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My interpretation of Revelation (finished in replies)

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posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 03:22 AM
Note that this is all extremely subjective, and just my interpretation. I could be wrong, as have been countless others previously.

The island of Patmos - most pa. This could mean money, but I take it to mean they lose something important to them (such as past life recall). The immortals could have more people than the mortals.

The seven churches symbolize the women because 7 is the sphere of Aphrodite within Kabbalah. They are in Asia to symbolize the Asia where the heart of mysticism is located, to encourage mystical interpretation.

The first church addressed is Ephesus - F is Us. They are criticized for forsaking the love they had at first. Love before conditioning is unconditional love. It ends on Verse 7, the sphere of love within Kabbalah, and directly mentions the Tree of Life. The fruit they receive is their share of the heart of God, their share of love. It is made ambiguous whether they achieve nirvana or not.

The love they had at first is whomever is unconditionally loving that they even for a moment served.

The evil deeds of the Nicolaitans - sounds like Nic (nic to use spanish) o (oh) la (sex), I tan S. If necessary to nic for the sex out they tan the B Column S. The Church in Ephesus doesn’t go along with nicking as a prank on the person it is supposed to allow people to defend.

The second church addressed is Smyrna - Smeer N/A or not applicable. They are doing everything right. S, my, R N/A.

Those who say they are Jews and aren’t, but are a synagogue of Satan - In the Book of Isaiah, Lucifer and Jesus Christ are prophesied. Lucifer is the Morning Star, as is Jesus Christ in the Book of Revelation. Lucifer is charged with attempting to ascend to God’s own throne, which Jesus Christ has done if he claimed to be God and isn’t really. Jesus is just prophesied to be called “God with us,” and it is stated he will be old enough to eat curds and honey before he chooses the right over the wrong (if he ever does) - meaning he isn’t omniscient in the womb.

It is my opinion that those whom say they are Jews, and aren’t, but are a synagogue of Satan are those whom worship Jesus Christ as the king of the Jews.

Suffering for ten days I suspect means suffering for enclosing the Little Scroll of Chapter 10.

The third church is Perg a mu, M - Purge of Mu, M. Perg a Mum - purge of mum attitude. Mu symbolizes Lucifer. Mum may symbolize ti/Thetis. I suspect this Church symbolizes the Chinese Triads.

Antipas - An’ Ti pays / An’ Ti Pass. She pays, but endures no pain. Pan Ti A’s. Pain (if) Tas - pain if taze Antipas. I don’t know if Antipas is successfully martyred or just an attempt is made.

Balaam - B/A, Lamb A. Bal Lamb. A lamb A. The impression it is what is written as A concerning a Baal (false idol) version of the Lamb of God. He (his image) tricked Balak (be A, L A, K? As a criticism, and Bal A k? Concerning worship of the false image of A on a candidate for lamb of God). They are offered food sacrificed to idols, to emphasize Baal symbolizes a false idol. And they engage in sexual immorality.

The double edged sword of the mouth: it cuts with the truth and with the deceit the accessories to the three six hustle have fallen for.

To those victorious, a reward will be given in the form of manna from heaven. It is a share in bulk stored love. A white stone symbolizes a good new life because of a good past life. It is the tombstone. (because all the accessories to 666 have to reincarnate without receiving past life recall, and because the most helpful accessories get the best deal). The new name none can track except the one who receives it is the new life; it means they will receive a fresh start.

The Church in Thyatira - thy a tie Ra the sun. A Column and Ti is Ra.

The Jezebel whom calls herself a prophet is possibly Ti/Thetis herself. She most likely comes across a false prophecy. Later, the false prophet has an army of frogs which could symbolize intelligent turtles reinforcing the false prophesy.

She is unwilling to repent. It could also mean an immortal Queen Elizabeth. Every vowel in Jezebel is E.

Thyatira sounds like Theater. This may reference a false prophesy about theater sexual immorality, from the perspective of a God that is ok with anything between consenting adults.

Verse 28 - 88 within Nazism, a morning star in charge of Nazi Satanism, atop
Verse 29 - the P2 Mafia (highest ranking within the Nazi Party) foreshadows

Sardis: begins Ch3, ends Verse 6. The 666 Church itself, the main church behind the Mark of the Beast hustle. Sour Dis or angry Dis / Hades.

Ch 3 Verse 3, 33 degrees to Freemasonry. They are instructed to go back to what they believed at first, which is another reference to before conditioning. They are to believe what they would have always believed if not held at recognizance to believe bullcrap and lies. If they don’t scry the truth apart from conditioning, the thieves guild may take their lives.

Verse 34 - the full cup of Surah 78. They are those that went further than freemasonry. There are some in the Church founded by Dis that haven’t done anything wrong. They may even be non accessories.

Philadelphia - the church it is most important to shroud in ambiguity, the most difficult to plug symbolism into the word for it. They are similar to Smyr N/A. They are spared the horrors of armageddon.

They are rewarded with the new name of the heart or sun / son of God, when it reincarnates (which may mean they achieve an unconditionally loving state of consciousness).

The Church in Laodicea - Lao dick Ea / aLaod ice … (to melt). They are neither hot nor cold, but only lukewarm, so God is about to spit them out (with a flood). Fluctuating temperatures causing a global flood (global warming).

The prospect of a global warming end times flood is not contradicted by God’s promise not to flood the planet again. If not for the extreme measures of Armageddon, a flood would happen, but “God” intervenes.

They are encouraged to buy gold, the gold of unconditionally loving Tiphareth (the spiritual essence of the sun: love embracing all directions), by assisting in the work of overturning the 666 hustle.

Chapter 4, Verse 7 depicts four female beasts (because Netzach’s Verse) with the ability to prophesy. Humans are included amongst the beasts. They serve the living God.

The heart before conditioning provides the universe a symbolic consciousness. It is possible to exist in a state of mind free of pride and unconditionally loving, and those that live in this state are the sun and son of God. Since their will is objective (no emotional distortion - just motivation) and embraces everything that exists, they serve everything in such a manner that it is symbolically provided a consciousness and a will.

