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National Anthem Atrocity

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posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:03 AM
Why are people going to read this article and think it's okay?

Butchered Anthem

For someone to go up and completely BUTCHER our national anthem, then be praised for it is an outright travesty. Especially when that person has said before that they "have considered leaving America due to the racial climate". If they thought this was going to make anything better, they are dead wrong.

If a white person had done this to the "Black National Anthem", there would be riots and people calling for their death.

Cases like this are what is furthering the "racial divide" in this country, but yet people want to applaud them and encourage others to do the same.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
Why are people going to read this article and think it's okay?

Because in the United States of America we enjoy the freedom of speech and expression. That includes singing a song based on the National Anthem to protest America.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: dandandat2

Only if you fit into a "protected class". As I said in the OP, if it were the other way around people would be calling for that singer to be strung up

Free speech is all good, but if you hate the country so much why waste the time and effort to do this when you can just leave. Same goes for all of those that protested Trump winning the election and said they would leave, and never did. Let me know, I will help you pack

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: PorkChop96

People are free to express themselves, but only if you're a certain ideology.

Everyone else gets shouted down, canceled, beaten or fired.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: PorkChop96

I mean, it's not entirely false though..... Personally, I would've left out the racial part so that it would properly apply to 90% of the population (as it kinda does if you think about it from specific standpoints), but that's just me.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: dandandat2

Only if you fit into a "protected class". As I said in the OP, if it were the other way around people would be calling for that singer to be strung up
So your going to allow the unethical behavior of others drive you to disregard our freedoms?

Free speech is all good, but if you hate the country so much why waste the time and effort to do this when you can just leave. Same goes for all of those that protested Trump winning the election and said they would leave, and never did. Let me know, I will help you pack

Maybe the reason they don't leave is because deep down they love the country and jusy want to see their perceived grievances addressed. Would that make then redeemable?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: dothedew

The racial part was the entire point of why she did what she did. No other agendas or ideology behind it other than to further the racial divide in this country, otherwise she would have made it a more inclusive "rendition".

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: PorkChop96

In my useless opinion, I believe there are a couple things that should be off limits, free speech notwithstanding.
No burning the American flag and no purposely butchering the National Anthem.

If someone doesn’t like this country, get out.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:20 AM
today's youth have been brought up not respecting authority, which has bled over to not having respect for others - or even their own parents. The results are self-evident everywhere you look. It doesn't take the sharpest knife in the drawer to see where disrespect of the country that has allowed them the freedom to develop in such a manner unchecked will lead.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:21 AM
Isn't it ironic that there are many countries that would fine, jail, even kill you for what this person did, yet the US allows such freedoms that people can actually insult the country that provides them freedoms.
edit on 7-7-2023 by DBCowboy because: I am Batman

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: dandandat2

I am only trying to hold them to the same standards we are held to. I do not belong to a "protected class", so I am not allowed to say anything that I want. I have to watch my words and how I say things otherwise I am labelled a bigot, racist, transphobe, etc. But those in said "protected classes" get to speak and do as they please with no reprocutions whatsoever.

If they loved the country, as you say, then they wouldn't talk snip about it and how they are going to leave then as soon as it's time to "pay the piper", they do a complete 180 and they are back to their normal lives as if nothing ever happened.

If I told you that, if Biden won a second term in office, I would pay you 10 million dollars. Then as soon as he won, hypothetically, I said nevermind. Would that be okay in your eyes?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: dandandat2

I am only trying to hold them to the same standards we are held to. I do not belong to a "protected class", so I am not allowed to say anything that I want. I have to watch my words and how I say things otherwise I am labelled a bigot, racist, transphobe, etc. But those in said "protected classes" get to speak and do as they please with no reprocutions whatsoever.

If they loved the country, as you say, then they wouldn't talk snip about it and how they are going to leave then as soon as it's time to "pay the piper", they do a complete 180 and they are back to their normal lives as if nothing ever happened.

If I told you that, if Biden won a second term in office, I would pay you 10 million dollars. Then as soon as he won, hypothetically, I said nevermind. Would that be okay in your eyes?

It would be understandable; people make all sorts of unfounded clames all the time.

So because you are treated unfairly in this unfair world you are willing to forgo our most important ideals? Is that better or worse than singing a song in protest because the singer thinks they have been treated unfairly in an unfair world?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: dandandat2

It is not just me that is treated unfairly, it is me and everyone that is like me. We have become the minority, simply because we do not belong to a "protected class" and are seen as the oppressor's and we have done everything that is wrong in this country.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

And yet, one of those countries is more than likely where she would have needed up if she had followed through and left this country as she said she would.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: dandandat2

It is not just me that is treated unfairly, it is me and everyone that is like me. We have become the minority, simply because we do not belong to a "protected class" and are seen as the oppressor's and we have done everything that is wrong in this country.

Yes some people treat you that way. And that is enough to forgo freedom of speech? You give those perfect that much power over your ideals?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: dandandat2

Isn't this whole country about unity and equality right now? Equal rights for all right? Unless you're a white male, then you get what's left after everyone else get's theirs.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:47 AM
if i am honest i'm glad the uk neither has an official anthem or flag.. kinda liberating when people feel so upset at the sight of a flag or sound of an anthem or flag they have to ruin them..

honestly can't help but think those who want to burn flags or mess up anthems have the developed of toddlers coming up for the terrible 2's

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: nickyw

As another member put it earlier, very well I might add, "there are many countries that would fine, jail, even kill you for what this person did". But the USofA lets people trample all over it and what it stands for for fear of hurting some feelings

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: dandandat2

Isn't this whole country about unity and equality right now? Equal rights for all right? Unless you're a white male, then you get what's left after everyone else get's theirs.

its split in a binary "less is more" equity based progressives and "do more with less" equality based realists.. only one of these 2 outlooks will win the day..

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: nickyw

As another member put it earlier, very well I might add, "there are many countries that would fine, jail, even kill you for what this person did". But the USofA lets people trample all over it and what it stands for for fear of hurting some feelings

and its still the action of toddlers. i think the same when the iranians were burning us and uk flags.. its the action of a child having a tantrum..

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