of personal perspective and a whole lot of clarity and inspiration.

I speak to my Dad now after 25 years of silence, the opposite with my Narcissistic Mum, I have rekindled my wish to be a self-employed artist, I have put a new breath of fresh air into my home and garden which were my best friends in lockdown, have sorted out relationships which were not my best friends in lockdown, considered my health more, afforded those around me the gift of a "plus 1" where warrented, swopped riding a "hooligan" Suzuki for a 125 pop-pop French "Motobecane", quit regular alcohol drinking, eat better, sleep like a baby, and most importantly, celebrate my ability to care about the things I can change and grow, not the frustration of the things I can't.

I am a bit of an anomaly in who I am perhaps, but I LOVE IT, AND MYSELF a whole lot more now.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Momentum and Potential folks. It's LIFE.

Keep those plates spinning!

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 07:48 AM
I like the seed model to explain the importance of keeping the dream alive. Regardless of what it looks like, we’re in seed form here because Life is in a state of dormancy… a universal Fall and winter of the soul. What was cast out of the Garden was the same thing nature always casts out of the garden in Fall… seeds for the future.

The anatomy of a seed is a model of Self. We have the hard external shell protecting the Life within, but the shell itself is dead. This is YOU in this world, in objective aka waking consciousness. It’s the you keeping your dreams under compression so they don’t sprout when conditions are not suitable for growth. It’s why seeds don’t grow until spring arrives.

The only Life, is within the germ of the seed. This is you in subjective consciousness, our dream state. It’s the soul of the seed, and when it dies, the Life within dies. If we look at nature, not all seeds make it until spring. The shell may not soften in time, the germ within might not have been strong enough to make it, not to mention becoming food or physical damage.

Translating that to something useful, it means the most vital thing in this world, is keeping that dream within you alive. That means suppressing it until a universal spring arrives, but without killing it. On the germ side, “breaking out” of your shell to escape the suppression wouldn’t be a wise idea in the middle of winter.

This isn’t Life, we’re seeds in the frozen Earth until a universal spring arrives. It has, and the ruling class are trying to stop it because this world is a death cult they’re profiting off of. They are the ones screaming against global warming and climate change. It’s sneaky speaky and their trying to turn you against what they’re against… a universal spring and the Life that arises from it

No matter what this world throws at you, NEVER give up your dream. It is your ONLY hope of returning to Life from a world of death. In other words, it determines where you’re headed when you leave this world… to Heaven or Life, or another round of death in this hell we call life.

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