Chapter 5, the sealed books: The elites behind the 666 hustle sealed the prophesy with seven seals so that only the female accessories could properly rescue.

The seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God, of the Lamb, are foreshadowed by Genesis after the fall of Cain: it reads, “Adah and Zillah… wives of Lamech… if Cain 7, Lamech 77.” Cain is marked by God thru the number 7 against attack. Lamech is the Lamb of God marred with an ick (ech) reaction by 666, and 777 overturns it.

The “wives” of Lamech symbolize the female accessories led on a rescue mission by the highest ranking woman in the immortal hierarchy.

Chapter 6: the first seal opened triggers the thunder of Thor on a white horse

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 03:24 AM
The bow symbolizes that his hammer can strike from a distance. He is given a crown because he is the male form of the highest ranking woman, and he is supposed to conquer through the women.

The second horse is red like the Triads that control China, and their communist influence globally. He is given the power to make them kill one another because he is Aries.

The third horse is led by the god of wine, and it is supposed to stand for fairness. He that sat on the horse sometimes scaled fair margin.

The fourth horse contains the infrastructure of Death and the place called Hades.

Verse 9 contains a tribute to those slain for doing the right thing. When they ask, “How long?”, it is Verse 10 - which could foreshadow the little scroll.

The sixth seal is the seal on Tiphareth, the heart of God, lifted by the little scroll (or what it triggers).

The little scroll is a seal on prophesy.

Chapter 7, Netzach to symbolize the women, puts a seal on the most important and trustworthy of the female hierarchy. They are symbolized by the 12 Jewish tribes because recruited to do the work of “God”.

Chapter 8 references the 7th seal, there is silence for a symbolically brief period of time: the calm before the storm.

The 7 angels are women working for the whole.

The first angel signals the troops, and hail and fire are unleashed, burning up all the green grass and the third part of trees. This could mean the three strikes for taking trees, and all opportunity to consume grass, both symbolic of marijuana. Hail = ha, I L (L=little scroll) and fire could symbolize the consumption of “grass” and “tree”.

The second angel casts a mountain (symbolic of a mountain of troops) burning with fire or warrior spirit into the sea, where those creatures with three strikes for accepting the Mark of the Beast are killed. The three strikes ships are also destroyed.

The third angel sounded, and a lamp fell, symbolic of a lamb if the p is turned upside down. The lamb consumes a shot of “absinthe” - finalization of the a/b sin. It makes the accessories bitter. The Lamb falls after going up from the shot. “Absinthe” is just symbolic of the actual ingredients of the shot.

The fourth angel smites the sun, the moon, and the stars that have accepted 666. The stars symbolize the gods dying on Ragnarok.

Verse 13: great woe is about to befall those yet alive that have accepted 666.

Revelation Ch 9, Verse 1: The fifth angel is the angel of war. The star that falls is the sun after rising because of the shot and consenting to come back down. He is a low key to the bottomless pit. The bottomless pit symbolizes endless death, death that is not recovered from. Death of which past life recall never returns.

The smoke caused by “opening” (unlocking the prospect) the pit symbolizes the utter confusion of the accessories. The smoke is as if of a great furnace: this symbolizes one particular point of confusion, that of the symbolism of the lake of fire of the end of Armageddon. It seems like the accessories get infinite suffering, but the eternal nature of their torment is actually just the pain of permanently losing an entitled life.

Locusts of the Low Key (Loki).

The locusts can’t go against the hit that overturns 666, or they would be going against the recovery of the planet. They can’t inflict more suffering than would qualify as a penalty greater than the permanent loss of past life recall, but they can still torture the accessories into submission. Five months is Geburah months, the months of war.

The locusts make the accessories want to die. So that they are willing to let their memories go if they realize such will happen, because they don’t expect such otherwise.

The locusts have the attributes of men and women because they are hermaphrodites.

Verse 11 reveals their king is the low key (Loki) that opened the bottomless pit. In Hebrew their king is called Abaddon or a bad don as a common Hebrew impression, but in Greek he is called Apollyon. A pun on Napoleon, for brilliant general. Apple Loin - the king that returns the fruit of the Tree of Immortality to humanity. Apollo y n - he is accepted because he is the god of the sun, symbolic of unconditional love.

The four angels bound at the river Euphrates symbolize that the army unleashed is bound by an impression of phEe, u rats concerning (some of) the 666 accessories. They could be a bulk military of Slavics. Their tails which do harm concerns the Mark of the Beast hustle itself, and how it is worded to induce a hustle that cuts the heroes and the villains at once.

They slay the third part of men / Verse 16 begins. A division that is symbolically 3/6 or 666 male accessories.

Those that are not killed include thieves, possibly the thieve’s guild.

Chapter 10, seven thunders (Thor as a woman) deliver the little scroll. It is sweet as honey because it brings about golden energy, the unconditional love of Tiphareth. It makes the stomach bitter because it foreshadows the consumption of a shot of “absinthe” (actually ayahuasca) - which induces vomiting.

Chapter 11, a prophesy unfolds.

The two prophets are killed by the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit: he recovers from a deadly wound that brought him to within an inch of his new memories and permanent loss of past life recall. It could be Aleister Crowley’s current incarnation.

The great city spiritually called Sodom and Egypt may symbolize the Temple of Set, & an unfair reputation therein.

When the prophets are brought back to life, a tenth of the city (those divided or schismed by the little scroll) fall. The 7,000 men that fall are those accessories that used to be women, but thought it was better tactically to be men (because the 666 hustle seals the men from being capable of effectively rescuing).

Chapter 12 signifies the war between Satan and the mother of the children with the brain chemistry of the sun. The twelve stars upon her head symbolize the twelve tribes of Israel all become their own sun. The dragon seeks to corrupt the children of the sun from the purposes of doing what is unconditionally loving.

