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Major Media Pushing Discord, Hate and Division While Censoring You

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posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 06:21 PM
Anyone else get the feeling for some time now, since covid, that suddenly the world just feels so upside down? Somehow we just woke up one day, found ourselves no longer allowed to go outside on authority of the highest order - in a free country.

Once we allowed to step back out into the sunshine, we didn't seem to have anything changed. The rules were the same. But something was very, very different. Suddenly, at least from my perspective, even though the rules were the same, no one followed them and if you pointed it out, you were set upon as though you had broken the original rule you had pointed out. Confusing, yes, I am confused too.

Somehow everywhere, no one was following the rules and it was against the new unwritten rule to follow the written rule.

Road rage appears to be a thing that's discussed and oddly blamed on different things through out the year. First it was because people were not used to being out. Then people were not used to each other. Now the news is saying it's the heat. One thing has stayed the same and it hasn't been the excuse.

Btw.. We seem to live on excuses today. That's the problem. Our new generations are generations of excuses.

Before I go too far off - I'll get back to the point. The media, I feel is right at the front of it all. Perhaps not calling the shots but certainly making it happen.

It's rumored that media as well as other companies, are using AI to filter their comments with extraordinary success. Who needs russian trolls when you have AI? AI will retort - it will spin. It's "smart" enough to use all of the tactics that a troll would use to stop you from posting against it's lie, make you you silly, push the lie, comply with the narrative.

Hogwash? Anyone who enjoys reading the comments (and tries to play along) to a lot of the big media news sites can probably attest.

We'll use Yahoo as an example. Granted, this isn't a one time thing. This is pretty common and you can see examples of it often if you "participate".

After 10 years together, my wife and I divorced because our relationship had simply wound down. It's sad, but I'm also relieved.

Fascinating click baity article, wouldn't you say?

Story goes that hubby and wife are fed up after 10 years and call it quits. You see this big mug of the guy with a big smile. They played it off like

"They just we'ren't feeling it so they just called it quits after 10 years". No biggie right?


This branches off into two major issues here. You'll see shortly.

First, the urge to want to say something like:

- Good for you! You failed and you gave up!
- Good for you! Marriage is not for everyone.
- Good for you! You've both grown as a couple and now apart.

or whatever. Only one of those are permittable. Yahoo doesn't like for you to say:

- Things that will hurt other's feels. (It will actually say this - that you might hurt other's feelings)
- A word or word combination is forbidden.

You will find that there are no "woops - let me edit that" more than once. They are very unforgiving. The uncanny thing about it is, it will often filter out it's own words when you quote parts of the story.

I could go on and on about the shady tactics. Especially with politics! It's very heavy handed towards conservatives speaking.

Again - part of that feeling that you just feel shut down - closed up, bad to say anything.

That whole - "Free to say but not from repercussions" when people are saying general stuff. It's so frustrating.

And now for the banger. If you didn't know..

What the story doesn't tell you - One way to normalize what's REALLY going on:

Let's just take a major part out of the story.

Old Bob wasn't Bob at all. Old Bob was the fella's wife, originally. The picture of the guy with facial hair - might have gotten that facial hair from the nether store.

But Yahoo doesn't want to tell you that part.

I changed my name when I transitioned, but I had to use the name my parents gave me on my marriage license. Now I'm getting divorced and have to use it again.

Let's just make two different stories about it.

Wonder if the author is generating this via AI

Anyone else feel like instead of being visited by aliens, we just woke up in an alien world? And why does it only seem to make sense to "some" people? Half the planet gets it - the other half can't walk and chew bubblegum anymore. Their logic is ... I don't even know. It doesn't make sense.

scuze the typos and the opinion bloat!

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 06:27 PM
news and entertainment media alike are obsessed with making people of color angry, and making white people feel guilty.

angry people of color vote Democrat.
guilty white people vote Democrat.

its all political.

a bunch of liberal arts majors out of touch with reality.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 06:29 PM
They the media tried this in the late 60s and early 70s with Helter Skelter , they have just taken it back out dusted it down and are playing the same song again with edits and a new group on vocals .

And with the amount of bots and now AI online and the 77 crew everywhere , it is a bad time to be young

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: Timber13

When I wrote for a major media site, I had (this is a while back) my actual name and email address for comments.

My wife made me quit writing for that site when we got continuous death threats from the left, just on policy issues.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: Timber13

The role of the mainstream media today is to divide and isolate. And there's nothing they can say to spin that.

They encourage divorce and infidelity. They take a crap on marriage, family and tradition.

They preach about diversity in the most absurd and irrational fashion....yet diversity of thought is UNACCEPTABLE.

Chop your penis off. But don't dare homeschool your children unless you're a radical Christian weirdo.

Sadly the only way these narratives are allowed continue and flourish are with enough of the population's consent.

....and they have that consent from about 30% of America.

edit on 16-7-2023 by AgarthaSeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 08:39 PM
the msm is the shepard for all authority that has money

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: ElGoobero
liberal arts

I think that's a huge issue. I believe the liberal arts are being used politically. It's the 'LIBERAL' Arts. The people involved are just that. I see the people and the sway they have. I have a close family member that's in so deep with the organization that it's bleeds left wing liberalism. And they think the far right is bad....

posted on Jul, 17 2023 @ 01:28 AM
They like to say that entertainment and what one watches does not affect a person. But these very same ones spend billions of dollars advertising every year. If what you see and hear in the media doesn't affect you these very same people that say it doesn't, wouldn't be spending dozens of billions of dollars on advertising every year.

A story teaches a lesson. It is a training tool. Too many people do not understand that the media they feed their mind influences their thinking far more profoundly than they care to admit.
edit on 17-7-2023 by randomuser because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: Timber13

It is the twctic of an invader. They are doing it to undermine our traditions and identity, replacing it with their model. They only use it on us though. They do not use it on themselves.

If you read the Israeli newspaers they are not force-feeding them trasn, gay and migrant politics at the expense of the majority who they are impoverishing economically and culturally to make of them ignorant uneducated fools who have no clue what is really happening.

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 01:26 PM
I'll say this. The next 5-10 years is going to be very interesting. Oh I'm sure it'll be obvious too and much like today, there will be a want for push back but none will be had on fear of "Insurrection" - getting thrown in prison for doing what's right.

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