Im sorry but you’re thoroughly deluded about Anatta
When these Mystics make various teachings it’s for the various levels of understanding
(Some have no dust on their eyes, some a little, some a lot ~ some seekers are like trying to light wet wood, some like kindling and some ready as
The Silence (no-self) is for those who are ready to hear it. The “teachings” are for those who are not.
There is absolutely no entity, ego or otherwise that has ever been. This is what Buddha described in his CENTRAL teaching of Anatta.
There is absolutely no entity.
Seeing you are still throughly identified with a conceptual self (since that is the only “self” there could be, and appearance) you will see
entity in everything.
“The I-am-the-body-idea continually spins out its thread of illusion”
You’ve just substituted a physical human body for things like “concsciousness”
And “particles”
Yet you’re still identified thinking there is some “thing.” That is exactly what Buddha was trying to show you:
The waves appear separate but are just ocean.
You are still stuck in appearance, in wave-logic.
Substituting your belief for different bodies will never get you to the root of your conceptual self. Neither will conceptualizing, EVER, take you
beyond concepts.
You’re using “mind to seek for mind”
Or “Buddha to seek Buddha”
“There is absolutely no difference between a Buddha and an ordinary being” points to this impersonal Reality, which is not a thing.
I love the ones that get stuck on “particles” and energy can’t be destroyed yada yada…. As if FORMLESS BEGINNINGLESS REALITY is going to be
wrapped up in some concepts.
Your Original Face as well as your Original Body is STILLNESS. Stillness before the dream before appearance of Samsara and its convincing illusions.
Much before the “I-Am” of the universal appearance (there exists a universe for bodies for minds for karma to play out in the endless
beginningless dream of Maya)
Much before even your first concept you clothed yourself in of “space”, to make your world, to populate it with your angels and demons (benevolent
and wrathful deities of your own infinitude.)
It’s all a matter of identity friend, and you’ll suffer from your identities in Direct Proportion to how much of your identity you derive from
each of those beliefs. You’ll be limited in direct proportion to how much you’ve assumed concepts atop your utterly liberated nature
(Clue: more concepts won’t help you clear out from them. Time you actively gaze, truly sit, and air out)
⭐️ it’s called the “stench of zen”
And you stink
As long as mind has set one thing against another, reality has been torn in half, clarity of the single eye shattered. I Reality needs not your ideas
about it friend, since they don’t touch it. It needs you to approach your “self/no-self” without them
Talk to you when you fit through the eye of the needle, b it then we won’t need words
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