The testimony of Jesus Christ can mean the correct interpretation of Old Testament prophesy that Jesus Christ is Lucifer.

Revelation Chapter 13 reveals the source of the bad luck of the accessories: the first verse is upon the sand of a shore. The last verse is Wisdom and Understanding to overcome 666, which spheres within Kabbalah overcome the false surety of Daath/Knowledge about the neck. False surety hangs the accessories of 666.

The second beast with two horns like a lamb, the mouth of a dragon, might be the immortal soul of a dinosaur with the appearance of the lamb of God.

Revelation Chapter 14 reveals an army of 144,000 , a number I consider symbolic of a people that are “one” (dualism transcended) by the 8 circuits of two hemispheres of the brain. They can prophesy, and transcend desire because they have so little pride, and they love indiscriminately: but are not without pride entirely.

A shot transpires, a drink that triggers “blood” (symbolic of love, the other fuel of heart) that embraces a great distance. Unconditionally loving retention unleashed in an unconditionally loving person for miles.

The shot unlocked by the little scroll.

Chapter 15 reveals further symbolism of an all female army delivering the last of the plagues of God upon those marked by 666.

Chapter 16: a grievous sour appears upon those to have accepted...

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 03:24 AM
the Mark of the Beast. They wear their sins (or some type of “sin” or disloyal deeds) upon their retention.

The sun was given the power to scorch men with fire: the shot delivers the retention necessary to tell what is deterrentially effective to do toward the accessories, and the authority to do just that.

The sixth angel dried up the great river Euphrates: the Euphrates bound, perhaps mostly men, surrender their retention to make way for an all female victory.

Three unclean spirits like frogs came out the mouth of the dragon, the false prophet, and the beast: these could be an animal military (frog or turtle) that delivered French propaganda.

God claims he comes as a thief: this could be a further reference to the thieve’s guild.

The great hail out of heaven, the weight of a talent, symbolizes that to get out of the plague just requires the talent to rescue the Lamb of God.

The woman that mounts the great beast, the Whore of Babylon, is called Mystery, which is Maya or Kali to Hinduism. During Armageddon, she forces Babylon (babel on) to drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication, she overthrows Babylon herself.

The beast causes the ten horns on his head (his kingdom) to hate the whore and pursue her aggressively, in an attempt to do the will of “God”, but actually giving their kingdom unto the beast.

The woman is the great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth because she is the highest ranking in terms of actual power.

In Chapter 18, Babylon falls because all nations drank the “wine” (the shot) of the wrath of her fornication. She is the crucial blow that overthrows Babylon. She also is slain after Babylon falls, and is no widow because she inherits the marriage she preferred in life.

It says to punish her for the sins she committed against others, and to reward her for what she contributed: even if she sustained Babylon, if she was necessary to overthrow it she broke even: except that she made it necessary for all the accessories to die for the situation to be overturned. So she loses past life recall also, and permanently, or she can’t quite break even.

Chapter 19 announces the marriage of the Lamb, who’s wife hath made herself ready. That could be Kali turning things around. She wears fine linen, clean and white, for to her was the righteousness of saints (if only she could).

The KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS rules with a rod of irony. It is unexpected for him to be in charge, considering the nature of the kingdom.

The Lamb uses the fowl, and they eat flesh. Fowl cannibals put to work doing what is just.

The lake of fire burning with brimstone: they are cast alive into it, die once the fire consumes them. This is just symbolic of the eternal torment of permanently losing past life recall.

Revelation Chapter 20

An angel comes down with the key of the bottomless pit. He binds Lucifer with a great chain (China - the Chinese Triads) for a thousand years because of how far back this deed impacts things. He is a low key, so he binds the Satan with silence.

Satan has to be loosed a little season because (I’m guessing) the Beast overturns the seal on Satan.

Chapter 13 claims everyone accepts the Mark of the Beast. Chapter 20 mentions those that have died (for God) did not receive the Mark. This could be because their past lives would have been considered guilty, but they do not interact at the level of accessories.

When Satan is loosed from his prison, he goes out to deceive “Gog and Magog” - Go, ji. May go, ji. By this juncture the nations want to release Lamech. Fire from heaven means war from heavenly retention unlocked by the mystical secrets of love.

They are tormented day and night forever as symbolic of the loss of deed memory forever. It is a pain that lasts forever.

Those whom accepted the Mark are all cast into the lake of fire, it is the second death. They die, and are granted a life appropriate to their contribution, if scried accurately.

The wife of the Lamb that made herself ready/right is described as Jerusalem, a better city than Babylon. This could symbolize the same person as a new city, since only one woman previously symbolized an actual city.

In Chapter 22, the Tree of Life is referenced yet again. At the beginning of Revelation, the 7 churches are in Asia (symbolically the continent, the seat of mysticism) and the first church has foresaken unconditional love. Mystical or kabbalistic interpretation is encouraged from start to finish.

Jesus Christ claims to be the Alpha and the Omega, and indeed all are God because part of God. He also confesses to being the “morning star” (Lucifer).

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 04:08 AM
Your right about Christ.
Also it was Christ who tempted Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
edit on 25-7-2023 by Cwantas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 04:54 AM
Satan's so-called deep truth

After Jesus, Gnosticism was introduced as a Christian teaching. This could point to a belief in “knowing” (what gnosis translates to) originating with Jesus himself.

The Jezebel in Chapter 2 has three Es in her name. E turned around is a 3, so 3 is symbolized twice, as if she is a high ranking Freemason.

Revelation Chapter 2 mentions the Jezebel is in touch with the so-called deep teaching of Satan, the 88 morning star (the name of Lucifer) atop P2 rules over the Church in Sardis begins Ch 3 and ends Verse 6.

Ch 3 Verse 3 says if they do not repent they do not know at what hour death will come upon them. The 33 Degree Freemasons symbolically don’t really know what they think they know.

