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The Mysterious Origins of the Nimitz UFO Video

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posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: mirageman

So does this mean he was a CIA agent while he was in the Air Force and/or NM Police? If so, when exactly?

I don’t have a clue.

But you are right. It is vague, and I was wrong. It wasn’t Hal or Kit who told him this. But I did denote it was secondhand.
And we don’t know whether the subject is in the Colm book or Colm telling him personally about Doty.
No big thing.

This subject, ufology in general, is always at least vague and depends on second and third-hand testimonials pretty regularly.
And Vallee’s FS books are plagued by a lot of off-handed remarks, such as we are discussing.
( persons and happenings) we discuss.

Though there are instances of CIA agents or contact clandestine agents inside organizations outside of the CIA. Clay Shaw, the only person charged with the JFKs murder, though acquitted, is a prime example of this.

Their not necessarily CIA agents, though they have had agents clandestinely inside organizations, without a doubt.

Doty could have been one of those types if he was one.

They have had, for example, whole companies CIA controlled.

So the idea Doty was a CIA agent or a contact is very possible.

edit on 18-7-2023 by introufo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2024 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: introufo

I am new to this forum, but not the topic. This probably isn't the best first post as it will likely paint me as a bit of a conspiracist and I'm normally far from that. But you mention that you "would go on the side of the operation to create ufo obsession in the public" but don't know why.

I would suggest that IF there is some sort of official disinfo or infiltration campaign going on now, the community may want to consider that the campaigns may not be only or primarily about the UAP community.

The campaigns may, in fact, be a much larger honey pot operation designed to identify citizens prone to conspiratorial and/or anti-government thinking as a means of creating a database of people who are credulous and suggestible to this type of messaging.

No doubt there may be other many other motives and players at play, but we shouldn't believe this is the only community being targeted just because it is the community we participate in.

I would dig into Palintir and similar companies who are most definitely willing and able to run these types of data-harvesting campaigns. look at their early investors, this becomes more telling.

Peter Thiel: Co-founder of Palantir and a key investor.

In-Q-Tel: The venture arm of the CIA, which invested in Palantir's early stages.

Founders Fund: A venture capital firm co-founded by Peter Thiel.

RRE Ventures: An American venture capital firm.

Palintir is known as the company that found Bin Laden. They did this by harvesting tons if data and looking for patterns in that data. Their involvement in Bin Laden might be overstated. But their ability to ingest massive quantities of data and make that data actionable is not. Certainly not in 2024.

The CIA was an early investor. And if you look at a lot of the "new media" that is helping to promote the Grusch nonsense, most of them have known ties to Thiel.

I am not suggesting that Palintir played a role in the 2007 leak of the video. Clearly they did not. But I would not be surprised AT ALL if they were involved in building a database of suggestible citizens for the CIA and other agencies.

Think about it like this... if you are the CIA or other intelligence agency and you need to shift public opinion about a topic at some point in the future, a database of gullible, credulous and suggestive people is EXACTLY what you would need. These are the people most easily swayed by disinfo campaigns AND they are the most easily targeted because they are active participants on online communities.

A database of these people is INSANELY valuable for an intelligence agency.

Q-Anon, anti-vax groups, alien believers, etc... all target-rich environments. Spinning up outlandish stories to drive traffic to those communities grows your database.

Someone with more time, resources and investigative experience should look into this. I'm confident there will be something there worth learning that moves beyond UAP community disinfo.

posted on Jan, 9 2024 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: HoneyPotMop

The campaigns may, in fact, be a much larger honey pot operation designed to identify citizens prone to conspiratorial and/or anti-government thinking as a means of creating a database of people who are credulous and suggestible to this type of messaging.

Think about it like this... if you are the CIA or other intelligence agency and you need to shift public opinion about a topic at some point in the future, a database of gullible, credulous and suggestive people is EXACTLY what you would need. These are the people most easily swayed by disinfo campaigns AND they are the most easily targeted because they are active participants on online communities.

Not this crowd. Here at Abovetopsecret, we deny ignorance.

A database of these people is INSANELY valuable for an intelligence agency.

Between all the data the NSA has collected and the power of advanced software to analyze it, ATS is loosing it's appeal as far as data collection goes.

Regardless, there is a never ending demand for all types of government assets, and social media does help provide a selection pool, along with valuable information that can be used to influence and steer behavior, so you are probably right in some regards.

edit on 9-1-2024 by IndieA because: Added info

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