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YouTube Needs To Quit Sanitizing War Videos

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posted on Jul, 15 2023 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Keeping a decent president for 20 years would be far preferable than electing what we currently have for 4 to 8 years. Look at the garbage presidents we HAVE had for the past 20 years. Only 1 in the past 20 years has actually worked for the people and nation. Just 1....

Why the HE11 do I bother.

edit on 15-7-2023 by LittleJake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

With all due respect, especially considering I am new here ( been on Recon of this forum for over 2 years, in the not too distant perimeter, just glassing..making sure it was legit and have been beyond impressed tbh ), but you would have to be firmly ensconced in post ww2/cold War Gprop to have any judgmental view of Russian "aggression" in our proxy war, or to see Ukraine purely as victims of Putin and not fully allow USG/MIC to shoulder the heaviest load of the responsibility. As much as you might not like it, staunch and BLIND allegiance to an agenda is vastly different than allegiance to the actual nation. We all were taught to be loyal and true to America until death but never realized back then we were being taught that a corrupt agenda was being masqueraded as the blood and soul of our country, the very essence of its ideals. Unfortunately it seems here, not all of us felt uncomfortable as slaves and peasants in this evil system; some of us apparently grew content to suckle at the teat of Gprop and MSM until complacent, engorged and manipulated with ease. Sir, my country, which I have done many many things in the shadows to support and protect, is most certainly the provocateur of this brutal and disgusting display of greed and arrogance in search of yet more control and power. We have by the very definition of the word, been betrayed by our own POTUS, robbed and conned as well as extorted, as he gloats openly over his rackets beside his crackhead joke of a son. America started this war the second ww2 ended and the Nazi agenda was embraced and integrated into our highest offices and agencies. I don't think I need to spell out for you the progression of aggression that America forced upon Russia and Eastern Europe and the Middle East, I would hope you are American enough to give place to truth over deception at least when it's written in blood throughout modern history with a pen wielded by Lady Liberty I agree with Putin, nope. Do I support either side in this AmeroRussian War? Nope. Zelensky is a clown and believes himself to be something he is not and to be so willing to be a puppet with Pedo Joe's hand up his-......u dig? This war is NOT ours nor should it even be happening BUT in al truth it is in every way the fault of American intl agenda and to say otherwise means you know nothing of the history of RussoAmerican geopolitics or positioning. We used Ukraine as a prod to poke and poke the Russian bear that was honestly just fine with hibernating in its frozen lair..but no, we insisted on pressing the issue until they had enough. The real shame is that the blood of the Ukrainians is on America's always we used them as a spitshield and it's so so very sad. We NEED to wake up people and accept truth and let it change our perspective so we can get this earth back on track and move into a new and better dimension of humanity and leave the murdering and arrogant heartless brutality to the ones destined for eternal damnation. It's only a choice

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: LittleJake

This is more for the people under your comment saying it's all Russia,I'm pointing out it take two to tango, and this conflict has divided us more than ever.

We need to consider every step of the history and I know you can keep going back and back,but let's just take it from NATO's assurances that they wouldn't expand any closer to Russia, over a decade or more ago.

Then let's consider Iraq and Afghanistan Syria, Libya , Sudan Somalia blah blah blah and whether the US and the coalition of the willing are really the people to be holding the moral highground in these matters.

Then let us consider the deputy Secretary of state Victoria Nuland and her intercepted phone call to the then US ambassador to the Ukraine hand picking the replacement Ukrainian government after the US and other NATO members backed far right (sacrilege in our ultra left proclaimed liberal society) group Asov Battalion to overthrow the then stable and accepted legitimate government that was in control -( hey as legitimate as any of our farcical elections) .

Then encouraging the installed Ukrainian government to attack for 8 years Russian speaking (primarily ) eastern Ukrainian regions who declared they were enacting their right under UN charters to self determination to break away from the now very obviously western "influenced" Kiev and become as autonomous as either side would allow - spoiler , not at all.

Graham and McCain declared to Asov that "2017 would be the year of offense against Putin" .

And using mockingbird 10.6.2 western media to manipulate public opinion by only giving half the story and usually mixed with lies, using the same psychological tricks used during the constant covid propaganda conditioning against us - EVERYWHERE ALL OF THE TIME!