Chapter 2, when the Jezebel is mentioned, references Chokmah symbolically by occurring on Verse 20. A 2 in a sphere, what the 0 may signify, could symbolize that wisdom transcends knowledge.

I suspect some Freemasons know that if there is no fear on the psyche, absolute certainty is unlocked concerning anything that pops into their heads. I consider pride instinctive even if it is secure, to such an extent that what is familiar in the situation the individual is introduced to is what automatically seems true to unconditional pride-originating security. Heart strength provides Wisdom and Understanding, or fluctuating probability, because the heart is non impulsive and not bound by instinct.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: Cwantas

It may have been that the Fall, right from the very beginning, was the immortality of false knowledge inhibiting the evolution of the immortals themselves. And that God didn't give them mortality until the conclusion of the 666 hustle.

I consider knowledge as wisdom of good and evil a fall.

What makes it seem true that unconditional security is certainty is complicated. Pride when unconditionally secure tends to want to be certain, surity is an emotion of security. Also, fear really is responsible for nearly 100% of errors, and without it remarkable intuitions are possible. Time of day is possible to intuit because a simple quantity to access instinctively, the real quantity is stored in one's instinctive memory. Anything that can be accessed by intuitive memory, instinctively retrieved, comes out 100% accurate without fear.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 08:37 AM
It’s actually not that complicated, and the details are only meant to confuse our intellect. A good example is Patmos, everyone gets hung up on the name as if it’s some literal geographical location. It’s a metaphor and the details are meaningless, meant to misguide those without intuition… man in our current state. You have to back out of a hyper focus on details and get the gist of what the Bible is and why it even exists.

What John is stating is his current state, it’s the starting point for what follows. He’s telling us he’s in a prison, and the prison is our cellular body. What you’re supposed to recognize is that’s going to be YOU after going thru our Fall. The Old Testament is a Christian book of the dead, it’s a mythical account of our Fall into death and decomposition under the universal law of gravity.

The New Testament is a book of Life. In proper context it’s telling us how to get back to life from death, resurrection, the raising of the dead. So what is the whole thing telling you about YOU? Well, first off it’s telling you we’re not among the living. The first thing you have to realize about raising the dead is what life and death actually are and which of those states we’re currently in. We ARE the dead, as is everything under the law of gravity.

The reason we don’t know that is deliberate obfuscation and misdirection by church clergy. The Bible was composed by a priesthood for a priesthood, it’s not meant to be understood by the clergy, or our intellect. What’s being created in Genesis isn’t Life, it’s this false reality we’re led to believe is life. What Genesis is telling us is how ALL reality is created within our imagination and the science behind it… harmonics.

This is going to be really important down the line when we have to know how we created our dilemma in order to solve it. We created the problem by flipping a single switch within our subconscious. The switch that controls the three part harmony of our human trinity. Gravity is 2 parts disharmony to 1 part harmony. It’s where our Fall began. To understand this, look at the tension we’re under. Gravity is the harmonic tension between opposites that keeps them in opposition.

Why is all of it happening? What is “Death’s purpose”? Darwin knew the answer, it’s the “origin of species”. It’s how we create diversity from unity. Your world here is created from YOU, that’s what Self is… the US in YOU. It’s created by process of division, this process of breaking unity into diversity is death, and what we’ve been mislead into believing is life.

The Old Testament ends at the quantum limit, where no further divisions can be made without losing the ability to distinguish between them. Reaching this point fulfills the law of gravity and completes the Old Testament. Then and only then, are we allowed to open the Book of Life, aka the New Testament. All of this is subconsciously controlled, we have no awareness of it in objective consciousness unless our subconscious decides to make us aware of it.

So in Revelations John is telling us he’s fulfilled the law of gravity, but he’s now stuck in a body that’s become a prison because it’s in full cellular form. Another word for cellular is “corpuscular”, and it’s where the word “corpse” comes from. He’s telling you he’s as dead as dead gets, and is ready to return to Life. The difference between Christianity and every religion preceding it is how it’s done.

All the oriental/Abrahamic religions end in ascension. A kundalini activation where the soul exits the body thru the crown chakra. It escapes the problem rather than solving it. In Christianity, our rising creative force “levity” meets the destructive force “gravity” in the heart and they begin the dance of eternal life and paradise on Earth, The Earth is the Heart of the universal body, and the “world” of the People of the Heart… aka Humanilty.

The Churches of Christianity are the Chakras of oriental religions, the clue is they’re “in Asia”. What John is doing, is crossing his opposing states of consciousness into a single quantum state. This is what the “cross” symbolizes in Christianity. Christ is just an ancient Greek word for crossed, and it’s referring to our dual state of consciousness. It’s YOU in a quantum state, our “Human” state. It’s all about creating opposites and then reuniting them without losing the diversity we worked so hard to create.

Entering this state is where you encounter the Holy Spirit, the opposites within you begin working together in the spirit of the whole. It also seats you on the throne of the daemonic hierarchy, the “command chair” of the Human vessel. In short, it gives you back control over the reality that’s been controlling you. It allows you to flip a single switch that changes gravity to levity and reignite life on a universal scale.

So why would we as gods put ourselves thru this Hell all for the mere chance of becoming Human? Because as a god you have the power of a god, but a Human possesses the power of ALL gods.

TLDR: this ain’t Life, we’re living in a death cult and the sooner we figure that out the sooner we can do something about it and return to Life. Revelations is telling us how that all plays out within Self

edit on 25-7-2023 by HeirHeart because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-7-2023 by HeirHeart because: Spelling

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 10:35 AM
The context of the book of Revelations is in the Bible itself. You need look no further than the Bible and have a little spiritual insight which comes from believing. I don't know your background or education but you appear to me to be all over the board in languages, myths, searching for meaning where it doesn't exist. I could be wrong but that is how it appears to me.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 07:51 PM
You put a lot of work into that total nonsense.

posted on Jul, 26 2023 @ 02:33 AM
Finding references, for example, to mythology in the Bible may seem off and misguided, but consider: in many translations Hades is directly named at the end of the book of Revelation.

