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FOIA Docs Confirm Obama Officials Attempted to Sabotage the Incoming Trump Administration.

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posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 11:43 PM
Monday, July 10, 2023

Documents just obtained via FOIA request, confirms what has been reported by various investigators.

In addition to President Barack Obama formally/officially ordering attacks against Donald J. Trump and his incoming administration, members of President Obama's administration took it upon themselves to do what they could to sabotage the incoming Trump administration.

The documents reveal that Obama administration officials, from Vice President Joe Biden down to several ambassadors and many officials in the Treasury and Energy departments, gained access to secret information about Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President-elect Trump’s choice for national security adviser…

Three top Obama administration officials who gained access to the Flynn information are now high-ranking officials in the Biden administration.
Original Article:

Some Additional Commentary:

Also, it appears Vice President Joe Biden stood in the Obama Oval Office and suggested fabricating "Logan Act" violations against incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, even though FBI Director James Comey told the group, Flynn had done nothing wrong.

V.P. BIDEN at the big "Get Trump" Jan 2017 Oval Office Mtg:

For Ref: ATS Thread on Obama Ordering Attack on All Things Trump in 2016:


The fact that the Trump administration did so many great things for America/Americans, while being CONSTANTLY attacked on MULTIPLE FRONTS by hundreds of powerful Democrats and corrupt Republicans, is a testament to how talented and focused Donald Trump and his administration was. Even corrupt members of the Administration worked hard to MAGA domestically and internationally. (Except saboteurs HHS/CDC/FDA in 2020)

Considering the constant attacks from politicians and the news media 2017 thru 2020, THIS IS AMAZING:

Imagine what a SEASONED and EXPERIENCED President Trump will be able to accomplish between 2025 and 2029!


posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 12:24 AM
To become a politician is like to become your own boss in life and as in Boss you'll either be a very kind generous and sincere and it might just type a boss but unfortunately in the DC area of Washington that does not it will never exist it's a doggy world a month toward slinging mud toward each other and catching everybody off guard with a misdeach in life for they can expose it if they start shooting with their mouth.

+7 more 
posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 02:04 AM
We The People rejected Hilary in 2016, and We The People are still being punished for our sins.

Hilary and her creepy little minions were the creators of "Russian Collusion"... accusations flew wildly, and Hilary's media machine went into high gear. Millions were spent to investigate a hoax perpetrated by our own Justice Department.

Obama allowed and enabled it, of course.

Obama was a Chicago politician... why are any of us surprised to see what has happened?

He loaded the alphabet agencies, top military positions and embassies with his followers. His people are everywhere. Hilary would have her own ambitions, but would easily fit in his private government. He had his DOJ give Queen Hilary a pass on very serious, criminal charges she was facing with her home email server... he had his media minions sell her, protect her and prepare her coronation.

Hilary lost a rigged election to a political outsider... and it was a slap in Obama's face. Trump promised to undo practically everything Obama ever did, and won the election on that platform.

President Trump doesn't belong in Obama's private government, so those folks went to work. His un-elected minions have been wreaking havoc ever since.

Joe Biden is an Obama puppet. This is exactly why the alphabet agencies have bent over backwards for Joe. This is how you get 50+ alphabet agency executives to write a letter disavowing his junkie kid's laptop. This is why the DOJ ignored clear evidence of election fraud in several states. This is why the media ignored that evidence as well.

Obama's private government stole an election from We The People, and put a barely functioning, pathological liar in charge. Joe is exactly what Obama wants... a mouthpiece that will say anything he is told to, sign anything put before him, refuse to answer questions and follow his handler's instructions. Kamala Harris is a mindless, agenda driven drone that is also excellent impeachment insurance.

The best part? When it all falls apart, and it will, it will all be Joe Biden's fault. When Joe Biden is no longer useful... or, when he becomes too embarrassing... Obama's private government will toss him, Hunter and Dr. Jill to the media wolves. They will never face any repercussions for their treasonous activities. Joe Biden will suddenly be declared legally incompetent. Hunter will suffer a fatal "accidental overdose"... Their crimes will be buried faster than a former Clinton associate.

Obama will pick his next puppet, most likely Gavin Newsom, and his private government minions will go to work. They will hand the narrative with all of the talking points to the legacy media. Hollywood will shame anyone that isn't woke enough, the opposition will be branded as nazi sympathizers and fascists. The collective Obama machine will declare all nonbelievers to be racists, right wing radicals, white Christian militants, and ultimately as enemies of the state.

That may sound fatalistic, but look at what they have done to President Trump. Look at what they have done to those close to him. What they have done to the J6 protestors is absolutely criminal... and not one media outlet is remotely interested.

That's where we are. The lunatics are in charge of the asylum, and the media is handling the asylum's PR and marketing.

I hope Trump still has a lot of fight in him, 'cause we are gonna need it.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 07:08 AM
In China there's a saying you may have one but at the same time you have lost.
It is true that Biden was put into office there's no doubt in my mind absolutely no doubt in my mind.
The question is why was he put into office people say he was compromised or he's lifetime puppet for the DC machine but there's as an adult well as a father or even as a mother your child always will ask you why why dad why Mom nobody is asking why isn't that frightening they were treating us like imbecile children in America these days those with power that's the criminal act of those in power.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Anymore, I don't believe this was only about Trump, but rather what Trump (and others) stood for. In my mind, this has everything to do with the Borg which Trump called "The Swamp". Trump openly declared war on the entrenched political elites (and their bankrolls), and they've made it their mission in life to absolutely exterminate every single living cell of that mantra. It cannot be allowed to exist (in their minds) all!

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

You are so right. A chief witness against the Bidens corruption with China, was just arrested by the Department of Justice.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: madmac5150

It does appear Barack Obama is still in charge of our government.

