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You reap what you sow

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posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 07:51 PM
There is so much suffering happening in the world right now, many nations are facing record levels of poverty, homelessness, unemployment, energy scarcity, along with rapidly rising prices. Quite frankly I find it very hard to feel sympathy for anyone because people were warned every step of the way. However, the majority of people chose to embrace the dystopian lockdowns and they attacked anyone who dared to question the narrative. If we could now go back in time to do everything again I'm confident we would handle things very differently. Hope you fearmongers are glad that you've managed to create the worst economic crisis in decades. Well done.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Mar, 16 2020
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if more people die from the panic and resulting economic consequences. We just went through some massive fires along the coast of Australia and it happened during the holiday season when coastal businesses make a large fraction of their annual profits from inland tourists and before that we had a long drought. We're seeing some figures that look worse than the '08 global financial crisis. There is absolutely no way we can afford to close businesses or quarantine people for any amount of time.

My point is it's absolutely irresponsible for the media to whip people into a frenzy like this, and I think we can all agree if it weren't for the MSM saturating the airwaves with CV19 news then we would have already forgotten about this virus. It's also a good lesson about just how much power the media has over how people think and behave. I don't doubt that CV19 may be a bit worse than most flu viruses, however there are many other common viruses which spread during the flu season and some are quite a bit worse than CV19.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Mar, 29 2020
Sorry but I'm still not scared and I'm not buying into your propaganda. Closing all these businesses and telling young people to stay inside all day is utterly ridiculous. If older people are scared then they can self-isolate, most older people are already retired and in a position to make it through the quarantine, most young people are not.

I've seen so many people lose their jobs already, lives totally ruined and shattered, futures completely uncertain... but all that's totally fine so long as older folks can feel just a bit safer while the world burns and their children and grandchildren are left to rebuild after they're gone. It's selfish and entitled to halt the world economy over something so tame.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Mar, 31 2020
What would happen if we halted the world economy every time a new virus pops up even if the symptoms seem less severe than a common flu? Once again the path to hell is paved with good intentions. Older people should self-isolate if they don't want CV19, they can stay at home all day because most are already retired. We shouldn't have to risk a global economic collapse so they feel a bit safer.

It wont be safer when people are fighting in shops over everyday necessities or if full scale riots break out. And mark my words, if this goes on for several more months it will come to that, I can already see many people are reaching the breaking point and we've barely begun. The largest threat to my well-being right now certainly isn't CV19, it's the panicked people and the economic repercussions. So far I've seen vastly more suffering as a result of the fearmongering than I've seen as a result of CV19 infections.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Apr, 24 2020
Thankfully we haven't seen many violent protests and I hope that continues, but if people are isolated for too long it will inevitably happen because people are slowly being driven insane. That is why these restrictions will have to start being removed some time soon, there really isn't a choice in the matter, unless we want to risk permanent psychological damage to many people along with sever economic damage. It's fine and dandy to believe in a utopian vision where Covid-19 will be erased from the face of Earth, but it simply wont happen, we need to be realists in this situation and stop letting fear control us.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Sep, 13 2020
Initially the plan was the prevent straining health services but it slowly transformed into a neurotic plan to stop any spread at all, which clearly does more damage than it prevents, through economic damage and psychological damage. If the global economy were to totally collapse we'd see massive numbers of deaths, as it is the suicides are already out of hand.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Sep, 25 2021
What's whacky is shutting down everything to stop the spread of a virus which kills less people than car crashes in Australia. I can absolutely assure you the economic damage and mental health damage is an order of magnitude larger than any damage prevented by the lockdowns. These people can't even begin to comprehend the amount of pain and suffering they have caused, they sit up in their ivory towers laying down edicts and living by a different set of rules.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Not going to lie, during all the plandemic mumbo jumbo, I got 95%+ of my news from here.

It simply was too toxic and useless to go to any other platform because the "narrative" was practically everywhere. On this site, we got to hold our ground and maintain a footing while the SHAME campaign was in full swing.

