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Landmark victory for woman who lost her job over gender-critical views

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posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 12:54 AM

A woman who lost out on a job after tweeting gender-critical views is to get a £100,000 payout after a decision from an employment tribunal

Tax expert Maya Forstater did not have her contract renewed in March 2019 after writing tweets saying people could not change their biological sex.

She was found to have experienced discrimination while working for the Centre for Global Development (CGD).

The think tank said it would continue to try to build an inclusive workplace.

In their decision on Friday, three London judges said Ms Forstater should receive compensation of £91,500 and interest of £14,904.31.

The sum is to reflect lost earnings, injury to feelings and aggravated damages after the CGD's decision not to renew her contract or fellowship.

Maya Forstater is well known for her ordeal after tweeting biological sex cannot change. In a few words she lost her job (her contract was not renewed) for simply stating facts in this insane world.

Initially she lost her original case in 2019 due to rogue judgments but she won her appeal in 2021 and the judge ordered another employment tribunal that took place in 2022 where it was concluded she was discriminated due to her beliefs about biological sex.

Biological sex is an immutable characteristic of humans and cannot change. This is a fact and not a belief but it looks like facts need to be ignored or even twisted to please some antiscientific ideologies. Great news for common sense both in the UK and the US (following recent rulings by the supreme court).

The sum received is £106,404.31 and with the current exchange rate this is about $135,133.47

edit on 2-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 01:38 AM
"inclusive workplace' except for when you don't go along with the strict narrative. At least the court win is a step in the right direction

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 03:07 AM
When you refuse to include someone who refuses to accept a blatant lie as the truth you are not building an inclusive workplace. You are building a summer camp for students who licked the blackboard and expect to get placed in the honors class. Well done to the UK courts for stating the obvious, even when some people refuse to acknowledge how glaringly obvious it truly is.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 04:24 AM
Reality wins!
More of these victories are expected in the future given the recent rulings by the Supreme Court.

edit on 2-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 05:07 AM
This is good to hear. Really good to hear!

Maya was one of the first caught up in this kind of Trans Lawfare waged against women in particular. Much of her funds were raised by crowdfunding and grassroots fundraisers by women's groups. It was an uphill battle but an important battle.

What a sweet win.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight
"inclusive workplace' except for when you don't go along with the strict narrative. At least the court win is a step in the right direction

Don't forget that words have lost their meanings or their meanings have been twisted. This is what the gender ideology is trying to do. They will either come up with a new meaningless word or twist the meaning of existing words such as


Every new word will be ammunition used to attack anyone who doesn't agree with the gender ideology

edit on 2-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Well done Maya.... lets hope more of this Gender rubbish gets thrown out of Society and we can all stop being bombarded with this weird ideology!

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 05:35 AM

originally posted by: WorldxGonexMad
a reply to: AlienBorg

Well done Maya.... lets hope more of this Gender rubbish gets thrown out of Society and we can all stop being bombarded with this weird ideology!

More and more people are becoming aware of this weird ideology and the demands made on its name. I hope the Supreme Court rules it's unconstitutional at one point in time.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
This is good to hear. Really good to hear!

Maya was one of the first caught up in this kind of Trans Lawfare waged against women in particular. Much of her funds were raised by crowdfunding and grassroots fundraisers by women's groups. It was an uphill battle but an important battle.

What a sweet win.

Really good news women are getting involved. It answers on of the strawman arguments made where they say it's only men who care about this subject. But we all know it's false just as everything else they claim.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Really good news women are getting involved. It answers on of the strawman arguments made where they say it's only men who care about this subject. But we all know it's false just as everything else they claim.

It's all part of their lie. Women have been fighting this since the gitgo. They've been harassed, intimidated, fired, de-platformed, and verbally and physically attacked. I'm very happy to see so many men stepping up to the plate now, but I'd have more respect if they had stepped up sooner.

It never should have gotten this far.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: AlienBorg

Really good news women are getting involved. It answers on of the strawman arguments made where they say it's only men who care about this subject. But we all know it's false just as everything else they claim.

It's all part of their lie. Women have been fighting this since the gitgo. They've been harassed, intimidated, fired, de-platformed, and verbally and physically attacked. I'm very happy to see so many men stepping up to the plate now, but I'd have more respect if they had stepped up sooner.

It never should have gotten this far.

Strongly agree with you.
Remember Riley Gaines?! She has become an iconic figure for women's rights and for women's sports. This is the athlete who has spoken against the trans-lobby in female sports.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Riley Gaines has the heart of a lioness! Total respect for her.