When he comes to the White House everybody flocks to him and totally ignores president Joe Biden.

To make matters worse, Barack Obama commented when he was president, how he admired the system of government in China.

Obama and China controlling Joe?

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: carewemust

But if the sealed indictment is accurate, we'll know more when unsealed, he was indicted last year in October. Luft made none of these claims until he was on the lam after he was arrested in Cyprus a few months ago. Weird, he just sat on the info for years and years, until he's on the run, hoping the gullible Comer and crew will get him out of this mess if he tells them what they are begging to hear?

Not suspicious at all, right? Well to you,probably not.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Possibly, but only because no world power takes Biden seriously. He's just a placeholder.

What's interesting here is how Hillary fits into all this, and why Obama is the go-to guy for these forces of destruction to America. And, I think the explanation for that is, while Hillary is absolutely evil, she's not necessarily for the destruction of the American political system. Rather, she's more in it for what it can do for her personally. Call it power-greed, or whatever. Obama, on the other hand, is motivated by a far darker ideology. He wants to see the republic abolished in every way, shape, and form. That's evil on a far different level (IF you believe in the American republic). He sees the political future not in terms of fitting within the fabric of the United States Constitution, but rather by stripping away all that is "America" in favor of socialism. Regardless of birthright, Obama was never an American at heart.

Clinton is a lot of things, but one thing I probably wouldn't characterize her as is 'anti-American' (as much as I loathe to say this). After all, Hillary knows she could never have gotten to where she is now in any other system, and furthermore that any of her future ambitions require the American system in order to be remotely achievable for her (personally).

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Allegedly Michael Flynn was complicit in the 1/6 fiasco, according to a former national guard officer

colonel matthews testimony
edit on 11-7-2023 by SigmaXSquared because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-7-2023 by SigmaXSquared because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: carewemust

This sounds a bit vague. You mention FOIA "documents" but don't post them? How exactly is "gaining secret information" an attack? They all have top secret clearance, right?

And then ending with the whole paragraph about how great you believe Trump is. Good grief. How is this supposed to be some credible expose?

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: Sunlight253
a reply to: carewemust

This sounds a bit vague. You mention FOIA "documents" but don't post them? How exactly is "gaining secret information" an attack? They all have top secret clearance, right?

And then ending with the whole paragraph about how great you believe Trump is. Good grief. How is this supposed to be some credible expose?

Christ how about you post under your real account ??

Secondly the ' Steele Dossier ' is a reality and it was a Fraud end of story .

That being said if you for one second think Barack Obama didn't have a hand in the Steele Dossier then you are beyond naive . Mate they are all playing dirty Left and Right wake up .

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 09:44 PM
EVERYONE believed the "Russian Collusion" story: the news said so!

Wait, what is "collusion"?
That's that thingy that happens when metal gets wet, right?

Oh # I hear a noise in the bushes. I'd better check and make sure it's not a Russian. GTG.

a reply to: madmac5150

posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 01:23 AM

A kakistocracy (/kækɪˈstɒkrəsi/, /kækɪsˈtɒ-/) is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens

The word is derived from two Greek words, kakistos (κάκιστος; worst) and kratos (κράτος; rule), with a literal meaning of government by the worst people.[5]

edit on 12-7-2023 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Sunlight253

I am surprised as to why you get a free pass.

Link to 217 pages NSA FOIA Documents

posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: carewemust

What's this? people shocked and appalled by politicians' shady dealings? It works both ways.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go meet some shady folk at the watergate hotel to discuss selling missiles to Iran to fund the contras while denying having sexual relations with that woman while proposing operation Northwoods while Henry Kissnger fornicates himself with the Nobel peace prize.

My point is that power corrupts.

edit on 12-7-2023 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: carewemust


Connections are now being confirmed...with GOOD and SINISTER players, along with their motives, becoming clearer...

Additionally, and very importantly, if this is the Jack Smith prosecution approach, then we were 100% correct in our analysis and research of what the documents were in Mar-a-Lago that Main Justice was so desperate to retrieve [Go Deep].👀

In broad terms, there are two sets of documents that intermingle and are directly related.

First, documents that highlight the activity of Hillary Clinton’s team in creating the false Trump-Russia conspiracy theory (2015/2016).

Second, documents that highlight the activity of government officials targeting Donald Trump within the same timeframe (Crossfire Hurricane), that continued into 2017, 2018 and 2019 (Robert Mueller).

Think of the two sets of documents as evidence against two teams working in synergy. Team one (Clinton) was outside government. Team two (DOJ/FBI) was inside government. The documents pertain to both groups but are also divided. That helps to explain the wording of the memo above. (more)

Also, keep in mind former DNI John Ratcliffe was at the center of the latter part of the effort to get those documents released to the public.

Deep State institutional preservation manager Bill Barr was obstructing the release and used Deep State institutional preservation manager John Durham as the investigative block.

To further protect the institutions, the FBI went on a mission to Mar-a-Lago to retrieve the documents.

Consequently, as soon as the Durham block was going to be removed, the Jack Smith block was put into place.
Continued at: of-the-mar-a-lago-case/#more-250140

It's truly amazing how much effort the Dept of Justice is putting into protecting what the bosses have done wrong. From Obama ordering the entrapment of Trump, to swaying the 2020 election for Biden, to covering up Biden Family international crimes. And, the DOJ has to protect many others in top government positions who are money laundering and influence peddling, just like Joe/Hunter Biden. (Surely no one thinks just those two are the only perpetrators.)

Hopefully the crimes will still be eligible for prosecution when 2025 rolls around. As we're learning with Hunter Biden, the Department of Justice is very proficient with "running out the clock"....letting statutes expire, when it comes to protecting deep-state criminals.

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