This site and it's members had a part in my decision making to which I'm eternally thankful.

Your chronological posts are just common sense and rational thinking, two things that others chose to ridicule and dismiss.

Well, anyway..... Here we are...

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 08:54 PM
I am currently job hunting and one place still had a requirment for covid vax! I asked them why. They had no idea. Just company policy.

I decided to reject their offer. I havent heard of anyone having Covid in about a year. I am sure their are cases but.....

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 08:58 PM

edit on 7282023 by MetalThunder because: WWG1WGA

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 09:01 PM
I just got over a case of Covid for the 4th time BUT!

I live in a college town where all these colds and viruses just bounce around.

My helper at work got it from his wife then I got it.

I was out for a week but i'm 62 so there is that.

It wasn't as bad as the first time but we have to stay home for 5 days if we get it.

Company policy. (I am in eastern Washington)

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 09:21 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

You don't even have to sow it. The preponderance of people willing to tolerate it will produce more than you could ever reap.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I disagree with you on one point.

If we could go back and do it again, I'm fairly certain that most of the idiots that blindly obeyed would still do it all the same again.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Always appreciate you posts as they are usually full of critical thinking and intriguing questions. I say that because I offer some in return.

many nations are facing record levels of poverty, homelessness, unemployment, energy scarcity, along with rapidly rising prices.

What you describe here is market supply. The demand will come in shortly. I don't know if I can find it, but an older post where I opined that we wouldn't be ushering in a NWO, Agendas (2020/2030 ect) or a WEF.

...they will make us beg for it.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
...they will make us beg for it.

That, my friend, is the end game.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

To me it seems those are just live extensions for an economy on the death row...

You can kiss Capitalism goodbye or if history repeats itself get your war gear ready...

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I just saw on the news that the US is sending 345 million to Taiwan. This is the biggest problem imo. Like the Covid bull# wasn’t enough, now the US is sending more money for proxy wars while working people here can barely afford food?

Elections have consequences!

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 11:00 AM
When this idiocy started I bought a face covering for tactical use. Wore it once and stopped wearing it when Fauci and others explained how the disease was transmitted. I came to a conclusion that Covid is not something you catch, it is something you are given.

I did not wear the mask. I did not change my life. I caught a terrible flu in 2022 that took a solid month to recover from. After that I have been perfectly healthy. Was screamed at on a couple of occasions about masking up in public to which I declined. In one case a very large and fat screeching liberal male took offense i would not comply with his demand at a coffee shop. Rather than meet me outside to discuss it, it took its anger out on the barista who got my coffee.

Tyranny comes in many forms and the worst kind is collective tyranny. The kind where the government gices power to those who should never have it, to demand and enforce the will of said government against those individuals who question them.

When your government is owned by corporations and managed by a permanent and corrupt bureaucracy, you end up with a kind of tyranny at the hands of the willfully ignorant.

The Cheka had nothing on the average liberal screecher pig here in the US.a reply to: ChaoticOrder

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I went all in on USA stocks back in April 2020. I put all of my 401k and my cash cash in same. Actually in USA oil refiners. My thinking was were not going down yet and if we do just WTF. I still have the 6200 shares of oil refining stock and I am up 256%.

I also bought 3 acres of oceanfront land in Nova Scotia for a mere $66,000 USD for a bug out assuming the USA ever collapses.

Moving forward I am investing in EV [Electric Vehicles]. Lithium batteries will no longer blow up when they advance into solid state batteries. Lithium will be replaced also down the road

QuantumScape (QS) Q2 2023: Higher energy cells delivered, potential launch partner, and 15-minute fast charges
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I went all in on USA stocks back in April 2020. I put all of my 401k and my cash cash in same. Actually in USA oil refiners. My thinking was were not going down yet and if we do just WTF. I still have the 6200 shares of oil refining stock and I am up 256%.

I also bought 3 acres of oceanfront land in Nova Scotia for a mere $66,000 USD for a bug out assuming the USA ever collapses.

