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O'Barski UFO Occupant Case.

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posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 07:43 AM
Plenty of extremely strange occupant reports out there and thought there was a pretty intriguing one below taken from the EOC UFO archive.

The account also looks to contain parallels with other cases involving aspects like EM effects, humming noise, sample taking etc.

• Vid also contains info on other UFO witnesses from around the same time and area.


• "The UFO was about 30 feet in diameter, flat on the bottom, with vertical sides and a domed top. Its maximum height was about eight feet. It was surrounded with regularly spaced vertical windows, about a foot and a half wide and an equal distance apart. The object itself was dark, but intense light shone from the windows, illuminating the ground nearby.”

George O’Barski, North Hudson Park, New Jersey, United States - January 12th, 1975.

Newsclipping - 'Same Citizen Sees UFO'

Apparently O'Barski describes the occupants 'step out and move so fast as if kids were running down a fire escape' which is interesting as it's not the first time that seemingly distorted time antics have been reported.

At around 2:45 A.M. on January 12, 1975, George O'Barski was driving home through North Hudson Park, New Jersey, just across the Hudson River from Manhattan, when static filled his radio. Leaning forward to fiddle with the dial, he noticed a light to his left. A quick glance, followed by an astonished stare, revealed its source: a dark, round object with vertical, brilliantly lit windows. It was heading in the same direction as the car and emitted a humming sound.

O'Barski slowed down for a better view. The UFO entered a playing field and hovered a few feet off the ground. A panel opened between two windows, and a ladder emerged. Seconds later about ten identically clad little figures -- they wore white one-piece outfits with hoods or helmets that obscured their facial features -- came down the ladder. Each figure dug a hole in the soil with a spoonlike device and dumped the contents into a bag each carried. The figures then rushed back into the ship, which took off toward the north. The entire incident had lasted less than four minutes.

It also states in the headline of a related article from 'The Hudson Reporter' that 'since 1975, North Bergen had most UFO reports in USA' although it's a shame that article has now been removed from the archive.

Would be interested in any opinions (sceptical or otherwise) on the case and here's what George had to say about folks who thought he made it all up.

As for what George O'Barski thought of disbelievers or those who subsequently labeled him a 'crackpot' or 'nut' and disbelieved his tale:

• "I lived a long life as honorably and truthfully as I was able to. A man doesn't do that for over 70 years and then throw it all away over some foolishness."

George O’Barski.


The North Hudson Park UFO

A Close Encounter in New Jersey

NICAP - The 1975 UFO Chronology

edit on 16-7-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 08:34 AM
One of the more interesting UFO cases, with corroborating witnesses, and marks in the soil as well as broken windows in that building across the street -
This happened in my area of northern NJ, and cannot simply be dismissed. Interesting too that the occupants were doing exactly what the USA did on the moon - removing soil samples for examination.
I remember my Grandmother seeing an enormous, cigar-shaped black object hanging up in the sky in NJ sometime in the late 1960's. She had been gardening and spotted this thing, which did not move for more than an hour. Finally she became worried enough to call local police, but by the time they showed up this UFO had taken off. And the officer dismissed it as 'something to do with fireworks' because it was around the 4th of July. She didn't believe that, having been through the bombings in London during WWII.
Personally I always recall Betty Hill's claim that the aliens during her 1961 New Hampshire abduction told her that they have 'trade routes' from system to system, and apparently they visit different planets on those routes, Earth being one of them. And I wonder if we have some type of resources that they stop by to mine, perhaps under the sea or in remote areas?

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: karl 12

This stuff is real and were at the point that not even the Feds can stop disclosure. Heres our 1st UFO on May 4, 2018 over the Hartwell, Georgia region.

This is what John Greenwald Jr's "The Black Vault" sent to me as they enhanced the video screen shot. Triangle with wispy ionized atmosphere. It went 100's of miles in a second.

IMO Uncle Sam owns it. Then there are the orange ones whom I believe are ET

I believe

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: RonnieJersey

One of the more interesting UFO cases, with corroborating witnesses, and marks in the soil as well as broken windows in that building across the street - This happened in my area of northern NJ, and cannot simply be dismissed.