But there were many more before Riley. They even tried to cancel JK Rowling ("Harry Potter" author) and Olympic medalist Sharron Davies! It didn't work, but they tried.

But I understand why so few are aware that it's been happening and for how long it's been happening... that's the whole point of cancel culture, eh? The Trans Activists don't want the public to know just how many people -- women in particular -- are opposed to their tyranny.

This is a recent article about it --

UN calls out intimidation of gender-critical feminists

This one is from 2021 --

The quiet cancellations

Here's one from February 2020 (just before the Coronapocalypse broke out) --

On the Left, a New Clash Between Feminists and Transgender Activists

This is from back in 2018 --

Twitter 'bans women against trans ideology', say feminists

This last one is from 2014, before cancel culture took hold, but demonstrates that (contrary to conventional wisdom) many Feminists have been opposed to those parts of Trans Activism that demand "inclusivity" in women's spaces --

What Is a Woman?

I should note that likewise, there have always been members of the LGB that don't want to be included with the T. There is even a group called "LGB Drop The T". Folks in Britain started the LGB Alliance for those who could no longer align with Stonewall because of their advocacy for Trans ideology and activism. More recently, we have "Gays Against Groomers," also fighting this crap. I was heartened this morning when I saw this:

LGBTQ influencer condemns sleazy nude antics of some marchers at Pride parades and says 'Like, since when is that okay sis? Because it's not!

edit on 2-7-2023 by Boadicea because: Fixed link

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: AlienBorg

Riley Gaines has the heart of a lioness! Total respect for her.

But there were many more before Riley. They even tried to cancel JK Rowling ("Harry Potter" author) and Olympic medalist Sharron Davies! It didn't work, but they tried.

But I understand why so few are aware that it's been happening and for how long it's been happening... that's the whole point of cancel culture, eh? The Trans Activists don't want the public to know just how many people -- women in particular -- are opposed to their tyranny.

This is a recent article about it --

UN calls out intimidation of gender-critical feminists

This one is from 2021 --

The quiet cancellations

Here's one from February 2020 (just before the Coronapocalypse broke out) --

On the Left, a New Clash Between Feminists and Transgender Activists

This is from back in 2018 --

Twitter 'bans women against trans ideology', say feminists

This last one is from 2014, before cancel culture took hold, but demonstrates that (contrary to conventional wisdom) many Feminists have been opposed to those parts of Trans Activism that demand "inclusivity" in women's spaces --

What Is a Woman?

I should note that likewise, there have always been members of the LGB that don't want to be included with the T. There is even a group called "LGB Drop The T". Folks in Britain started the LGB Alliance for those who could no longer align with Stonewall because of their advocacy for Trans ideology and activism. More recently, we have "Gays Against Groomers," also fighting this crap. I was heartened this morning when I saw this:

LGBTQ influencer condemns sleazy nude antics of some marchers at Pride parades and says 'Like, since when is that okay sis? Because it's not!

I know J.K Rowling and Kathleen Stock. I don't think there's anyone out there who hasn't watched What is a woman? Metaphorically speaking. If you're interested in this topic the movie is a must.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

I don't think there's anyone out there who hasn't watched What is a woman? Metaphorically speaking.

I have watched Matt Walsh's "What is a Woman?" Excellent documentary.

But the link above isn't a link to the film. My link refers to a Feminist conference held in 2014, looooong before Matt Walsh got involved and made the documentary.

On May 24th, a few dozen people gathered in a conference room at the Central Library, a century-old Georgian Revival building in downtown Portland, Oregon, for an event called Radfems Respond. The conference had been convened by a group that wanted to defend two positions that have made radical feminism anathema to much of the left. First, the organizers hoped to refute charges that the desire to ban prostitution implies hostility toward prostitutes. Then they were going to try to explain why, at a time when transgender rights are ascendant, radical feminists insist on regarding transgender women as men, who should not be allowed to use women’s facilities, such as public rest rooms, or to participate in events organized exclusively for women.

I understand the confusion though. No one heard about the women asking the same thing and making the same arguments. When women asked, "What is a woman?", they were ignored and canceled... when a man asks, "What is a woman?", they are lauded and praised.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: AlienBorg

I don't think there's anyone out there who hasn't watched What is a woman? Metaphorically speaking.

I have watched Matt Walsh's "What is a Woman?" Excellent documentary.

But the link above isn't a link to the film. My link refers to a Feminist conference held in 2014, looooong before Matt Walsh got involved and made the documentary.