Moving forward I am investing in EV [Electric Vehicles]. Lithium batteries will no longer blow up when they advance into solid state batteries. Lithium will be replaced also down the road

QuantumScape (QS) Q2 2023: Higher energy cells delivered, potential launch partner, and 15-minute fast charges

I also will say that I have been making decent money on oil and coal stocks. As a matter of fact year over year they are the only ones I have that consistantly make me money.

Its almost as if the anti oil people make oil out to be the bogey so they can continue to "own it all" for themselves. It would be interesting to see the energy stock profiles of the most vocal anti oil rich people.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: baddmove
I just got over a case of Covid for the 4th time BUT!

I live in a college town where all these colds and viruses just bounce around.

My helper at work got it from his wife then I got it.

I was out for a week but i'm 62 so there is that.

It wasn't as bad as the first time but we have to stay home for 5 days if we get it.

Company policy. (I am in eastern Washington)

Are you vaxxed? I'm assuming "yes", considering your company policy for staying home. Just curious.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: greendust

Hey excellent and good for you. I got into Lithium miners a year ago. Made ten grand but one loser took me out as I broke even. To date almost one year later those guys are going no where. By the tme they start making a profit another element may replace the Lithium. I also dabble into Electric Vehicle [EV]. I bought QS @ $8.56

I am in MRO got in around $6. I was also in FRO, SOXL and FLNC but cashed out.

I use the Hull 16 day Moving Average along with 50 and 200 day exponential Moving Average on a one year chart along with MACD, Accumulation/ Distribution, RSI. The frequency is one day. Because of AI about the only thing you can do is go long and hopefully pick the winners. My exit is when a stock drops 15% from its high as its not a correction but something else.

The above works for me

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 09:03 PM
I have been looking for work for 4 months. I am so hungry, food stamps aren't enough. I want to work too, I work harder than most people. I can't even get a return email. A stranger on Facebook just brought me something to eat, there are still good people in the world.

I knew this was coming since 2011, I've been too poor to save anything. Louisiana's economy is terrible, especially if you only have a high school education.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
There is so much suffering happening in the world right now, many nations are facing record levels of poverty, homelessness, unemployment, energy scarcity, along with rapidly rising prices. Quite frankly I find it very hard to feel sympathy for anyone because people were warned every step of the way. However, the majority of people chose to embrace the dystopian lockdowns and they attacked anyone who dared to question the narrative. If we could now go back in time to do everything again I'm confident we would handle things very differently. Hope you fearmongers are glad that you've managed to create the worst economic crisis in decades. Well done.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Mar, 16 2020
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if more people die from the panic and resulting economic consequences. We just went through some massive fires along the coast of Australia and it happened during the holiday season when coastal businesses make a large fraction of their annual profits from inland tourists and before that we had a long drought. We're seeing some figures that look worse than the '08 global financial crisis. There is absolutely no way we can afford to close businesses or quarantine people for any amount of time.

My point is it's absolutely irresponsible for the media to whip people into a frenzy like this, and I think we can all agree if it weren't for the MSM saturating the airwaves with CV19 news then we would have already forgotten about this virus. It's also a good lesson about just how much power the media has over how people think and behave. I don't doubt that CV19 may be a bit worse than most flu viruses, however there are many other common viruses which spread during the flu season and some are quite a bit worse than CV19.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Mar, 29 2020
Sorry but I'm still not scared and I'm not buying into your propaganda. Closing all these businesses and telling young people to stay inside all day is utterly ridiculous. If older people are scared then they can self-isolate, most older people are already retired and in a position to make it through the quarantine, most young people are not.

I've seen so many people lose their jobs already, lives totally ruined and shattered, futures completely uncertain... but all that's totally fine so long as older folks can feel just a bit safer while the world burns and their children and grandchildren are left to rebuild after they're gone. It's selfish and entitled to halt the world economy over something so tame.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Mar, 31 2020
What would happen if we halted the world economy every time a new virus pops up even if the symptoms seem less severe than a common flu? Once again the path to hell is paved with good intentions. Older people should self-isolate if they don't want CV19, they can stay at home all day because most are already retired. We shouldn't have to risk a global economic collapse so they feel a bit safer.

