posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 09:36 PM
My name is [removed by staff], I am from South Florida, Hollywood at the moment. I have been on this website since 2008 or so...until 2013 or so..took
a long break and now i am back. I see some things have changed, some things remained the same. i am still interested in the same things even though I
am 33 now, haha time.."flies". I have can share some of my experiences from before...meanwhile and at the present moment, all the same "eye brow
raising" or "emotional" or whatever you might call it. At the moment I work at ...a automotive sales company...well no more..since they were paying me
14 an hour... and being alone that is unlivable wage here in July 2023. Happy Independence Day by the way... Happy fourth haha!!! Gotta keep the pump
going. I am trying to find something else that will be enough with prices rising, especially since I am a single dude in his 30s.. but even so options
aren't looking that great. I like meeting new people, computer games, sports...mostly going to the pong ( childhood game), anime, art, cars,
planes ( even though I failed my aerospace technology degree because of my dissertation on CFD simulation in the thrid year ) - mostly for the
technology aspect. history, politics, biology, sociology etc..mostly things about the world, mostly why are they there and how did they get here...and
obviously the things that are not so obvious..other peoples experiences no matter how far fetched they might be or seem becaue there is always a root
of truth in most things... I hope to hear from you all. Again Happy fourth of July and I hope yo hear from you all soon!
PS: I remember being here during Nibiru with Covid and seems like someone is trying to blame it all on us haha
edit on 7/4/23 by Ksihkehe because: Snipped name.
edit on 7/4/23 by Ksihkehe because: Messed it up!