It is my opinion that the Book of Revelation completes the Bible by making obvious that previous Books were intended to be interpreted symbolically, because in this instance the symbolism is obviously symbolic. The references to the Tree of Life suggest to my mind that Kabbalah may be an older tradition than commonly suspected, and was always intended as an interpretive aid of the text.

"God" was never intended to be taken literally. Instead, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, symbolizes that all space-time has a symbolic will because unconditional love exists at its center, bringing to life the impersonal "Father" (existence / chaos) by virtue of the evolution of the sun or "Son of God" (unconditional love radiating in all directions). Unconditional love motivates the justification and service of the whole. All energy, information, and places possess a heart.
edit on 26-7-2023 by WalkingHolic because: in reply to second trumpet's post

posted on Jul, 26 2023 @ 03:09 AM
A bit more on the possibility Jesus is Satan.

In Chapter 13, there are two common translations to the first verse. The Dragon, sometimes And I, stand upon the shore. Jesus Christ delivers the text, perhaps unknowingly enclosing himself because at recognizance to or at the mercy of some higher power.

This is more symbolism that Satan stands upon false surity (shore = sure). Imagine the amount of power Satan would have if he had every Christian! The great deceiver.

If Jesus Christ is whom And I means, and an alternative accepted translation is the Dragon that symbolizes Satan, the text seems to indicate they are one and the same.

Wisdom and Understanding to overcome Daath or knowledge (knowledge = certainty / surity).

Faith by my cosmology is intended as honesty about uncertainty. It is taken on faith because one acknowledges that one's belief is not sure.

posted on Jul, 26 2023 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: WalkingHolic

A few things for you

Though it may seem chaotic to people around you, that you are correlating everything, in every way you can possibly see ... You are actually on the right path

The language "seals" (within layers of perception) take some time to open, and are quite destructive to the uninitiated mind because of how deep the layers go

You are only dealing with veil phonology, morphology and semiotics at the moment, which is nowhere near as overwhelming as what happens when you start looking at root etymology between all known languages, to interpret a root meaning cognate across all languages

Do this for long enough, you will realise that the English translations of the Bible are not correct

Then you will look at the Hebrew and Greek words and realise that they are not correct also

A good example I can give you, is the Greek word in the Bible κακός (kakos), which is said to mean "Evil, or bad"

When what it actually means, is "Conclude, or end"

See the phonetic correlation between "Conclude" and "Kakos"?

That is how you need to start looking at language

Within illumination, we refer to LETTERS as "The secondary sequence"

It is used for subjective perspective and correlation

It is called secondary, because within illumination, NUMBERS are "The primary sequence"

Everything that can be perceived or "known" in this world, emerges from a knowable "source"

The symbols that we use for our numbering system, were not just randomly picked or drawn, they tell a very particular story, in how a common source for perspective works, across anything and everything that can be known, to have originated from a type (or degree, if you like) of creation

The primary sequence applies to literally everything

The Freemason degrees are based on the same "primary sequence" taught to illuminated initiates, such as myself

The same illuminated teachings that have been taught throughout history to the Sumerians, Norse, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and countless others

The 33rd "degree" in Illumination, translates to "I AM, WHO I AM"

Or more accurately, "I AM, THE BODY"

It parallels with the Old Testament teachings of YHWH, telling someone "I am, who I am", when asked "Who, or what" they were

It is supposed to denote an understanding of the nature of God

1, 2, 3 - Phonetically, within the primary sequence, is very literally "Un To The"

See how they correlate both in phonology and in meaning? These are the links you need to find within the things you are examining

Most of what is given within the Bible, all mythology, and teachings of those like the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, is all built around, and applies directly to the primary sequence

Which at its base, is actually teachings of biology and geometry

What you are reading as "The 7 Churches", is based upon the 7 "Degrees" of (personal) perception

7th, being when perception crosses from outside of the persons physical mind, to being the realm actual ...

What is referred to as "The external body" of self, within illumination. The world around you

Illumination - Un
Eleusinian Mysteries - Kore
Freemasons - The entered apprentice
Rosicrucians - Mind

Illumination - To
Eleusinian Mysteries - Hades
Freemasons - Fellowcraft
Rosicrucians - Heart

Illumination - The
Eleusinian Mysteries - Demeter
Freemasons - Master Mason
Rosicrucians - Stomach (Body)

The 3 "degrees" taught by Freemasons, are the 3 primary dimensions of a conscious "soul" and its ability to perceive the world around them

You are right when you say that most of them do not understand the sequence of degrees they are attached to. But only because they have created their own "sequence" based upon the primary sequence

The primary sequence itself, they do not understand

The best way to explain the primary 3 degrees, is within the Eleusinian mysteries

Kore, means nucleus or centre. That which is "cast out" from, or forth from. It is literally what the name means. It is also very literally what the symbol for the number "1" means. A stretching out from centre, to the outside of a circle. Think of it like short-hand for drawing the radius of the circle, without the circle (because the focus is on the core/centre)

Hades, very literally means "Radius". He personifies the enclosure of all that is "beneath" which is often referred to as "The underworld"

All underworld means, is any physical matter which is held within, that cannot be seen by the naked eye. The inside of the earth, the inside of the body. These are all underworld. The internalisation of existential reality

Hades, or radius, is that which carries inwards, within a sphere or torus of influence

Demeter, is "Diameter", or "Dimension". Depending on whether you are describing the contents of a sphere/torus, in modern terms, from an internal, or external perspective

In ancient illuminated teachings and Eleusinian mystery terms, "Demeter is neither internal, nor external. But the measure between both

The symbols we use for "2" and "3" also very specifically refer to these "perspectives"


Kore - Core/Centre
Hades - Radius/Outside of circle
Demeter - Diameter or Dimension

From the core (center of being, the "Un" or "Entered apprentice / Self" or "Mind") being taken in to radius, to reflect upon itself in diameter, or dimension? Kore, returns as "Persephone", which means "Perception"