Interesting too that the occupants were doing exactly what the USA did on the moon - removing soil samples for examination.

I remember my Grandmother seeing an enormous, cigar-shaped black object hanging up in the sky in NJ sometime in the late 1960's. She had been gardening and spotted this thing, which did not move for more than an hour. Finally she became worried enough to call local police, but by the time they showed up this UFO had taken off. And the officer dismissed it as 'something to do with fireworks' because it was around the 4th of July. She didn't believe that, having been through the bombings in London during WWII.

Appreciate the post and you sharing your Grandmother's account Ronnie - the database is not comprehensive by any means but sometimes it's well worth looking through the NICAP chronologies to see if there are any similar reports - 1960's are here and Hawthorne, Westwood and Oradell tend to pop up a lot (then of course there's Wanaque).

Have no idea what UFOs and their occupants actually are (extraterrestrials, metaterrestrials, ultraterrestrials, cryptoterrestrials etc.) but yes that specific behaviour has been witnessed a lot of times (almost too many times) and do remember Jacques Vallee once pointing out that many accounts of UFO landings 'have the undeniable flavor of staged events'.

When it comes to repeatedly witnessed aspects like collecting fauna/soil samples, fixing their vehicles, asking for water etc.. then Nick Redfern also once described it as 'emphasizing the ET meme'.

Here's what researcher Mac Tonnies had to say about it.

I'm reminded of the various people in those old 50s and 60s cases who just conveniently stumbled upon "aliens" taking "soil samples" etc.

To me, that sounds like a classic "stage performance" to reinforce the idea of aliens checking out our biology, fauna, etc.

If they wanted to, they could easily do it without being seen.

But ensuring they _are_ seen and that the ET motif is reinforced, seems to be a part of the agenda.


Sticking with the seemingly contrived behaviour theme then also thought José Antonio Caravaca asked some important questions here.

But for our study the most interesting thing is to decipher why a presumed extraterrestrial would show himself surprised in the presence of a witness after landing hundreds of times? 

Why does he repeat his amazement in the presence of a human being in the surroundings of a UFO? And similarly, how many times would he need to repair his flying saucer in front of a witness? How many ground samples does he need to collect? How many glasses of water does he need to drink to quench his thirst? How many times would these "scientific" aliens need to perform a medical exam on a human? Why would a suspected alien stay static at the side of a road while the witness drives by? Why do all these actions repeat themselves over and over again? Why haven't the occupants of UFOs evolved over time in their behavior and relationship to humans, only repeating certain behavioral patterns? Why do the occupants after hundreds, perhaps thousands of landings, keep repeating these same behavioral-like mantras?

The UFO Occupants Trapped In An Infinite Loop

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass

This stuff is real and were at the point that not even the Feds can stop disclosure.

Thanks for the post Waterglass and do respect your opinion but would ask 'disclosure' of what? Time travellers?, Interdimensional beings?, exotic advanced machine intelligence?, extra solar aliens?..

There sure are plenty of posited opinions out there.

Anyway regarding the seemingly speeded up occupant behaviour in the OBarski case (and other cases) thought this vid featuring researcher Marc Davenport was worth a post.

From 2:30

There are also many reports which report the 'clumsy' behaviour of UFO occupants and thought John Keel raised some important points in this speech - he also describes a very relevant article by French researcher Aimé Michel.

From 25:10

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 01:47 PM
This is my old neighborhood. I’ve been to North Bergan doing some professional work a few times and often passed the park. It's near Jersey City.

North Bergan is a very urban town, the last place one might think a flying saucer would land. But this guy is believable. No reason to make up such a tale. And this may be one of Budd Hopkins's first ufo cases.

This one is very believable.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: karl 12

This thread reminds me of the 1977 Gatchellville, Pennsylvania foo fighter (early spring) nighttime landing, that wound-up being a MUFON Physical Trace case --- Which I did perform an onsite investigation, about two weeks after the event.

I'm speculating...that the foo fighter occupants got out of there starship to go hunting for bud grafting specimens, in the peach or apple orchard that they parked next to in a grassy field.