It wont be safer when people are fighting in shops over everyday necessities or if full scale riots break out. And mark my words, if this goes on for several more months it will come to that, I can already see many people are reaching the breaking point and we've barely begun. The largest threat to my well-being right now certainly isn't CV19, it's the panicked people and the economic repercussions. So far I've seen vastly more suffering as a result of the fearmongering than I've seen as a result of CV19 infections.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Apr, 24 2020
Thankfully we haven't seen many violent protests and I hope that continues, but if people are isolated for too long it will inevitably happen because people are slowly being driven insane. That is why these restrictions will have to start being removed some time soon, there really isn't a choice in the matter, unless we want to risk permanent psychological damage to many people along with sever economic damage. It's fine and dandy to believe in a utopian vision where Covid-19 will be erased from the face of Earth, but it simply wont happen, we need to be realists in this situation and stop letting fear control us.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Sep, 13 2020
Initially the plan was the prevent straining health services but it slowly transformed into a neurotic plan to stop any spread at all, which clearly does more damage than it prevents, through economic damage and psychological damage. If the global economy were to totally collapse we'd see massive numbers of deaths, as it is the suicides are already out of hand.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Sep, 25 2021
What's whacky is shutting down everything to stop the spread of a virus which kills less people than car crashes in Australia. I can absolutely assure you the economic damage and mental health damage is an order of magnitude larger than any damage prevented by the lockdowns. These people can't even begin to comprehend the amount of pain and suffering they have caused, they sit up in their ivory towers laying down edicts and living by a different set of rules.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 09:38 PM
I had to go to work almost every week throughout the pandemic and only got to experience the work from home thing after I visited a relative in the hospital who did not have covid but due to fear of all the people at the hospital with covid, was told to work from home for several days. Then they implemented mask requirements everywhere. I went to work for months without any mask during the peak of covid but suddenly we all had to wear masks walking around. However not when you sit down to eat. I thought the masks were so stupid and irritating to wear. I had a summer pass for bowling one summer but before half the summer was over, town and bowling alley required wearing masks to be able to bowl almost a whole year after worst of pandemic. We are exercising or doing a physical activity and occasionally sliding a mask off to drink water but had to do it wearing a stupid mask making me sweat even more. I hated it all.

I got covid at least twice over the last couple years but the worst I felt was after getting a second vaccine shot. That was worse than covid. I wasn’t feeling very good either when I needed root canal surgery and had to wait an extra 10 days because I caught covid from my dentist and didn’t realize it right away.

I agree there is a lot of suffering in the world. We live for those good moments and hope for more. I believe we often take comfort in hearing or knowing about others who have it much worse. I lost my mother and older brother in the last couple years as well plus an old friend. However I stayed employed so I’m not complaining about that. I was happy to keep working even though mask requirements came along.
edit on 29/7/23 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: ThePsycheaux

Man that’s rough. I’m sorry to hear that!

I worked through Covid, even though I knew people were receiving more than me to stay home. I am an essential worker, low on the scale, but essential nonetheless. My biggest fear was jobs not returning. So I hung on to what I had.

I still see businesses closing doors constantly even though Covid is now known As the flu.

The real problem starts at the top. Rising corporate taxes (implemented by Biden), proxy war/s (looks like Taiwan is next) cost everybody. Not just in job loss, Deaths, hunger (kids knock on my door looking for food now), and I’m now barely making it. I cook and waste nothing.

When President Trump was in office, I was finally saving money for the first time in years. My son had a job, now he can’t find one. Applies all the time, gets nothing. Taxed more, gas up, food costs up, electric up, car insurance went up (no accidents or citations), but my insurance rep told me there are way more people and accidents now so everybody’s insurance went up

I really hope people realize soon that who they vote in makes a difference.

Vote policies, not personalities you like!


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