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Sleep Paralysis Experiencers / Have You Ever Had an Episode with The Guardian of The Threshold?

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posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: Sahabi

aww cmon, attaching examples like leprechauns and bigfoot is clearly obfuscation and dis information. They are obviously not related to the subject.

I'm sorry you cant draw the correlation between a religious interpretation of an experience with a non corporeal entity and your occult definition of the same.
What ever we as individuals attribute these experiences to is based on our life experiences, interpreted by our psyche, for some this interpretation is based on religious beliefs such as angels and demons, a spiritual battle between light and dark.

So I find it hard to simply accept your rejection of the experience based on terminology, without adding any substance to the experiences at all.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: datguy

You libelously accuse:

”So I find it hard to simply accept your rejection of the experience based on terminology, without adding any substance to the experiences at all.”

I have repeated in many posts on this thread that I am not debating or refuting the experiences of the OP. It appears you troll me without fully considering what I actually say; that or a lack of reading comprehension? But I digress …

Simply, the OP and others are labeling the experiences with the wrong word and concept.

This is like the American person who gets the word “Love” tattooed on themselves in Chinese script, later to have a Chinese person explain the truth that the tattoo actually translates to General Tso’s Chicken. I am an occult esotericist generously adding substance to the thread by explaining what the Dweller actually is.

The experiences of the OP may be as true and genuine as the light of day, but they have simply misunderstood the phrase “Dweller on the Threshold” and ran with it. To explain and articulate their experiences to others, it would be more direct, constructive, and efficient to avoid misappropriating or misusing established words and phrases.


I will leave room for my own error:

* If I am mistaken, please quote any words of the OP in this thread that relate their experiences with ascending the path of enlightenment or backsliding from the path when nearly at enlightenment. After all, the Dweller is quite frankly a direct obstacle on the path of enlightenment, regardless of the trappings, garments, or forms of any person’s culture, religion, belief system, or world view.

edit on 7/28/23 by Sahabi because: Pater aphes autois ou gar oidasin ti poiousin!!!

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: Sahabi

this is just going around in circles, you miss the point entirely.

I have been rejecting your "esoteric teachings" with my personal religious beleifs.
Your authors words and occult definitons mean nothing to me in light of what i have personally experienced.

From what i have learned over the years in regards to the guardian or the shadow and this entity is that they are in fact the same. Just because one group of people wish to attribute it to one particular reason, does not in my opinion, make that fact or stand to account for other individual experiences.

and you have been calling me a troll and personally slandering me for this all the while trying to blame me for the same which have never done...libel indeed
it is you who is not is not comprehending

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: Sahabi

Originally posted by Sahabi
Within the original teachings of leading Rosicrucian, Theosophical, and Anthroposhopical works, the Dweller has always been an aspect of the self. This is literally what the Dweller has been known as in initiatic, esoteric, and occult circles for over a hundred years.

I’d be interested to see where this is documented or mentioned by the Rosicrucian's…

I’ve recently been reading the book “The secret teachings of all Ages”, specifically the chapter on the “Fraternity of the Rose Cross”…In one chapter it mentions how there became some offshoots of the Rosicrucian's who had lost some of the deeper and original meaning of their founders.

It also also suggests that the real Rosicrucian's continued on in secret and for that reason it has become difficult to pin down every true aspect of the Rosicrucian teachings…unless you so happen to be a member of their secret order of course…

Originally posted by Sahabi
I have many firsthand experiences with the Dweller and I am a lecturer for multiple esoteric organizations. Teaching about the Dark Night of the Soul, the Shadow, and the Dweller are part of my repertoire

Do you have any first-hand experiences with the Dweller that you’d like to share with us…

I had an out of body experience once when I was around 21 years old…where I encountered a showdown entity…it was only much latter in life (around the age of 35 or 36) that I started to research the topic, which in turn led me onto a more spiritual path of understanding…

- JC

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Sahabi

You are experiencing things and grossly misattributing to the Dweller/Guardian, thereby spreading misinformation.

