posted on Jul, 23 2023 @ 08:42 PM
When Sound of Freedom released it was on about 2600 screens. In the last few weeks they've added more and more screens, with it playing in about 3300
as of this weekend.
So let's say there are issues. Mechanical, power outages, weather related, fire alarms, disruptive audience, whatever as long as it disrupts the movie
and causes the screening to be suspended or cancelled. It happens, I've had to walk out of a handful of movies for various reasons over the years.
Let's say ten theaters on any give day experience issues, for whatever reason. On the opening weekend, that would mean about 0.38% of all screenings
had issues. On this most recent weekend, that would be about 0.30% of screenings. Even if 50 theaters had an issue on any given day, that's still only
about 1.92% for opening weekend and 1.51% this most recent weekend.
A handful of theaters going out of operation is not a conspiracy. It's a normal mechanical, software, weather related, unruly audience. There's really
nothing statistically anomalous about it.
Stop looking for fires where there's no smoke.
Box Office Mojo
As an aside, it was a pretty solid film. I left a spoiler free review on the
The Phantom
Zone Discord server in one of the channels.