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When did we start hating children?

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posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Some kids are raised in a very structured environment.

Other kids are raised by the internet in a single parent home.

The difference in these kids is night and day.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: SigmaXSquared

the daycare generation?

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 04:21 PM
What changed over the years is that parents can't/won't establish boundaries for their kids, so some businesses reacted by banning children since it's a much easier policy to enforce than banning bad parenting. I have no qualms with kids, they're new here and don't know any better. Parents on the other hand...

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Yes! I was raised in the late 50s-60s Two parent families with only one working was the norm. Sometime around my teen years, the Pill became a thing, and Women's Liberation. Abortion wasn't far behind and suddenly, Mom was in the workforce. Then LBJ came along and paid women to kick dad out and get a check from Uncle Sugar instead. It wasn't long until the war on poverty became the bullet that finally executed the American family.

We see the foolishness of it all today. Because instead of the one troublemaking kid on the block back in the 50s, who's Mom was divorced and working and raising him or her alone, now they all are! It's the norm!

Feral humans. Those not raised successfully by the state, who are robots instead.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Mark Twain had a story about children.

he said, "When a child is young, place him in a barrel and cover it, leaving only a hole for food. When the child turns 16. . . . plug the damned hole."

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 12:46 AM
It's not so much hating children as much as not glorifying them.

Parents bull$#!+ themselves into believing:

"Being a parent is the hardest/most satisfying job."
"The children are our future."
"My child is a miracle/special."

The individual (self) is priority. They tell you that on the plane. Put your oxygen mask on before assisting the child.

Children are put on a pedestal as a means to push the abstract idea of safety.

I can get you to buy this expensive paint because it dries so fast and has low VOC, that you can paint the room in the morning and have your kids sleep in it by night.

I can get you to invade Iraq by saying that newborn babies are being pulled from their incubators and left on the floor.

I can get you to give up your second amendment rights because of school shootings.

Riddle me this, is it more selfish to want children or to not want children?

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 05:37 AM
i live in a touristy place and never found the kiddies to be anything but kiddies..

its like i never saw a single person having a hissy fit during the various lockdowns about masks or social distancing..

I've also not seen a *cough* karen in real life.

i feel kids of today face the same crushing factors that my generation did, in the 70s that is gen x to americans, both caught between extreme tankies and civil rights movements trying to socially engineer a new world through negative world views, which'll push them to the right not left.

from what i've seen the rejection of the current cultural attitudes is already setting in.. kiddies can see just how corrupt the world is and the green death cults will lose their appeal to more positive outlooks.

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 06:36 AM
I agree with what has been said here a few times: the problem is the new generation of parents, not the kids... but the kids become a problem by how they are raised.

I don't really hate kids (but I'm glad that my own daughter doesn't want any!)

I rather not have parents bring their kids into my store. They touch everything, break things, make things dirty with their sticky ice cream hands. At one point one drew on my tv screens!!!
They run around the store, bothering other people, screaming! Make me want to grab them and scream STFU, SIT DOWN AND BEHAVE YOURSELF!!! because most of the new parents certainly won't do that!

When I behaved like that as a kid my mother would've smacked me half unconscious

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
KIDS have not changed, it’s the parents!!!!
Parents are so inept these days and have zero control over their kids. (I’m generalizing) Maybe some of it is because the government and doo-gooders reporting every discipline as child abuse (while actual child abuse never gets reported). There have been many times I’ve been in a store and have wanted to give a kid a good pop on the rear! I’ve heard an elementary school kid call his mom a “stupid b*tch” for not buying him a candy bar, and was met with zero reaction. OK, Maybe kids are different, how many kids have ADD, ADHD, emotional, personal, problems. Maybe parents haven’t had the tools to be good parents. Maybe the parents have some of the same issues as their kids (ADD ADHD, etc)

Personally, in my opinion, it all boils down to one simple thing...

Both adults and children eating an unnatural, extremely unhealthy, even toxic, diet.

Highly processed chemical concoctions masquerading as food, full of unnatural toxic seed oils, grains, etc etc...

As for the kids - the above PLUS gobs and gobs of sugar is what is driving the pandemic of ADD/ADHD nonsense, and more importantly, the pandemic of prescription drugs being shoved down their throats by those who ware supposed to be protecting them.

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Personally, in my opinion, it all boils down to one simple thing... Both adults and children eating an unnatural, extremely unhealthy, even toxic, diet.

I actually think this does play a large part, not 100%.
Most don’t know this but at a lot of higher end private schools and even Montessori schools for the younger kids, they only allow certain foods. No red dye. They focus on wholesome, nutritious whole food. (At least it used to be like that)
I know some schools overseas like Korea and Japan feed their kids unbelievable healthy yet delicious lunches.

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

depending on which metrics i read i live in the poorest part of southern england or poorsest 5% of england, and while i hate the poor quality of food and the abundance of ultra processed rubbish being sold and [people buy i don't see the anger frustration or stuff i see reported elsewhere or that your reporting. i'm also struggling to see the cost of living crisis in people's lives including my own kids, people appear to be spending/having fun in line with an economically better period than the media present.

from that perspective i'm really not sure what is happening in the world but there is something seriously wrong somewhere, or we are teetering on the brink, i can't help but think its the latter and its not filtered through to here in the same way the anger during covid didn't materialise..

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 11:33 AM
When I was a child, my mother would always point to a door and say "that's the dungeon where they send bad kids."
And I was always raised to never make a fuss in public or else. I never even used a squirt gun at home, like, a dollar store little squirt gun because it was disrespectful. Never put staples or tape for posters on the walls or anything.

I can totally understand adult only resorts though. I was on a honeymoon resort in Jamaica and nobody wants to hear children crying. Although we did have to see adults fighting in a pool over a game of whatever type of badminton that has a net in a pool... Idiots...

I know these paragraphs are discongruent, but we are not failing children as a people. We are failing them through society. Not local society, national society. Our eyes light up and we remember what imagination can be when we interact with our children. We remember a sandbox can be a world of our making. Castles can be swept away, absurdity always rules in the end until the next kid comes along with either a more powerful army or a stronger idea.

Sometimes you gotta realize the world is changing faster than you. And that becomes more true with each coming generation. Adaptation is essential. They'll learn like we all did, with our respective times.

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: tanstaafl

Most don’t know this but at a lot of higher end private schools and even Montessori schools for the younger kids, they only allow certain foods. No red dye. They focus on wholesome, nutritious whole food. (At least it used to be like that)
I know some schools overseas like Korea and Japan feed their kids unbelievable healthy yet delicious lunches.

Maybe in some places... we had ours in 2 different Montessori schools, both of them fed them almost all junk...

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Maybe in some places... we had ours in 2 different Montessori schools, both of them fed them almost all junk...

I don’t know if they are franchised or not. I know the ones I’m familiar with were unbelievably strict with food.
No red dye, no nitrates, etc.

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