posted on Jul, 22 2023 @ 06:11 AM
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It could well be I know it was early 1970s and I remember being stunned at her school book spelling , The schools in Scotland also changed the
gradings and levels for 2 years in my final 2 years at school then abandoned it ,And now nobody has a clue about it when you try and list your
qualifications they returned to the O grade standard from whatever that 4 letters were Scse? Cs or what ever they were .
When I went to school first dyslexia was not really known about ,You were just labelled a stupid kid and if you were unlucky enough to write with the
left hand and tying your hand behind your back never fixed the issue , well putting the hand in the old style desks with the ink well in it and
slamming the lid hard was their next trick
That was supposed to have been banned in the 1950s stopping kids writing with their natural hand but things change slowly where I stay and they were
much older teachers back then .
On the bright side their were no furries roaming the corridors then and only 2 genders were known about and life was a lot simpler back then