That is why she is gone, as long as she returns, in what they equate to equal seasons

The duality of the light and dark seasons, fluctuating to each other, in cycles of equated equilibrium

Through which we are able to reflect

The same thing is described in the correctly translated Hebrew Bible

Torah, is "Torus". Referring to the geometric shape
El'ohim, is equilibrium

Within the Egyptian and Sumerian mysteries, the first 3 "Degrees" are often combined as one. Due to the fact that the perceiver and perception, were known to be one

This is because the Sumerians and Egyptians understood, that there is no difference between the sun in the sky, and your own conscious mind

"Ra" actually means "Mind"

The Egyptian symbol ⊙ for "Ra" is said to mean both "Ra" and "Sun", but this is a misunderstanding of the concept within illumination, where there is no difference between "mind" and "sun"

Mind and Sun, are one in the same

This concept of "Emotional Tri-manifestation" (Hermes Trismegistus) is what is being explained in the relief below

The 3 "Degrees" of self, appearing before one, who is self

Self, who is both casting light down upon the alter, and also sitting at the alter that light is cast upon

The Egyptians illustrated this concept of 3 degrees of "self", as a pyramid with an eye in the top. The "All-seeing eye", as it is commonly described

Other depictions of Ra, explain the exact same illuminated concept as is seen in the Sumerian relief depicted above

Ra is shown basking in the rays of his own light. Described as being both the light itself and eye that perceives it

Within the Egyptian mysteries, they more concentrated on the 4th and 5th degrees in the sequence

Internal face outwards, or "Male", which is Osiris
External face inwards, or "female" which was Isis

Osiris means "Oscillation"
Isis means "Resonance"

Osiris is the length and recursion of cycle
Isis is the frequency and amplitude of spectrum

What you are reading about as "I-sis" or "Je-sus" in Revelation, is resonance
edit on 26 7 23 by Compendium because: Corrected mistakes

posted on Jul, 26 2023 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: WalkingHolic

Revelation, is a book about Frequency and spectrum

Within which you find 7 seals, or barriers for things such as conscious, light, sound, planets (7 heavens)

This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while. As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth but it belongs to the seven, and it goes to destruction

Compare the picture below. This is describing the 7 notes of the octave, with 5 semi-tone (fallen) notes between

It then describes the 8th note of the octave, which is technically not a note in the true scale, because the 8th note is the same as 1st, within the next scale (described as the 8th that "was" and "is not"

Mark of the beast, is frequency. Internal spectrum, or Isis
Beast out of the Earth, is timing. External cycle, oscillation, or Osiris

Now go back and compare the treble clef "G" in music, with the 4/4 timing "beats per bar", and the G with set-square and compass in the Freemason logo

G, is essentially a symbol for the meeting of internal and external forces, in equilibrium (El'ohim)

It denotes, 1, 2 and 3, (un to the) all combined

Set-square is Isis, resonance, or internal measure
Compass is Osiris, oscillation, or external cycle

Compare the story of Kore, being taken by Hades (radius), to be returned as Persephone, to the story of Jesus being crucified

It is all physics, telling the story of the primary sequence

The best thing you can do, with your efforts in correlating things together, is to start looking at the root "sequence" of creation, that is present within all these things

When you understand the primary sequence of numbers and what they mean, as far as perspective. You start to understand everything within the secondary sequence (words and language) which is based upon this sequence

Which can only possibly exist, because of this primary sequence

1 - Internal
2 - External
3 - In-between
4 - Facing outwards
5 - Facing inwards
6 - Outwards from (Emerging from self, as well as from the Earthly body)
7 - External - Article
8 - External - Contain
9 - To external
10 - One of
11 - One with
12 - One also
13 - Another

This is why "13" is considered unlucky". Because it is the first "degree", which is completely outside of, and detached, from self

13 holds nothing for the 1st person. It is literally "for another"

Most Freemasons have no idea of the proper meaning within dimension that I described to you

Mainly because the system is based around a private society

When the original sequence is based around the sequence of creation itself

But, they do not pretend to understand the sequence correctly. Only the version of it that they created for themselves

It is literally what is described in the story of Hiram Abiff

Foolhardy members within their ranks "accidentally" killed the (illuminated) ones who understood the primary sequence and other teachings as it relates within religion and mythology

Leaving them with no other option, but to make up their own version

They are very literally describing how the Bible was translated, from older (hidden) versions of the texts

Translated by people who did not understand the concepts and wisdom they were trying to translate

The same sequence is found in the Catholic creeds

It is found in physics

It is found in all the ancient mythologies

It is found in everything and all existence

Freemasonry is what we call in Illumination, an "Order of man". As are all religions, or corruptions of the illuminated teachings

The main thing I would give you to consider, when you are thinking about what it is that the Freemasons do, or do not understand, is that they are not true initiates of the ancient teachings

They are an order of man, based upon the teachings

They require "a belief in God" as a prerequisite, when such a context of "belief" is something which actually makes a candidate for initiation unsuitable for illumination

Illuminated candidates need have an innate understanding of the nature of what people call "God", or they are not considered suitable (or at least, ready) to understand the concepts of illumination, that correlate with what they award as the 30th, 31st, 32nd and 33rd "degree"

They also misunderstand the nature of what can, and cannot be taught by the illuminated. Interpreting it as secrets about the nature of what this world is, and what we are

Illuminated will tell you exactly what this world is, and about any of the "secrets" you want to know

But, you will likely not understand them. Even if you believe them

Because there is a process you must go through, to "experience" these things first hand, in order to understand them

There is a difference between "knowing" the wisdom they pass down as secrets, and "understanding" these things, from experiencing them first hand

Illuminated initiates of the ancient teachings are made to physically experience death. So that they can understand its nature

During ascension, we are then made to experience a sickness or "affliction", which may or may not, end up killing us, to understand the nature and beauty of what it is to live

