a reply to:
A few things for you
Though it may seem chaotic to people around you, that you are correlating everything, in every way you can possibly see ... You are actually on the
right path
The language "seals" (within layers of perception) take some time to open, and are quite destructive to the uninitiated mind because of how deep the
layers go
You are only dealing with veil phonology, morphology and semiotics at the moment, which is nowhere near as overwhelming as what happens when you start
looking at root etymology between all known languages, to interpret a root meaning cognate across all languages
Do this for long enough, you will realise that the English translations of the Bible are not correct
Then you will look at the Hebrew and Greek words and realise that they are not correct also
A good example I can give you, is the Greek word in the Bible κακός (kakos), which is said to mean "Evil, or bad"
When what it actually means, is "Conclude, or end"
See the phonetic correlation between "Conclude" and "Kakos"?
That is how you need to start looking at language
Within illumination, we refer to LETTERS as "The secondary sequence"
It is used for subjective perspective and correlation
It is called secondary, because within illumination, NUMBERS are "The primary sequence"
Everything that can be perceived or "known" in this world, emerges from a knowable "source"
The symbols that we use for our numbering system, were not just randomly picked or drawn, they tell a very particular story, in how a common source
for perspective works, across anything and everything that can be known, to have originated from a type (or degree, if you like) of creation
The primary sequence applies to literally everything
The Freemason degrees are based on the same "primary sequence" taught to illuminated initiates, such as myself
The same illuminated teachings that have been taught throughout history to the Sumerians, Norse, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and countless others
The 33rd "degree" in Illumination, translates to "I AM, WHO I AM"
Or more accurately, "I AM, THE BODY"
It parallels with the Old Testament teachings of YHWH, telling someone "I am, who I am", when asked "Who, or what" they were
It is supposed to denote an understanding of the nature of God
1, 2, 3 - Phonetically, within the primary sequence, is very literally "Un To The"
See how they correlate both in phonology and in meaning? These are the links you need to find within the things you are examining
Most of what is given within the Bible, all mythology, and teachings of those like the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, is all built around, and applies
directly to the primary sequence
Which at its base, is actually teachings of biology and geometry
What you are reading as "The 7 Churches", is based upon the 7 "Degrees" of (personal) perception
7th, being when perception crosses from outside of the persons physical mind, to being the realm actual ...
What is referred to as "The external body" of self, within illumination. The world around you
Illumination - Un
Eleusinian Mysteries - Kore
Freemasons - The entered apprentice
Rosicrucians - Mind
Illumination - To
Eleusinian Mysteries - Hades
Freemasons - Fellowcraft
Rosicrucians - Heart
Illumination - The
Eleusinian Mysteries - Demeter
Freemasons - Master Mason
Rosicrucians - Stomach (Body)
The 3 "degrees" taught by Freemasons, are the 3 primary dimensions of a conscious "soul" and its ability to perceive the world around them
You are right when you say that most of them do not understand the sequence of degrees they are attached to. But only because they have created their
own "sequence" based upon the primary sequence
The primary sequence itself, they do not understand
The best way to explain the primary 3 degrees, is within the Eleusinian mysteries
Kore, means nucleus or centre. That which is "cast out" from, or forth from. It is literally what the name means. It is also very literally what the
symbol for the number "1" means. A stretching out from centre, to the outside of a circle. Think of it like short-hand for drawing the radius of the
circle, without the circle (because the focus is on the core/centre)
Hades, very literally means "Radius". He personifies the enclosure of all that is "beneath" which is often referred to as "The underworld"
All underworld means, is any physical matter which is held within, that cannot be seen by the naked eye. The inside of the earth, the inside of the
body. These are all underworld. The internalisation of existential reality
Hades, or radius, is that which carries inwards, within a sphere or torus of influence
Demeter, is "Diameter", or "Dimension". Depending on whether you are describing the contents of a sphere/torus, in modern terms, from an internal, or
external perspective
In ancient illuminated teachings and Eleusinian mystery terms, "Demeter is neither internal, nor external. But the measure between both
The symbols we use for "2" and "3" also very specifically refer to these "perspectives"
Kore - Core/Centre
Hades - Radius/Outside of circle
Demeter - Diameter or Dimension
From the core (center of being, the "Un" or "Entered apprentice / Self" or "Mind") being taken in to radius, to reflect upon itself in diameter, or
dimension? Kore, returns as "Persephone", which means "Perception"
That is why she is gone, as long as she returns, in what they equate to equal seasons
The duality of the light and dark seasons, fluctuating to each other, in cycles of equated equilibrium
Through which we are able to reflect
The same thing is described in the correctly translated Hebrew Bible
Torah, is "Torus". Referring to the geometric shape
El'ohim, is equilibrium
Within the Egyptian and Sumerian mysteries, the first 3 "Degrees" are often combined as one. Due to the fact that the perceiver and perception, were
known to be one
This is because the Sumerians and Egyptians understood, that there is no difference between the sun in the sky, and your own conscious mind
"Ra" actually means "Mind"
The Egyptian symbol ⊙ for "Ra" is said to mean both "Ra" and "Sun", but this is a misunderstanding of the concept within illumination, where there
is no difference between "mind" and "sun"
Mind and Sun, are one in the same
This concept of "Emotional Tri-manifestation" (Hermes Trismegistus) is what is being explained in the relief below
The 3 "Degrees" of self, appearing before one, who is self
Self, who is both casting light down upon the alter, and also sitting at the alter that light is cast upon
The Egyptians illustrated this concept of 3 degrees of "self", as a pyramid with an eye in the top. The "All-seeing eye", as it is commonly
Other depictions of Ra, explain the exact same illuminated concept as is seen in the Sumerian relief depicted above
Ra is shown basking in the rays of his own light. Described as being both the light itself and eye that perceives it
Within the Egyptian mysteries, they more concentrated on the 4th and 5th degrees in the sequence
Internal face outwards, or "Male", which is Osiris
External face inwards, or "female" which was Isis
Osiris means "Oscillation"
Isis means "Resonance"
Osiris is the length and recursion of cycle
Isis is the frequency and amplitude of spectrum
What you are reading about as "I-sis" or "Je-sus" in Revelation, is resonance
edit on 26 7 23 by Compendium because: Corrected