I find it cumbersome, having to type the word to bold it. I don't get it? Why? What's wrong with highlighting words and pressing the bold button to
make them highlighted words bold?
edit on 27-7-2023 by jonnyc55 because: (no reason given)
You can highlight the area you want to bold/italic/underline....
Then, use your mouse to "copy" the text and then "paste" the text into the dialogue box. When you hit okay it will replace the highlighted area.
It's not as convenience as a word processer, but it's pretty good.
edit on 27-7-2023 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)
or you just could type [b] [/b] with the word in between the bb code. bold, and you could even add color by typing [b] then next to first b in the color=red in square brackets the word, then /color in square
brackets followed by the /b in square brackets. bold
edit on 27-7-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)
To do anything fancy requires a basic knowledge of HTML. ATS has old code. It's a free site. Bells and whistles can be expensive and difficult
to maintain when browsers are constantly being upgraded and none act the same.
Perhaps we should donate to ATS management so they can maintain the code and add features that we would like?