Wisdom that can only come through living moments of pure joy and beauty, whilst ensuring a life of relative constant pain and sadness

In the Angelus, we will either overcome our affliction to be ascended, or succumb to be one of the fallen

Freemasons only go through symbolic versions of these processes. Meaning, they never actually "understand" the processes they recreate in symbolic ritual

What they refer to as the throne of, or temple of, Solomon, is generally inherent from birth, by those born of very particular bloodlines/family names

People with a very particular name, born in a very particular place, on a very particular alignment of the stars/time


Khan - Indian
Khons / Khonsu - Egyptian
Kohen - Jewish
Korn - Germanic
Collins - ?
Chin - Chinese
Tran - Vietnamese

The are all variations of the oldest bloodline/family name on Earth, meaning "Conscious/Conscience"

Which cognates with the Biblical/Greek "Christ" or "Christos"

Which also cognates with "Crown" or "Corona"

At least, certain direct lineages of male, to male, to male, to male, to male, lineages are

You will find that there are no true illuminated within the ranks of the Freemasons. So you can stop worrying about them

For the most part, they are just a group of men, trying to be better men

In much the same way, you will find no true alignment bloodlines, or illuminated, in any of the royal, or elite families of this world

At least, not any true "unbroken chain" descendants of a root linage. Only copies, or illegitimate versions

It is the very reason that the royals adopted "House" names many years ago, instead of family bloodline names

Because it allowed them to put illegitimate crown/people on the throne

Whereas, only a legitimate male heir could be put on the throne, if they continued using family bloodline names

I hope all this helps

I'm happy to elaborate on anything you want to know

The only thing I will not disclose, is the exact phonetic primary sequence

As this is something that needs to be experienced within illuminated initiation and ascension processes, to understand correctly

edit on 26 7 23 by Compendium because: Corrections and added more points

posted on Jul, 26 2023 @ 10:18 PM
the Jezebel in a church that sounds like, if the last letter is pulled back, a Theater, and also without pulling back the last letter, Thy a Ti Ra or significantly scrambled, Thy Ra a Ti, could be two different people: a high ranking freemason (as I've already stated), and the woman Ti or Thetis named in the title of the Church.

If Thetis is cast upon a bed, or a bed of suffering, in a theater, she could be cast like an actress. Previous to my mentioning Thyatira, Antipas was mentioned as a hero of the story, and his name was interpreted to mean An' Ti pays as well as An' Ti Pass. This foreshadowing name may reflect on the appropriate attitude toward Thetis herself: even although she "pays," she passes sufficient that her suffering is superficial.

An example could be a marriage between Thetis and Hera. Thetis may passionately hate her wife, despite being at recognizance to her, so that their relationship is a bed of suffering. Jezebel may symbolize more than one manifestation of two women.

Thyatira also rearranges to spell Thar Y a Ti, as in the Norse Thor holding Thetis to recognizance if she won't repent on her own, because of some ancient agreement between the two of them.

I say all this in part so that fanatical unstable Christians don't attempt to crucify Thetis, or any other "Jezebel" of Revelation.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: WalkingHolic

Did you read my last posts, replying to you?

Forget the Freemason stuff. They have no relevance and are of no consequence, to the things you are trying to work out

Also, you are analysing veil English phonology, in pieces, as if it is the root of a whole word meaning, when you combine them

It does not work that way. At least, not the way you are doing it

You CAN achieve what you are trying, using a method like that ... But it is WAY, WAY, more in depth than you are doing

The pieces of the word still have to fit together into one word, with a combined comparable phonological meaning, in BOTH LANGUAGES

Not just pieces of it, in English

I'll give you the first one ...


It refers to THE INDIVIDUAL as they are perceived in their physical form. Both by self, and others

I gave you the exact list of "perspectives" you need to understand what the "7 Churches" are, in the posts above. But I'll write it again below


Hence the misunderstanding in translation to being a "SACRED HOUSE"

Read the verses again, applying the allegories to these


posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 01:11 AM
I stopped reading when you started on the English-language word-play. The Bible was not written in English.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 01:25 AM
If you want to break down words, to get meaning from the pieces?

You need to go all the way to individual lettering

You need to look at what each of the symbols we use for letters mean, INDIVIDUALLY

Then piece a meaning together this way

But, you still need to do it with multiple languages. Not just English

I'll give you the first few symbol meanings here:

A - OVER - "Angle bridge line"
a - OVER - "Angle of curvature"

I'll give you an example of how the individual letters work, to give you meaning of the word, using lowercase "a" and "e" as examples:

When you use "a" in a word, it means "TO HOLD/CARRY"
When you use "e" in a word, it means "TO FORWARD/GIVE"

So when you use "ea" it means, to given/passed forward, to be held carried

Now, using what I just told you, look at the composition of these words:


See how the individual symbols (letters), and the combination I gave you, create a collective meaning, common across all words using that combination?

You may even be able to work out the basic meaning of other letters in these words, based on the ones I just gave you

I gave you the very specific meaning for the capital "G" in my earlier posts

When applied in Greek "ALPHA", the capital "A" refers to ANGLE

Relatively, the "OMEGA" refers to POTENTIAL

When you look at the Catholic Chi-Rho symbol. You are looking at a old symbol which means "ANGLE AND POTENTIAL". Which is the basis for all existence

I spent many years studying the very exact meanings of the symbols in various languages

Be warned, it hurts to rewire your brain to see and understand language this way

It takes many years to adjust to

Once the Earth knows you can understand these types of "coding" it will bombard you constantly. To the point where it feels like you are being driven mad

But afterwards, you will have abilities that few people in this world have

Like being able to tell if a person is lying, by their choice of words

Not just lying. You can read people like a book, based on the words, numbers and language they used

Things that they do not mean to admit, or realise they are giving away

My point is ...

