posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 12:55 AM
OK: So here's the biggie-- Why do you guys think ET's are visiting this planet? Now, there are many, many alternatives to the ET hypothesis for UFO
activity... But I'm interested in what believers in ETs think. If you believe otherwise, please say so below this post.
Now, various races of aliens have been observed by witnesses, so, I guess, this poll pertains only to the various branches of the race that is either
called the 'greys', 'grays', or 'zeta reticulans'... As there have been many types of aliens sited over 50+ years, I'm asking for what you
think either the majority race (the greys) or what most species, otherwise, are up to.
Now, some of my categories will overlap, so, please select the category that comes closest to what you believe. For instance, "They're Explorers"
and "they're Explorers conducting a long-term survey" are selections that overlap, so pick the one that you feel is the most 'inclusive' of all
that is going on...
Because I can't fit everything onto a single line, let me brake everything down below:
Option 1 "Explorers"--- The aliens are akin to Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gargarin, or Captain James T Kirk. They are explorers at the helms of ships sent
out to understand the nature of the Universe.
Option 2 "Surveyors"-- They are still explorers, but ones who come after some initial 'mapping' has occured. They seek to know where the 'hidden
rocks' are in the Solar System and human society.
Option 3 "Scientists"-- They have easy access to our world and are studying us as Jane Goodall does Chimpanzees. They make measurements, taggings,
or direct contact from time to time, but do not intend to 'alter' our society. That is, they are scientifically detached from our evolution.
Option 4 "Breeders"-- The aliens are here to alter the biological history of the human race... in the same way that a farmer 'creates' his
Option 5 "Doctors" -- The alien race is suffering some sort of genetic disease that can only be cured through sampling human genetics.
Option 6 "Missionaries"-- the aliens are here to 'enlighten' us and help us join the galactic community.
Option 7 "Scouts"--- they're here in advance of either agents who intend to seize our government, or they're mapping out our defences in
praparation for an invasion.
Option 8 -- "Dark Side" -- this is a combo of options 3,4,5, and 7 combined.. that is, it fits in with Dulce-esque tales of aliens abducting humans,
with the help of the Gov, inorder to exploit them
Option 9 -- "Good side" -- This option is a combo of 1, 2, and perhaps 6 and 5. The aliens are not totally non-interventionist, but they also
aren't 'bad', in that they are here either due to necessity or because the galactic community needs them to be here.
Option 10 -- "players" -- the aliens are doing a combo of 5, 6, and 7 activity, inorder to play us for our resources
[Edited on 22-7-2003 by onlyinmydreams]