posted on May, 4 2005 @ 08:39 PM
To those who think the Iraq war was about getting the oil, it was not.
The war is to crush off "excess refining capacity," and to raise prices. I mean duh already, is it not so?
Yes we are reaching a problem with "Peak Oil," and how Hegelian it is, or how sweet it is for the people who bought Petroleum companies with
financial tricks, oh yes those "robber barons." The usual method is to deliver an "ultimatum," with the IMF buying your oil real estate and
refineries for pennies on the dollar, while giving the local dictator some pin money in a Swiss Bank. The alternative is simple, a war that these
leaders cannot win. Oh but don't worry, while you destroy lots of refineries or production capacity through that sucker punch, guess who is on the
receiving end down the line? You are, because you pay for such deliberately induced monopoly mechantilism.
This Peak Oil and hippie stuff that goes with it, all the greens, all the Greenpeace groups, are simply falling into the false right left paradigm and
letting the wealth of the people drop like ripe apples into the pockets of the very few. And by the way, who sponsors these ecology groups anyway? You
guessed it, people such as the Rockefellers, the Ford Foundation etc. etc.
Get over it already, Peak Oil is another hula hoop for crowd appeasement, a strategy for illiterates who know nothing about actual oil reserves or how
production capacity tactics and strategy make scarce the fact of abundance.
[edit on 4-5-2005 by SkipShipman]