Can be found here: (On miragemans 10th post on page 6)

Also in Karl12's UFO/OVNI shapes page 4, but I don't have a link --- So Karl...could you please provide me a link to your thread? ---- Thanks

edit on 18-7-2023 by Erno86 because: typo

edit on 18-7-2023 by Erno86 because: added a sentence

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: karl 12
I agree, the actions of these 'aliens' is puzzling indeed - and for so many years.
But if our universe is enormous, surely there must be many inhabited planets, with many different types of life?
I've read countless incidents of these creatures seemingly 'harvesting' eggs from women, and sperm from men, which has to leave us wondering if they are actually using us for some type of species cross-breeding, the same as we do with animals.
Are they selecting certain plant life of ours that they do not have on their own planets?
Interesting too is that there are so many robots reported, the Robert Taylor experience of 1979 in Scotland where he was 'attacked' by two spiked spheres attempting to drag him on board a UFO is one of the stranger ones.
Can it be that the Earth is viewed as a more primitive civilization, and that we are just under constant surveillance?
After all, many abductees have claimed they were warned about pollution, wars, etc. by these beings.
Interesting that you brought up Wanaque - I recall some friends who lived in that area at one time telling me about continual UFO reports. Apparently they do seem to be attracted by our open areas and water.

posted on Jul, 19 2023 @ 06:21 AM

Thanks for the post Waterglass and do respect your opinion but would ask 'disclosure' of what? Time travellers?, Interdimensional beings?, exotic advanced machine intelligence?, extra solar aliens?..
a reply to: karl 12

They are already prepping for UFO's and aliens. Will they go the interdimensional being route such as to admit they appear in Sleep Paralysis, Abductions, Missing 411, Crop Circles and Cattle Mutilation? Not yet I thinks.

Reference Jacques Vallee, Dr. Gary Nolan, David Paulides and a former FBI agent, John DeSouza. Buy yourself a pair of nigh vision binoculars and look at space. They aren't here daily but when they show up you will fill your pants.

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jul, 19 2023 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Glad you referenced the staged events scenario and "emphasizing the ET meme", the repeating patterns also interesting but at the same time maddening when pondering the purpose, let alone the mechanism behind it.

What it obviously isn't is easier to answer and it is cases like these that provide far more insight into the phenomenon than the more recent UAP stuff. Although there is evidence to show the phenomenon manifests in ways which both copy human behaviour and occasionally predicts technological advances so can't rule anything out.

posted on Jul, 19 2023 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: Erno86

Also in Karl12's UFO/OVNI shapes page 4, but I don't have a link --- So Karl...could you please provide me a link to your thread? ---- Thanks

Here we go mate - lots and lots of different shapes (and occupants reported).

originally posted by: introufo

North Bergan is a very urban town, the last place one might think a flying saucer would land. But this guy is believable. No reason to make up such a tale. And this may be one of Budd Hopkins's first ufo cases.

This one is very believable.

Thanks for the input Introufo and yes I don't think he's making it up either - (yet another) extremely curious case.

Did manage to find a hosted copy of that Jersey City Reporter article by Staff Writer Jim Hague and apparently the place is a bit of a hotspot.

In fact, since the initial sighting in 1975, there have been a total of 700 sightings or incidents involving North Bergen residents over the last 30 years - easily the highest total of reported incidents in the United States.

North Bergen, NJ -UFO Hot Spot?

It also contains this comment from lead researcher Ted Bloecher.

"Since I'm an experienced stage actor, I know very well what is a staged act and what is real," Bloecher said. "The scene of them getting soil samples was fake. It was staged. Their real target was George O'Barski.

edit on 19-7-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2023 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: RonnieJersey

I agree, the actions of these 'aliens' is puzzling indeed - and for so many years.

Great post Ronnie and yes it truly is a mindbogglingly puzzling subject and would say the more you look into it the less you know lol.

Could of course be very wrong but I do think folks involved in a great many cases are telling the truth and suppose one has also got to consider other corroborative factors like ground trace evidence, EM effects, physiological effects, animal reaction, separately located witnesses etc.

