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I'm going on an adventure to find Bigfoot

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posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 02:10 AM
From my personal experiences, "you don't look for a Sasquatch, he finds you" becareful of what you wish for. 👣👣

a reply to: dothedew

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 03:19 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

The legends of Sasquatch from Native Americans is always thus: Best left alone. You do that, and he'll leave you alone. Don't, and you've got a big ol' problem.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: dothedew

Good for you! I hope you find something cryptid to make the trip interesting.

I am of the opinion that the further you are away from other humans, the safer you will be. Still, if you're going alone (or even if you're not) to a remote area make sure you take a PLB/EPIRB and don't be afraid to use it if necessary. Don't want to be 3 days walk from civilisation and twist an ankle.

Have fun. You might find that trekking and camping alone can be very enjoyable.

posted on Jul, 17 2023 @ 11:20 AM
If dothedew doesn't return, we will know he successfully found a sasquatch.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: dothedew

Dave Paulides has done a great deal of research on them. I've got my Misisng 411 hat and is really quality and fits even my largish head. I also got his book about Wild men and giants and Bigfoot sightings.
IF they exist and I think there's something to all those stories, I think they may well be the descendants of the Nephilim, the giants of the bible. Fallen angels offspring with mankind. Or possibly a hybrid of alien origin like the reptilians and even possibly we are.
I'd like to look for them if we lived closer to areas known to have sightings of them., But I would NOT seek them out to cause them harm. They maye well be far more intelligent than we are and possibly have powers we do not.
edit on 18-7-2023 by Dutchowl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 12:30 PM
The time is quickly approaching, with only a few weeks left to go.

At the moment, I'm not entirely sure if there will be some overnight stays or if there will just be a few day trips/hikes with limited scope. Essentially my tent has a few holes chewed in it from some mice that managed to get inside of my shed and eat through the plastic bins that everything was stored in, with some other camping gear destroyed as well. That and some financial restraints that could prevent me from buying new items right away.

I can assure everyone that the name of the game is to adventure and hope; there will be no booby traps or aggression towards anything that I come across, be it skinwalkers or deer - but there will be some totems (I do appreciate that suggestion greatly, as it completely slipped my mind) and powder and lead decorations - as well as 12g salt shells for a more spiritual approach - to ensure at least some bit of safety. Several devices with satellite GPS marking and tracking will be in tow, with a 20,000mAh solar battery brick, and extra first aid, compass, etc., are all coming with, as well as emergency food bars and water tabs/bottles. Even a day trip can go sideways and last a night or two under the worst scenarios. Also will be bringing a journal to document everything because I'm pretty sure I won't be wanting to hold a camera the entire time.

Cameras will be present for both pictures and video footage to be taken in the event of something going bump (or screaming) in the distance. Yes, among that, I also have a brand new cellphone and another fancy one from 2020 with a Gimball camera that takes out shake and eliminates side to side tilt from video, additionally having a mode that simultaneously records from both front and back cameras and merges them into a single video; I REFUSE TO TAKE SHAKEY, BLURRY VIDEO FOOTAGE THAT LOOKS LIKE IT'S FROM THE 1980'S! If I capture one on camera, you'll have sharp enough footage to count the individual hairs on Squatch's cajones.

I believe the only thing I'm going to need moving forward is a good parking spot for my car and to find my good boots.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: dothedew

Bear spray.

And a guide to plants. Can't tell you how many times folks blunder into poison oak/poison ivy. Here in Texas it grows as a big thick vine on trees - people who look for "leaves of three, let it be" on the ground have missed the big "hairy-scary" vine on the tree.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: Byrd
a reply to: dothedew

Bear spray.

And a guide to plants. Can't tell you how many times folks blunder into poison oak/poison ivy. Here in Texas it grows as a big thick vine on trees - people who look for "leaves of three, let it be" on the ground have missed the big "hairy-scary" vine on the tree.

I do have to pick up some bear spray at some point..... I generally go out with something more long-ranged after seeing cougars and bears so often on my property further north, but it wouldn't hurt to have something in case I get snuck up on.

I have a nice book that stays in my go/hiking bag that goes through plants, berries, and pretty much everything survivalist related. I have a pretty good grasp on plants by my own fault at this point, however..... I'm immune to poison ivy, but not so much to all of the other itchy wonders of the woods.

posted on Jul, 22 2023 @ 12:45 AM

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: Byrd
a reply to: dothedew

Bear spray.

And a guide to plants. Can't tell you how many times folks blunder into poison oak/poison ivy. Here in Texas it grows as a big thick vine on trees - people who look for "leaves of three, let it be" on the ground have missed the big "hairy-scary" vine on the tree.

I do have to pick up some bear spray at some point..... I generally go out with something more long-ranged after seeing cougars and bears so often on my property further north, but it wouldn't hurt to have something in case I get snuck up on.

In my strolls around bigfoot country in the US, I found bear encounters off putting. Always thought I would love to see a Puma though, until I realised that would probably amount to a last second "too late now" type of glimpse, because you were on today's menu.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 05:34 PM
Anything new on this topic?

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 08:24 PM
I spent part of a summer around lake Buckatobin, which is North of Fon du lac. It was the best fishing and camping experience of my life, and I would love to go back some day. The forests up there are breathtaking.

However, going to look for something that historically does not want to be bothered should give caution and also be an ample warning. Make sure you have plenty of emergency gear and a shortwave radio. Also, going alone is just a big no-no.

You need someone who not only shares your passion for adventure, but someone you trust as well. Good luck.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: boredhere74
Anything new on this topic?

Today is the day we're heading up North, and more than likely the venture into the woods will be next week.

We don't have any cell reception or internet where we are staying, so I'll have to provide updates when I get back late next week.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 10:37 AM
So an update in the form of an off topic update?

We went out to the Huron National Forest on two occasions, staying out fairly late in the evening before getting back to our vehicle.

Outside of a wonderful view (and a surprising lack of Ticks) there wasn't a whole lot to be found, regarding what I was essentially looking for. We did see a few deer, your average and abundant squirrelly wildlife, and heard a bear in the distance, far enough away to where we couldn't see it and it likely didn't pose a threat.

There were two things that caught attention while we were out there.

First, my dog acting scared and skittish - generally, he is all "alpha male" energy and wanting to chase after things, but several times, rather inexplicably, he seemed pretty scared and tucked tail behind me while we were walking. Very unusual, everything considered.

Second, the extremely high instance and frequency of military air traffic in the area. I've been coming up to that area for almost 30 years, and never in my entire life have I seen Jets and Helicopters in formation in the air - every single day, several times per day, as late as 11 pm at night in formation of 4 total, with one taking point 100 yards in front with only one chopper having it's lights on.......

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: dothedew

Yeah, bad timing?
National guard training

Glad your back safe though!

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