I despise government, power seeking, violence, even if there is a place for it in self defence. So I'm no fan of Russia,Putin, or this war or any others. But at it's most basic level what jumps to my mind is "don't throw stone's when you live in a glass house" .

Let's have it right, let's have it fair and admit we are ALL being taken for fools, for marks, mugs, let's reign in both sides , protect the free flow of information by law and let the truth have its day rather than censorship skew the public's awareness of the motivations, the motives the crimes the power the money.

At this point this bloated mess our ancestors created called government is acting to justify it's own existence, has designated us it's citizens (subjects) the enemy,let's execute or imprison the guilty on all sides and let's travel the stars together and stop this self delusional behaviour which will lead to us all losing everything we've all got out of bed for everyday all these 'centuries to build.

Can we do that? Please?

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: Soapusmaximus

As you say you're bringing up the matter of the history of this conflict, I want to correct some of the things you wrote. First off, NATO did not promise not to expand eastwards; rather, if the promise was made, it was made in a private conversation between US Sec. of State James Baker and Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the former Soviet Union. Such a promise was never ratified in any treaty. In fact, the treaty that ratified the reunification of Germany did not stipulate anything regarding NATO expansion. Then there is the fact that the Soviet Union dissolved, so at best a promise was made in private between a Sec. of State and leader of a country that no longer existed. Both the US and the Russia have used this excuse to bow out of various arms control treaties.

Won't deny or defend all of the US adventurism in Africa and the Middle East. Was against it then, am against it now, and still think US leaders -- as in Presidents and their responsible cabinet members should be held accountable for war crimes -- this goes back to the to the Clinton administration, but I would not include the Trump administration (as much as I have against it for other reasons). Bush II, in particular and his invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan created a precedent for Russia and other countries to legitimize their own empire-building adventures.

What Nuland and company did during the Obama administration is the usual kind of diplomatic/hybrid warfare game played throughout the Cold War, and Russia did and does the same kind of stuff, so I can't call foul on this.

Miss Lindsey and McCain's chickenhawk chest thumping is the kind of rhetoric Republicans have always made up and until the Biden Administration, when push came to shove and the US became indirectly involved the Ukrainian-Russian war, and all of a sudden Republicans became a voice for isolationism and currying the favor of an aggressive despot. I don't defend what they say, and politicians in the minority party (and not holding the presidency) shouldn't go around making foreign policy prognostications of this sort.

As to the entire history of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict since 2014, including the details of the Maidan Revolution and even the political machinations in Ukraine before then with the previous two administrations in Kyiv, I don't know enough to have an educated view on the subject. What I do know is the history of Russia or the pro-Russian break-away province allies shooting down a commercial Malaysian airliner, and having denied doing so ever since, which leads me to not believe anything coming from Moscow. I also know that Russia invaded Ukraine without provocation (unless you consider another country fighting a civil to be your business), has committed many atrocities and war crimes, including the deportation of children and other Ukrainian civilians to Russia and using these Ukrainian civilians as prison labor, including putting them in Russian uniforms and making them work near the battle front. Russia, which claims it is "de-nazifying" Ukraine, seems to be the country behaving like Nazis.

Thousands of Ukraine civilians are being held in Russian prisons. Russia plans to build many more

Given Russia's actions in the conflict, and its conveyor belt of lies, I find it prudent not to believe anything that comes out the Kremlin and its house organs. I know western media and the US like to spin half truths as well, but say what you want about the Biden administration, it had it dead to rights in the last couple of weeks leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, that the invasion was going to happen.

Again, because I don't know all the facts of the conflict in the break-away Oblasts of Ukraine, I think the best historical analogy for Americans would be the antecedents to the Mexican-American War and the war itself. Even at the time, a lot of Americans, including the future president Ulysses S Grant, felt the war was unethical and unjustified. So it is with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

As for traveling the stars and all that good stuff, I'd be happy if we just started seriously protecting the one planet we currently live on, in order to hopefully be around long enough to develop the technology to journey elsewhere. The world -- the US in particular -- spends way too much money on the military, and in doing so, burning way too much fossil fuel as well. There should be world-wide arms negotiations and reductions in conjunction with world-wide actions to combat climate change. Please, I don't want to derail this thread, and have climate change deniers argue with me. I'm just explaining how I think humanity's resources can best be utilized, in response to @Soapusmaximus's wish for us to travel the stars.