If you want to unlock the language seals, you need to go all the way to the individual symbols and letters

I can break any given sentence or word you give me, into hundreds of different possible interpretations

I can give you meanings contrary to anything you correlate by breaking a word into pieces, using the exact same words

I could do it, so I get the same meaning, both backwards and forwards

Have you started comparing things written backwards and forwards yet? This is great fun. It will really blow your mind, once you start

The only real way to understand the original intended meaning, is to go all the way down to the individual letters and numbers

This is why the illuminated refer to them as:

The primary sequence - Numbers
The secondary sequence - Letters

Or, if you prefer the correctly translated Bible version:

Numbers - The primary law
Deuteronomy - The secondary law

Again, I am happy to elaborate on anything you would like to know

... If you read my replies

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: Compendium & Disraeli

First, Disraeli: the Book of Revelation is a prophesy, so it could easily take into account the nature of the languages it is translated into. It may be more accurate to translate from the original language, but I don't speak it. Plenty of people have tried to interpret Revelation's English version, and have sometimes been taken seriously.

Second, Compendium: While I find your posts interesting, inspiring of deep thinking, I suspect the methodology you suggest of too much complexity to be worth the effort. My own method is measuring the symbolism's margin of abstraction from a direct statement of what I suspect. Margin of abstraction is probability it means the same thing, or something else. A lot of abstraction, it probably means something else.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 05:29 AM
The woman clothed with the sun is symbolic of the sun Tiphareth within Kabbalah. Love in its simplest form expanding into every direction. The moon under her feet may symbolize death, because it is the sphere of death within Kabbalah. The crown of twelve stars symbolizes the twelve tribes of Judaism.

The woman cried in pain to be delivered immediately before the appearance of the red dragon. This could symbolize that it is one of her children. It appears as a “wonder in heaven”.

The dragon drawing the stars of heaven down to earth could signify his subversive defeat of the twelve tribes.

The woman may have only eventually brought fourth a man child. This could be a second child to the first one mentioned in the text, that looks symbolically similar. If the dragon is Christ imitating the Lamb of God, the child predicted to rule with a rod of iron (I suspect - a rod of irony) may be the actual Lamb of God.

Snatched up to heaven because without ego, and unconditionally loving.

The woman fled into the wilderness. This may be literal, or may merely mean seclusion from society/elites. This happens in Verse 6, she is fed for what ends as “threescore days”. The time period is symbolically related to 6… three, 666. They could feed her in preparation for “666 days,” the days of Armageddon.

The flood that emits out of the mouth of the serpent could symbolize an infernalist taint upon the lineage she founded.

The dragon is wroth with the woman, and wages war against her “seed”: I believe the chapter is about the persecution of the Merovingian lineage. A line with rare brain chemistry advantages rooted in devotion to the sun, or heart of God.

Chapter 12, Verse 10 signals the defeat of the Dragon. This could mean the Little Scroll of Revelation Prophecy. It is revealed the Dragon is an accuser, suggesting his slander may survive until this event triggers the finalization of “absinthe” - the a/b sin, in reference to an a column b column bet.

Chapter 6, Verse 12 (King James version): And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

Lo = L owe, L oh.

The sun is a beggar in sackcloth

14: And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

a scroll appears containing heaven's essence

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: WalkingHolic

You can't half decode something
You either decode it, or you do not

Revelation isn't about prophecy. It is about spectrum

The Greek word for "Prophecy" in the Bible is mistranslated

It does not mean "Prophecy", it means "Probability". Interesting that you mentioned this word twice in your last post

People who can visualise the chaos of the cycles, use "Probability" to know what is likely going to happen

Those who can only see linearly, view probability as something divine, beyond them, or "too much effort", like Prophecy

Hence where the mistranslation came from

They basically mean the same thing. The only difference is perspective. Again

If you think going deeper isn't worth it, then you will never find the common truth and source

That source is, by design, one of the hardest things anyone will ever do in this world

Because of the power that comes along with the understanding. Which is why it is only given to people who prove themselves willing to go to hell and back to find it

If you analyse based on only what is right for you, then you divide yourself from the common truth

You will never find anything of any real benefit to you, or anyone. Making what you are doing completely pointless

Personal belief, is the enemy of knowing

Don't get me wrong. You are actually on the right path, correlating different mythos and language, as was the first thing I said to you ...

But why are you correlating language and mythos as "source", but not also correlating science, physics, geometry, maths, and everything else?

Every "other" source, which also have the same, common roots in creation?

Why are you correlating some of the sources of creation, but leaving out others?

You need to correlate everything

Because if you do and they do not align? Then it is not correct

So you try again, until more and more of it that aligns

Get what I'm saying?

I'm not saying you are wrong ...

Only that you aren't looking at all the pieces of the puzzle

When you look at teachings of historical importance ...

They are not passed down because of the people, places, or events within them

They are allegories about physical aspects of our creation, and how this world works

Important information about our creation and collective existence that needs be passed on

Try thinking of it like this ...

If you had to write down the most important knowledge about this world, in just a few books, what would you write about?

The way and order in which a cell is created in physics? Which is the same as how a planet is formed? And how a baby forms in the womb? The same as the formation of any torus / sphere? (Hence the Hebrew Biblical "Torah" about spheres/cells)

Or would you justwrite just about "what is relevant to you"? Things that happened in your life, and your opinions?

Because if you wrote about "what is relevant to you"? I can assure you, your works would be lost to time

Nobody tomorrow would care. Nobody beyond your generations would pass them down as something important

Unless it is relevant to everyone, and our collective origins

Not opinion on where things came from, as in the incorrectly translated modern Bible. But things we knew as a "high probability" of being correct, based upon what has been passed down and experienced over time

Things like "Prophecy" do not even equate in these teachings

Except ...

When you are teaching about things like cycles, spectrum, octave frequency, and the recurrence of sine waves

Things that happen in cycles and seasons, that have happened before, that we know will come to happen again

Probability. Not prophecy

Good luck with the future versions of your translations
edit on 27 7 23 by Compendium because: Corrections on my laptop

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