On May 24th, a few dozen people gathered in a conference room at the Central Library, a century-old Georgian Revival building in downtown Portland, Oregon, for an event called Radfems Respond. The conference had been convened by a group that wanted to defend two positions that have made radical feminism anathema to much of the left. First, the organizers hoped to refute charges that the desire to ban prostitution implies hostility toward prostitutes. Then they were going to try to explain why, at a time when transgender rights are ascendant, radical feminists insist on regarding transgender women as men, who should not be allowed to use women’s facilities, such as public rest rooms, or to participate in events organized exclusively for women.

I understand the confusion though. No one heard about the women asking the same thing and making the same arguments. When women asked, "What is a woman?", they were ignored and canceled... when a man asks, "What is a woman?", they are lauded and praised.

Thanks for clarifying.
I strongly agree with these women when they

insist on regarding transgender women as men, who should not be allowed to use women’s facilities, such as public rest rooms, or to participate in events organized exclusively for women.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

The decision by the Supreme Court is sound. It's not a suprise as it is in agreement with the majority of the people in this country. Live and let live...and disagree as much you want but don't try to enforce your ideas into everyone else.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 01:10 PM

Woman who lost job after tweeting view on biological sex awarded £100,000

Award follows tribunal ruling that Maya Forstater was unfairly discriminated against because of her gender-critical beliefs

A researcher who lost her job at a thinktank after tweeting that transgender women could not change their biological sex has been awarded more than £100,000 in compensation by an employment tribunal

Just a comment about the way the left wing press is presenting the story.

Maya Forstater doesn't have a view on biological sex. She has stated a fact that even a grade 7 student knows (who hasn't been indoctrinated by woke staff)

It's not possible to change your sex. Fact

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 05:11 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: AlienBorg

Riley Gaines has the heart of a lioness! Total respect for her.

But there were many more before Riley. They even tried to cancel JK Rowling ("Harry Potter" author) and Olympic medalist Sharron Davies! It didn't work, but they tried.

But I understand why so few are aware that it's been happening and for how long it's been happening... that's the whole point of cancel culture, eh? The Trans Activists don't want the public to know just how many people -- women in particular -- are opposed to their tyranny.

This is a recent article about it --

UN calls out intimidation of gender-critical feminists

This one is from 2021 --

The quiet cancellations

Here's one from February 2020 (just before the Coronapocalypse broke out) --

On the Left, a New Clash Between Feminists and Transgender Activists

This is from back in 2018 --

Twitter 'bans women against trans ideology', say feminists

This last one is from 2014, before cancel culture took hold, but demonstrates that (contrary to conventional wisdom) many Feminists have been opposed to those parts of Trans Activism that demand "inclusivity" in women's spaces --

What Is a Woman?

I should note that likewise, there have always been members of the LGB that don't want to be included with the T. There is even a group called "LGB Drop The T". Folks in Britain started the LGB Alliance for those who could no longer align with Stonewall because of their advocacy for Trans ideology and activism. More recently, we have "Gays Against Groomers," also fighting this crap. I was heartened this morning when I saw this:

LGBTQ influencer condemns sleazy nude antics of some marchers at Pride parades and says 'Like, since when is that okay sis? Because it's not!

Interesting articles you linked.
I was reading the one about quiet cancellations and I am not surprised at all activists want to cancel events that don't serve their values and narratives. They believe in cancelling events, people, ideas. That's all good until society has enough and cancels them altogether.
edit on 4-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 05:28 AM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: Boadicea
This is good to hear. Really good to hear!

Maya was one of the first caught up in this kind of Trans Lawfare waged against women in particular. Much of her funds were raised by crowdfunding and grassroots fundraisers by women's groups. It was an uphill battle but an important battle.

What a sweet win.

Really good news women are getting involved. It answers on of the strawman arguments made where they say it's only men who care about this subject. But we all know it's false just as everything else they claim.

this is the issues the uk and us are separated by so little yet so much. i think of it as a modern reformation, one is a continental style one happening i the USA and the other is an English style one in the uk..

I'm English i have Irish catholic family who see me as protestant and continental protestants who see me as catholic.. and an American stream who see me as non Christian..

so it makes sense that posie parker and matt walsh cant see eye to eye as there are 2 very different dynamics in play but understanding the very different but similar reformations in motion is really interesting.

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 05:37 AM
in terms of recent cases the one against the arts council furthered the issue with them losing the case but claiming a win, it seems losing is the modern win..

the arts council case adds vicarious liability to employer responsibility for this topic..

so lots of precedents being set in English law, there are a few more waiting that'll add more depth to the precedents already set..

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