Oh yeah, and back to the topic of this thread... I, too, do not care for Youtube's draconian demonetization and censoring of combat videos. I was literally a child of the 60's and remember combat footage being on the network news nightly. However, when it comes to gratuitous gore, as in that video linked to in the OP, I am not for that. I understand the OP's sentiment about wanting to show the truth of war, but I think it is disrespectful to show a human being in an extreme state, such as the one infantry man who's leg is mangled and dangling as he is crawling for cover. On the other hand, I think it is reasonable to show the after effects of combat on the dead, or on wounded persons who have given their permission to be photographed. Photographing someone in their misery, without their permission or even knowledge, seems a gross invasion of their rights.
edit on 16-7-2023 by MrInquisitive because: added a final paragraph

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: RhNegativeKing

You say you don't agree with Putin, yet you call Zelensky a clown, and Biden a pedophile. Seems you're showing a lot more deference to the gangster dictator, war criminal and nuclear-war threatener than to the other two national leaders.

Who objectively looks like a clown in this war? Survey says: Putin.

As for your unsubstantiated claim that Biden is a pedophile, anyone making this allegation without backing it up with evidence manifestly makes it clear that they aren't to be taken seriously. As such, I won't bother suggesting to you to use paragraphs.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: MrInquisitive

I would use paragraphs if I felt like pleasing you, but....I, there's that.. apparently you don't have what I had assumed most mature adults DO have which is the ability to discern a point, direction, lead, ideal, theme..etc..? Never once did I nor would I side with neo KGB officers or operatives, trust me you would understand if you knew my profession but that's unimportant right now. Unless I specifically SAY that I'm siding with an individual or group thereof, it would make you seem even smarter than your English/grammar pointers do to avoid assuming and implying a support or leaning toward any of the characters I mentioned because there simply isn't any of that. My point was clearly made that American geopolitical bullying via NATO and other routes, is at the very core the catalyst for Putins WRONG and UNACCEPTABLE actions. We pushed him to act in order to have "right" to react and FINALLY go to war with Russia as openly as is possible without open declaration. This war is for many reasons except one, to protect the sovereignty of the Ukraine. Now, that banner flies well according to the ideology that has been injected into the minds of Americans for over a century, sure it does. Makes us feel benevolent and protective, like we helped an old lady across the street and Santa now has us firmly atop his good list. But that belief and reasoning is terrifically far from the actual reasons. This war is making certain Americans and other corrupt members of other nations tens of millions and in some cases hundreds of millions of dollars. Meanwhile our Pedo POTUS ( any man whose daughter publicly avows plus wrote it in her diary during the offenses, that her father would take showers with her up to the ages of 12-14, is a pervert and a pedophile and if you would disagree you are a moron bereft of ANY knowledge of the psyche of young women of any age and women in general ) has been deciding for us all to take many hundreds of millions of dollars of our money to funnel into Ukraine and Zelensky is reaping quite a hefty benefit package for playing ball like a good puppet does. Those dollars if not spent for the usual BS that they normally are in America should be returned to the people to boost our facade of an economy, overhaul our infrastructure and power grids, solve the homeless crisis, the overdose crisis, the abject and rampant poverty crisis..the list goes on..yet he betrays his nation to play at swords with an equally maniacal world leader in order to line the Biden family coffers and to make believe he is intimidating or even a consideration as a representation of the formerly free world. That man has been on TV countless times arrogantly speaking out of his colon inflaming a situation that literally has the very real potential of escalating into a mass murder of billions of souls. And the sad part is, while again I do not side with Russia or Putin, I most certainly have more respect for Putin as a threat and his ability to use stronger and stronger weapons any day over an ancient nobody who can't even walk to the bathroom without wandering off and getting lost. His cabinet is an almost bigger box of jokes but I'll leave them alone for now. All this to say I said what I said and meant only what I said. I do appreciate your debate and hope I don't come across as insulting, only as passionate about the truths I KNOW and those I can see cloaked in deceptions and greed.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: LittleJake

You want to see videos of the war? I have a link. Don't know if it's allowed to be posted here. It's sad when you have to get unsanitized news from 4chan. I can't even stand to watch YouTube anymore due to the self censoring channels are doing so they don't get demonetized.

Ukraine War Video Archive

Please note: these videos are NOT censored, blurred or sanitized.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: RhNegativeKing

Thanks for the lecture.

I will give it all due possible respect.