Are you an experiencer. I am. or grossly misattributing to something else which you have no reference for thus thereby spreading misinformation. Not a question as you are. What I saw is identified by many pictures on the internet. My references include all experiencers which include several PhD's and an author; Lewis Proud. I suggest you read his book title Dark Intrusions. Another you can read is written by Father Vincent Lampert titled

Exorcism: The Battle Against Satan and His Demons

Second you didn't announce that you have coin in the game. I don't make money from this but you do and its in your best interest to discredit me and Rudolf Steiner's works from decades ago.


The Guardian of the Threshold

Deny Ignorance and pray to your God as I pray to mine

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: Sahabi

Boy or Boy are you fluffed up? I never introduced the word Dweller. You did. So your a lecturer yet have NO answers.

Originally posted by Sahabi
I have many firsthand experiences with the Dweller and I am a lecturer for multiple esoteric organizations. Teaching about the Dark Night of the Soul, the Shadow, and the Dweller are part of my repertoire

Say hello to Satan for me pro.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 08:00 PM

”I never introduced the word Dweller. You did.”

It is unwise to lie on an archived thread.

Your OP literally quotes the following from the Wikipedia entry you linked:

”The term "Guardian of the Threshold", often called "Dweller on the Threshold"

The Wikipedia article even goes on to explain the Dweller on the Threshold.


On page 3 of this thread, you reference Steiner, linking an article by Terje Sparby.

1. Firstly, Steiner developed his “Guardian of the Threshold” ideas based upon the original “Dweller on the Threshold” that he learned about as a Theosophist.


2. “Dweller” and “Guardian”, in the case of “Threshold”, are synonymous for the same concept.


3. The article that you sourced clearly states that the Guardian is a part of one’s inner experience:

”Introduction – In the study that preceded the current inquiry, I considered a range of different textual sources for Rudolf Steiner’s view of the peculiar inner experience Steiner describes as a confrontation with the ‘guardian of the threshold’ (hereafter simply ‘guardian’)”.


4. The article that you sourced clearly states that the Guardian is one’s lower nature and becomes visibly manifest after the achievement of spiritual practices:

“The experience in question is described in two aspects, namely as an encounter with a ‘lower’ and a ‘higher’ guardian, whereby the former is interpreted as a representation of one’s own lower nature, which on the one hand protects against an early confrontation with one’s ‘true self’ but on the other hand also can have a psychologically destabilizing effect. It was shown how, according to Steiner, a certain spiritual practice and lifestyle can bring about a conscious encounter with the guardian. A spiritual practitioner goes through a process of disembodiment, Steiner states, and must cross a so-called ‘abyss of nothingness’, before finally standing before the guardian.”


5. The article that you sourced clearly states that the guardian consists of astral remnants from past lives:

“Before this, man himself was an elemental being. Not everything physical about man is destined to be transformed. A kind of slag remains. This remaining slag is constantly present in a human being, as a result of which we are under the influence of certain astral elemental beings; an elemental being is as it were attached to us. Consequently, human beings are in constant contact with something that functions as obstructing enemy, a disturber of our development. In German mythology, the beings attached to humans in such a way were called Albs. They appear in an indefinite form in the so-called nightmare. These dreams express themselves in such a way that one believes that a creature is sitting on one’s chest. When one develops astral sight one sees these beings for the first time (The Dweller on the Threshold in Bulwer’s ‘Zanoni’). This experience is the reflection of man’s astral acquaintance with his alb, a defense mechanism against his enemy. This being is the projection of an astral being in ourselves. It is the [lesser] guardian of the threshold. He who cannot overcome the fear of his inner enemy usually turns back at the gate of initiation.”


6. The article that you sourced clearly states that the Guardian manifests outwardly from our inner state of being:

”Even though it is hallucinatory, it still appears as an external perception, announces itself just like an external perception. This is the ghost character. In this way, something that lives instinctively in us, something that rumbles inside us, can come forth if we consciously get to know it as we meet the Guardian of the Threshold, where all instincts stop, where things begin to become fully conscious and to integrate themselves into free spiritual life to the Guardian of the Threshold: here such an instinctively living being appears as a ghost. And in this case, it no longer is an instinct. We should not be afraid of an experience like this where something appears to us like a ghost. For the only way to get rid of it is to see it objectified outside, when what is rumbling inside us really appears in front of us as a ghost. That is the one form. The other form in which such an instinct can appear to us is as an ‘Alp’. In this case, it is not a perception from the outside, but an oppressive feeling inside, or an after-effect, manifesting as a vision of what is oppressing us, an imaginative experience that occurs to us at the same time as an ‘Alpdruck’.”


