posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 01:52 AM
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I love being outdoors so much I am stepping down from my current job mostly in the cool ac to be outside everyday. The sun charges me with energy and
the heat, well let's just say I am a lizard or at least it's what folks who know me way. My preferred setting on the thermostat is 82, but I found out
that it's speeds up my ripening and subsequent decomp of my fruits and veggies outside of the fridge.
As long as I am hydrated I can endure entire days of gruelling high degree sun, and enjoy every minute of it. Hey if it gets too much even for me, I
will step into the truck for a bit. My trusty jug of water though is all I need to keep any discomfort at bay.
I'm not a fan of bugs though. I actually hunt mosquito larvae and midge fly larvae everyday around my party to feed to my fish. Funny thing I hope a
point last week, because this is a new thing I been doing, I hit a point last week where I was not finding anymore around. Not only that, because of
my compulsive fixation to watch my tiny little community fish voraciously feed like frenzied sharks on these wormies, there have been less mosquitoes
on the property!
Sometimes I even find plump juicy detritus worms and they like those too. Let me tell you about my fish. It's a super crowd d ten gallon with twenty
fish. They all get along, are fiesty and seem overall excited and happy. I change the water and test it vigorously and it works because it is planted
and has plenty of shrimp breeding in it also providing a natural alternative ofnlive food. Oondnsnails as well product within and are consumed by
some. I had to throw away my frozen food because I just didn't get the same reaction.
Well thank you to listening to my old man rant, even though I am not even forty. I just felt like sharing. You should definitely go outside as much as
possible. If the sun ever super novas or we are attacked by a nuke, I want to stare right at it and feel it coming in that brief nanosecond.
Live long and prosper.