You might like to address what I actually posted, though.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: RhNegativeKing

You said you disagreed with Putin, yet you called Zelensky a clown and Biden a pedophile while providing zero evidence of that latter. Objectively speaking you're showing more deference to the indicted war criminal Putin than you are to either of the two other national leaders you mention or allude to.

And seriously, if you want people to read your thoughts on the matter, you need to break them up into paragraphs. Looking at the wall of words just gives me a headache. But I made the effort to skim through some of it, and read your unsupported allegations against Biden. Here's what Snopes has to say about it:

Claim: U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley, once wrote in a diary, "I [am] so afraid of him coming in the shower with me that I've waited until late at night to take a shower."

Rating: Unfounded

In late 2022, social media users were sharing a quote meme that claimed Ashley Biden, the daughter of U.S. President Joe Biden, once wrote of her father in a diary, "I [am] so afraid of him coming in the shower with me that I've waited until late at night to take a shower." According to the quote meme, the sentence appeared on pages 67 and 68 of the aforementioned diary.

We have so far been unable to find any evidence whatsoever that shows this is an actual quote from Biden's daughter.

We previously published a detailed story about rumors of the existence of a diary that allegedly belonged to Ashley Biden. Passages from the purported diary were released by the right-wing blog National File in October 2020, just one month ahead of the U.S. presidential election. The diary's authenticity has never been confirmed.

That said, for good measure we skimmed through all 112 pages of the PDF file that is alleged to be a reproduction of that diary and found nothing resembling this quote.

Some Facebook commenters appeared to believe the passage was real, despite the fact that the post included no links or source material of any kind. One person commented, "Our President. Wake up America." Other users remarked that they found the quote to be "sick." We even noticed one person claiming that the diary was "clearly staged by the Biden administration."

One of the most engaged posts containing the quote meme was in a tweet from Nov. 30, 2022

"I [am] so afraid of him coming in the shower with me that I've waited until late at night to take a shower."

This story will be updated if more details come to light, but for the present we are rating it "Unfounded" due to a complete lack of evidence.

Note: In regard to the alleged authenticity of the diary itself, some have claimed that the FBI has issued statements confirming it is real. Fact-checking website PolitiFact has debunked this claim, issuing a rating of "False."

No Evidence Ashley Biden Said She Feared Her Father 'Coming in the Shower' with Her

A related Snopes article discusses how Project Veritas, which court testimony indicates paid $40,000 for this diary, still had reservations about publishing this story and never did so, and therefore Snopes rates this claim as unproven.

Did Ashley Biden Accuse Joe Biden of Inappropriate Behavior in a 'Leaked Diary'?

I provided linked sources that refute your claim. You provided no sources to back up your allegation. Understand how that works?. But that's all one usually gets from Biden haters and Putin admirers, including the former president.

As for US aid to Ukraine, the total is valued at $76.8 billion, with 31% being in direct delivery of weapons and equipment, most of which is older and a some of it is even obsolete, so the US is essentially rotating stock, and doing so in a way that degrades its main adversary in Europe. The rest of this aid includes a fair amount in loans. Loans get paid back at some point. In any case, the total, which represents about 10 percent of the annual Pentagon budget, goes to support a European country with a fledgling democratic government which has been invaded by an autocratic neighbor that was thought to have the second most powerful military in the world. Russian casualties and equipment losses to date have set back the Russian military by possibly as much as 10 years. It seem's a tenth of a year's defense budget provided to a country that is degrading Russia's military for up to 10 years is a good investment, particularly when said country is rattling the nuclear saber and is committing atrocities in Ukraine, including ecological ones.

Is there corruption in Ukraine? Sure. Does graft and corruption occur in wartime? Sure. Even with the US military in wartime? Sure as poo. As to people making out like bandits as leaders of their nation, do you know Putin's estimated worth? $200 billion.

As for your having more respect for Putin than Biden, first off, who allowed a private army of 50,000 to exist and operate on his own country's soil, historical precedents be damned, which resulted in a major mutiny? Secondly, Biden makes the final call on matters, but there are his deputies, including high ranking officers as well as civilian experts in the Pentagon. I generally accept the notion that he is being given good advice. We and other NATO countries didn't immediately escalate military aid to "11", but have done a gradual escalation based in part on feeling out what is the likely Russian response and providing some additional weapon systems as a punishment for escalated Russian aggression.