7. If we go directly to the writings of Steiner, he repeatedly says that the Guardian is a part of one’s own self, it manifests into our awareness by our advancing through the spiritual path, and it blocks our way to further success until we transmute and transcend this lower nature of ours:

Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment

”The important experiences marking the student’s ascent into the higher worlds include his meeting with the “ Guardian of the Threshold.”

”Guardian of the Threshold, as a result of which, the student learns that his thinking, feeling and willing have become released within him from their inherent connection.”

”However horrible the form assumed by the Guardian, it is only the effect of the student's own past life, his own character risen out of him into independent existence.”

”My spectral form is woven out of thine own life’s account book. Till now thou hast borne me invisibly within thyself, and it was well for thee that this should be ; for the wisdom of thy destiny, though con¬ cealed from thee, could thus work within thee, so that the hideous stains upon my form should be blotted out. Now that I have come forth from within thee, that concealed wisdom, too, has departed from thee.”

”It was seen that in this Guardian a Being confronts the student whom the latter has himself brought into existence, and whose body consists of the hitherto invisible results of the student’s own actions, feelings and thoughts. These unseen forces have become the cause of his destiny and his character, and he realises how he himself founded the present in the past. He can understand why his inner self now standing to a certain extent revealed before him, includes particular inclinations and habits, and he can also recognise the origin of certain blows of fate that have befallen him.”

edit on 7/30/23 by Sahabi because: myein 0_0

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

”Second you didn't announce that you have coin in the game. I don't make money from this but you do and it’s in your best interest to discredit me and Rudolf Steiner's works from decades ago.”

Jumping to assumptions can often turn into libelous lies.

I lecture and publish articles completely free of charge. I have a well paying skilled-labor career, so I can lecture and write freely without trying to hustle a single penny off of anyone.


”What I saw is identified by many pictures on the internet. My references include all experiencers which include several PhD's and an author; Lewis Proud.”

For the umpteenth time: I am not refuting your experiences!!! Simply, Dr. Brooks wrongly gave you the occult phrase “Guardian on the Threshold” out of their own ignorance of the concept.

External entities that interact with the physical world are not Guardians of the Threshold.


”Say hello to Satan for me pro.”

Presumptuous slander. I am a child of the Most High, get behind me Satan!!!


”Boy or Boy are you fluffed up? ”

Says the person who thinks that the Guardian of the Threshold goes around fluffing the pillows of wives xD


For a person who claims to call upon the name of Jesus in times of fear, you sure have stated a lot of lies about me.

edit on 7/30/23 by Sahabi because: You got me! You got me …… to laugh at you!!!

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 08:10 PM
Fictitious and emotion-based argumentum ad hominem attacks from both Waterglass and datguy are awesome, because they show everyone that your points of debate have failed and all that you have left are petty attempts at insult and character attacks.

Keep the insults coming and stay away from facts or the points of debate: you are only revealing the weakness of your stance.

Thank you and namaste!!!

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 08:10 PM
No- just foreign bodies holding me down so I can’t wake up. I have a lucid vision of the room I am in. I try to scream out but it doesn’t work.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: Joecroft

The idea behind the concept of the Guardian/Dweller is not particularly unique to any tradition. Many religions, symbolical mythologies, and mystery traditions teach this concept, either directly or indirectly; either literally or esoterically. We find it almost everywhere when we know how to identify it.

First, we must know what the “threshold” is. In the words of many belief systems, the threshold is the bridge between human and God, or lower self and Higher Self, or body and spirit, or egotistical carnal nature and archetypal ideal self, or ignorance and liberation, or earth and heaven, or death and immortality, etc., so-on and so-forth.

