I am looking for a certain movie type. A story like a person with extraordinary powers that can't be beat by humans and that is a good person, stays
out of the way and doesn't do anything bad or destructive unless he is messed with. Every effort by the powers that be fails in trying to get him
subdued as he simply tries to be left alone.
Golden-Fleece / Quest [ Star Wars, Wizard of Oz, Back to the Future ]
Wish Fulfilled with Chagrine [ Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, Flubber ]
Small Guy with Big Problem [ Die Hard, Titanic, Schindler's List ]
Rite of Passage - every change of life story.
Buddy Love [ Dumb & Dumber, Rain Man, every love-story ]
Why Dunnit? (...why? is more interesting than who?) [ Chinatown, JFK, the Insider ]
Fool Triumphant / Wise Village Idiot [Forrest Gump, the Jerk, Amadeus, Chaplin-movies ]
Group / Institution / Family [ Animal House, American Beauty, Godfather ]
SuperHero (Big Guy - Any Problems) [ Superman, but also Dracula, Frankenstein, Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind ]
extraordinary powers implies genre "SuperHero"... but your full description also reads like the plot of every Clint Eastwood western.
Other writers about stories have described that a good story is often about:
(a) an ordinary person in extraordinary times,
(b) an extraordinary person in ordinary times.
Have you seen the Wraith with Charlie Sheen and Randy Quaid from the eighties?? I'd say it's about 80% what your looking for. Also got Man of Steel,
Falling Down , the Day the Earth Stood Still with Keaneu Reeves.
All fun watches, I own them all in blu ray and more.
I can't really think of any that match that description completely...
Push with Chris Evans? That involves a drug the military is testing though if I remember correctly.
I Am Number 4 with Timothy Olyphant? But that's an alien being chased by aliens I think...
There was another I was thinking of but it was even less related and totally slipped my mind, I'll post if I can remember...
It's been a while, Freaks (2018) comes to mind. I found this movie thought provoking. There's destruction. but I don't remember her doing anything
wrong. It's an interesting movie....
edit on 23-7-2023 by dffrntkndfnml because: changed to from '19 to '18
This is actually one of my favorite movies ever and have seen it so many times the kids get annoyed now. I will sometimes use it as a threat of
punishment when they don't act right. "Clean up that room or I am putting on the Wraith". They heard Ozzy so many times in that first race and Bowie
later on its like the soundtrack of the movie.