Say what you want about Biden's cabinet, it doesn't have the high turn-over or cavalcade of scandals of the Trump cabinet. Know how many National security advisors Trump went through? Six; the first was out after 24 days after having lied both to VP Pence and the FBI. How many Secretaries of Defense did Trump go through? Three, including the last one who was appointed but never confirmed, and helped to delay National Guard troops being sent to the capitol on Jan. 6. How many US AG's did Trump have? Three, and the last one was appointed but never confirmed. I'll take Sclerotic Joe's cabinet over Trump's "best cabinet ever -- I only hire the best people" any day.

As to Putin, he seems to be surrounded by yes men, all as corrupt as himself. Autocrats and dictators tend not to promote people on the basis of competency, but rather on loyalty, and Putin appears to make decisions on his own; even the final decision to invade Ukraine was not known to many Russian military commanders until the last moment. Putin is also the one committing war crimes, and has already been indicted by the ICC for one, the forcible deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia. His rattling of the nuclear saber shows just how desperate he is and what a mistake he has made in launching this invasion. The Wagner mutiny shows that his position is weakened, and the ongoing purge of his officer corps shows that he is paranoid and has lost the respect of much of the Russian military. I don't see active US military commanders publicly voicing contempt for Pentagon leadership or the Commander in Chief.

But you just keep on listening to your favorite Kremlin spokes-tools, such as Tucker Carlson, twice convicted pedophile Scott Ritter, and ret. colonel Douglas Macgregor (also known as General(ly) Wrong.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: MrInquisitive

How did this turn into a Putin vs Biden discussion? Can't you just agree that they both suck?

As for Zelenski (sp?), He is nothing more than a puppet for the west. The only people benefitting from this "war" are the bankers and the military industrial complex. Civilians always lose. The poor Ukrainians who are of fighting age are literally being captured and thrown in the front lines. As for Russia, they don't seem to care how many of their soldiers die.

However .. I honestly have to roll my eyes when I hear "Putin is a war criminal" or "Russia invaded a sovereign nation!". I guess, at least Americans have an incredibly short attention span. Iraq ring any bells? A Saudi hiding out in Pakistan orchestrated a terror attack on America, so we have to invade Iraq because of WMDs.


And not for nothing, sending Ukraine $100+ billion in aid, be it financial or hardware, is too much. Especially when you look at the condition the US is in, with homeless, illegal immigrants and fentanyl flooding across the border. They could have easily finished the southern wall and beefed up border security. They said it's in our "national interest" to get involved. No it's not. It hasn't benefitted Americans one bit. Russia didn't want NATO at it's doorstep the same way we didn't want Russia parking a bunch of nukes in Cuba.

edit on 16-7-2023 by DerekJR321 because: Edit

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: RhNegativeKing

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: DerekJR321

Thanks for posting the link but, personally, I have seen enough blood and guts to last me a lifetime and convince me that we are committing crimes against humanity in fomenting this conflict in the first place. Damn to hell the propagators of this tragic event of our making.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: DerekJR321

You want to know the real reason baby bush, George invaded Iraq? There were no weapons of mass destruction as alleged. I'll tell you why. Our government convinced Saddam there would be no consequences of his aggression toward Iran so he thought he could get away with invading Kuwait as well. He needed the revenue but daddy bush, HW drove him out. Saddam vowed to assassinate daddy bush because of that, so baby bush, George sent in the army and had him killed in retaliation to that threat...

That's his justification for going after Saddam....
edit on 16-7-2023 by LittleJake because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-7-2023 by LittleJake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2023 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: LittleJake

Virtually all the " war" videos I've seen from over in the Ukriane were fake. Either staged aftermaths of attacks and battles or the early ones where they faked actual combat footage. Now they don't even do that anymore. Its all one big scam over there.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: LittleJake

You are absolutely correct. I remember watching a video about this. The person they sent to speak to Sadam (can't remember her name) assured him that the US wouldn't get involved if they invaded Kuwait. So he did. And of course it was the justification we needed to go in. In the end, it was all about the dollar.

The 2nd gulf war was blamed on WMDs, then "terrah" and then whittled down to "we must free the oppressed Iraqis. But the real reason was two fold. First, revenge for Sadam attempting to assassinate Bush Sr. And the second was because Iraq wanted to use dinar for his oil. This would have weakened the dollar. It's the same reason we went after Gaddafi.

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