That said there also appears to be a subset of cases which sound complete batsh•t crazy with occupants just 'going through the motions' as if it's all one big pantomime - lots of repeated patterns in behaviour but no continuity between reports.

originally posted by: RonnieJersey

I've read countless incidents of these creatures seemingly 'harvesting' eggs from women, and sperm from men, which has to leave us wondering if they are actually using us for some type of species cross-breeding, the same as we do with animals.

Yes it all sounds pretty disturbing and your post did remind me of these comments made by Mac Tonnies on 'reproductive overtones'.

Reported 'alien abduction' also shares similarities with the Fae including being taken to a brightly lit rooms with no obvious source of light; encountering one taller individual with smaller assistants; having an obsession with human reproduction and family lineage (cannot reproduce/need humans) and even marks or scars left on the body afterwards.

God knows what's going on mate.

originally posted by: RonnieJersey

Interesting that you brought up Wanaque

Yes would say there's definitely a water connection and some very freaky goings on at Wanaque Reservoir on January 11th, 1966.

posted on Jul, 19 2023 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: chunder

the repeating patterns also interesting but at the same time maddening when pondering the purpose, let alone the mechanism behind it.

Although there is evidence to show the phenomenon manifests in ways which both copy human behaviour and occasionally predicts technological advances so can't rule anything out.

Could not agree more mate.

The link has since been disabled but thought Caravaca asked an important question here:

The only thing UFO events share is their basic structure. The witness will report: 1. that he has seen a "thing" flying in the sky, 2. later, that this "thing" has landed, and 3. from this "thing" some beings have descended. But, incomprehensibly, these aspects, which should have greater homogeneity, are highly malleable and in each case, the elements "thing" and "beings" will be surprisingly different in size, shape and colors. And this has been noted in an overwhelming and revealing way, why has this particular fact not given rise to more debate?

There are two South American examples below both from 1978 (both involving ladders etc. like Obarski).

Have no idea WTF is going on lol.

The Dique La Florida CE-3 UFO Case - Argentina, 1978.

Jacques Vallee - The Juan Perez UFO Case

posted on Jul, 19 2023 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: karl 12
Quite an intriguing theory in that video you posted, that these aliens walk among us, and can pass for human.
Anything is possible!

posted on Jul, 19 2023 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

Yes, suppose anything is possible mate and thought this was a good Pie chart.

Also a thread below exploring the hypothesis with speculation about USOs and the world's oceans.

What if the "aliens" are not from other planets? In this book, Mac Tonnies proposes that at least some accounts of alien visitation can be attributed to a humanoid species indigenous to the Earth, a sister race that has adapted to our numerical superiority by developing a surprisingly robust technology.


posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Great example links and if these are performances for specific individuals then maybe the variety of the common basics is representative of the variety of the individuals who witness it in a kind of circular feedback loop.

Interesting debrief questions for any contactee would be what their expectations would have been like before the experience in terms of how something like that would have appeared to them.

Even then if there were no correlations it could be that what was portrayed was designed to provide the greatest impact to the subconscious mind. Or that the desired outcome was not any effect to the individual concerned but the wider more subtle effect when the individual reported it.

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: karl 12

I believe that one natural resource that the otherworlders desperately need to harvest from our deuterium from seawater. So, it can be used as fuel for the magnetically contained, fusion plasma reaction surrounding the alien starship at times.

Yo Karl...I'm sorry, but I told you wrong, because that link you provided me (by my request) to one of your threads, didn't have any information about the March 7, 1977 Gatchellville, Pa. UFO landing. I believe that MUFON report that you posted for me years ago, is in another one of your many threads --- but I don't know which one.

The NICAP report on it does not provide all the information as compared to the MUFON report. So, I was wondering if you had access to that report and could you please post it for me since I can't seem to find it for myself.

Thanks for your help...

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 06:08 AM
Appreciate the input.

There's also some pretty crazy occupant antics being described in this 'flap'.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 09:13 PM

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Thanks for this. I wonder if it was the same one John Lennon Reportedly saw a few months earlier.

John Lennon Aug 1974 UFO sighting

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