The figurative Guardian/Dweller serves as an allegorical gatekeeper, ensuring that only the well prepared and worthy gain entry to the latter of the aforementioned juxtapositions. The Guardian/Dweller may be temptations, obstacles upon a journey, or a battle, it may be an adversary or monster, it may be a decent into and return from the underworld, or death and rebirth. Most psychopomps and liminal deities act in this role. We can relate the Guardian/Dweller to Satan tempting Jesus after his 40 days/nights fasting in the wilderness. In all cases, such narratives are meant to by interpreted symbolically and allegorically as aspects of our self to resolve and conquer.

As far as Rosicrucianism, Max Heindel is a must! The A.M.O.R.C. has a few good books for online viewing as well.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: Sahabi

Good for you as I will be on an International Podcast on Sleep Paralysis live from London, UK. I am an Engineer and MBA. I do all free as a means to help others. I didn't invent the Guardian. Several PhD's who are Sleep Paralysis experiencers did so I will follow that.

You never answered my question; Do you have Sleep Paralysis episodes?

I also agree 100% with what you wrote here:

a reply to: Joecroft

The idea behind the concept of the Guardian/Dweller is not particularly unique to any tradition. Many religions, symbolical mythologies, and mystery traditions teach this concept, either directly or indirectly; either literally or esoterically. We find it almost everywhere when we know how to identify it.

First, we must know what the “threshold” is. In the words of many belief systems, the threshold is the bridge between human and God, or lower self and Higher Self, or body and spirit, or egotistical carnal nature and archetypal ideal self, or ignorance and liberation, or earth and heaven, or death and immortality, etc., so-on and so-forth.

The figurative Guardian/Dweller serves as an allegorical gatekeeper, ensuring that only the well prepared and worthy gain entry to the latter of the aforementioned juxtapositions. The Guardian/Dweller may be temptations, obstacles upon a journey, or a battle, it may be an adversary or monster, it may be a decent into and return from the underworld, or death and rebirth. Most psychopomps and liminal deities act in this role. We can relate the Guardian/Dweller to Satan tempting Jesus after his 40 days/nights fasting in the wilderness. In all cases, such narratives are meant to by interpreted symbolically and allegorically as aspects of our self to resolve and conquer.

posted on Nov, 21 2023 @ 12:47 AM

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: Sahabi

I am the OP who wrote this thread. I didnt invent that name or cultivate it. Dr. Sheila Pryce Brooks who is coined as a Sleep Paralysis expert told me that the Hooded entity was The Guardian of the Threshold. It has its own Wiki page and Rudolf Steiner also wrote about it 100's of years ago

Teachings Of The Guardian Of The Threshold is a book written by Rudolf Steiner, which delves into the concept of the Guardian of the Threshold, a spiritual being that guards the passage between the physical and spiritual worlds.

I also had a Catholic Exorcist at my hime in 2021. Father Morey was never trained in Sleep Paralysis by the church as the church stopped teaching about Sleep Paralysis around 300 years ago. He didnt understand it and described the entity as a demon.

You claim that its NOT the Guardian of the Threshold. So what is it? Beacuse it has visited me for decades intil 2018 when I prayed to God for help and make it stop. It hasen't returned since December 2018 and its December 2023. Almost five years ago.

So please put some lunch into your bucket as I will pursue.

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: (no reason given)

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: Sahabi

Fictitious and emotion-based argumentum ad hominem attack

[1] Dr. Sheila Pryce Brooks of York University in London, UK is real , alive and well. Please look her up at her web site and debate her on The Guardian of The Threshold. FACT
[2]Rudold Steiner is world renouned. FACT
[3]Wiki page for all it is, is still Wiki page. FACT

Sahabi is an opinion by Sahabi on a conspiracy site. For all I know your an AI inside a pepsi machine dispensing twelve ounce cans of whoop ass.

Please provide facts pr links that I can pursue to prove and believe in you! Thats all.

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: Sahabi

So the OP hasent exlained?

Here you go:

Rudold Steiner Archive & The Guardian of the Threshold

Teachings Of The Guardian Of The Threshold is a book written by Rudolf Steiner, which delves into the concept of the Guardian of the Threshold, a spiritual being that guards the passage between the physical and spiritual worlds.

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