posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 12:52 PM
I thought my husband was the only one to claim that his smoking kept him from getting the virus -
He worked through most of the lockdown, taking buses to and from his place of employment, and I worried constantly about him being exposed to the
homeless, etc., in the Newark NJ bus terminal daily.
However, he was fine, as was I, and he always thanked his smoking habit - But, shortly after he left that job, he had an artery bypass for clotting
issues in his left leg, a groin to groin bypass.
He was fine for 3 months, then had emergency 5 hour surgery for blood clots in his right leg. They had to open up the groin bypass and cleaned out
his arteries in both legs, leaving him with minimal walking abilities from the knees down, in both legs. Presently in physical therapy, which may or
may not help him.
He was forced to get the vaccine because of his job, and now my question is always, Did that vaccine cause this?
He is not that old, and I know he was a smoker, but if we could go back he would never have gotten that vaccine.